I Really Didn’t Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World

Chapter 113 - lot: No More Opportunities 1

Chapter 113: Chapter lot: No More Opportunities 1

Translator: 549690339???????????????? —

After a busy time, the ribbon-cutting ceremony comes to an end, followed by a lively banquet.

Chris Owen and the provincial and municipal leaders didn’t participate, as they left after the ribbon-cutting. The remaining people were from the entertainment industry or various fields of culture and entertainment.

There were newly debuted artists, many heads of talent agencies, some middle and high-level leaders of online live streaming platforms, as well as TV station and major entertainment resource promotion company heads.

During the banquet, these people took the opportunity to greet Harrison Clark. Harrison Clark didn’t deliberately act pretentious and warmly welcomed everyone.

Nowadays, his memory is strong, so even with a short conversation and a glance at the exchanged business cards, he can remember people.

Harrison Clark accepted the apology of the newly appointed director of Spotify Top’s copyright department and reopened space for cooperation with Spotifv Top.

Of course, Spotify Top paid a heavy price, offering a Tire 1 Contract with full dominance by the copyright holder.

Harrison Clark’s cooperation with No. 1 Fly has not been terminated.

Including the upcoming simultaneous release of new albums on both platforms, Harrison Clark’s resources will be fully open and synchronized across multiple platforms from now on.

Exclusive authorization would only be resumed if someone else’s offer is very attractive.

Small companies and individuals still rely on platforms that control channel resources. Full platform release is usually a treatment that only top artists and giant companies can enjoy. Summit Ventures starts at a high point and gets it right away.

After all the socializing scattered, only friends were left, and everyone could finally chat more casually.

Leah Clark took a blank white CD from her bag, handed it to Harrison Clark across the table, and said, “Mr. Clark, this is a copy of my new album’s master. Please listen to it when you have time and give me some advice.”

Harrison Clark smiled and accepted the CD, “You and Mr. Owen are going to release an album together tomorrow, it’s too late for advice now. You are so skilled, Leah, I wouldn’t dare give you advice.”

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Leah shook her head, “You’re never too old to learn. Your wise words, Mr. Clark, are always useful.”

Adam Martin, who had a good relationship with Avril Green’s agent Bella Ross, also started to make a scene, “Our Jenny needs Mr. Clark’s guidance too!” Harrison Clark was almost choked by this guy’s shrill voice.

It’s hard to tell if his feminine voice is natural or deliberately pinched.

If he had dealt with these social situations on his own, he might have become very accommodating to save face.

Fortunately, things are different now, and he has a spokesperson, Julia Lambert.

Julia Lambert stood up, “First of all, I want to thank Leah for cooperating with our plan by also choosing to release her new album tomorrow. Mr. Clark will definitely listen to the album when he has time. Even if he forgets, I will remind him. In the future, if anyone wants in-depth cooperation, you can talk to me first. As everyone knows, Mr. Clark is very focused when creating, so he often forgets to eat when he gets busy, and doesn’t know the life of a normal person.”

By the way, let me introduce the second artist signed to North Pole Entertainment: Lucy Haywood! From now on, Mr. Clark will help Lucy produce an outstanding debut album, so he will be quite busy.”

Lucy Haywood, who had been sitting in the corner, happily stood up.

Harrison Clark turned to Ward Owen as if to kill him with his eyes.

Harrison Clark lowered his voice, “What are you guys up to?”

Ward Owen looked puzzled, “Master, isn’t Lucy your favorite demo singer? Julia and I thought you would definitely approve of her, so we took the liberty of signing her too. Can’t just rely on me to be the company’s top artist, right?” Harrison Clark thought about it and agreed, but recalling Lucy’s eccentric temper, he couldn’t help but feel a headache.

Fortunately, people grow up, and the situation has changed today. Lucy knew that Harrison Clark’s status and influence had changed, so she restrained herself a lot and changed a lot.

She only bowed repeatedly to show gratitude for her boss’s cultivation and for her seniors’ support.

Seeing this, Harrison Clark no longer questioned the arrangement and thought it was a good one.

Lucy’s voice is very unique, with a postmodern flavor, making her very talented.

Harrison Clark can find suitable songs in the future, and may create some cutting-edge exploration by bringing back some classic 22nd-century songs. Compared to Carrie Thomas, Lucy is a blank canvas that Harrison Clark can change her destiny without any scruples.

After dinner, Harrison Clark and Carrie Thomas got into Ward Owen’s car to return to Weston Apartments.

From the co-pilot seat, Ward Owen casually spoke up, “Master, Carrie, I have a suggestion. While it’s fine that Master stays behind the scenes, Carrie’s fame is growing. If someone caught wind that you and Carrie still live together, it might not be good. Although we all know the ins and outs, reporters focus on attracting attention, regardless of the truth, and scandals could spread.””It doesn’t matter what others say; the important thing is the work.”

Harrison Clark and Carrie Thomas said in unison, surprisingly.

Ward Owen in front of them suddenly fell silent.

The two people in the back row laughed and seemed quite at ease.

Back in the room, Carrie Thomas didn’t go upstairs but walked directly into Harrison’s suite and sat on the sofa, “Shall we talk?”

“What about?”

“About how annoying you are.”

Harrison Clark: “Huh?”

I wanted to start a company with you before, but you were not interested. So I thought you really weren’t interested. Now look at you, quietly working with Ward Owen to create a big scene, and even digging up Susan’s brother. Is this how you forget about old love when you find a new one? Do you think I’m not as good as Ward Owen?”

Harrison Clark gulped down his saliva.

That sounded very strange!

“No, I didn’t mean that! I’m just too lazy to manage, and I wouldn’t do well in managing a company. Ward Owen has existing resources, so I just wanted to take advantage of them.”

Seeing his slightly nervous look, Carrie Thomas laughed.

“I was joking with you; I’m not mad. But for the next thing I’m going to say, you have to agree.”

“Let’s hear it.”

“I want to join your company, too. I’ve thought about it, and it’s going to be difficult to repay you five million dollars, so the simplest way is to help you make money. The top artist of your company should not be Ward Owen; it should be me. Think about it, when you expand into overseas markets in the future and bring your promotion brochures with your own artists. Putting Ward’s round, chubby face on top, what would people think when they see it at first glance?”

Harrison Clark imagined the scene and did feel a little goosebumped.


“Now look at me.” Carrie Thomas stood up, deliberately showing off her curves, gently flipping her hair and laughing, “What if it’s my picture?”

“Absolutely perfect.”


Harrison Clark began to ponder.

Carrie Thomas, however, got up and found Harrison’s Welson Guitar from the corner, trying to tune it, “Don’t you think I’ve become more confident?”

Harrison Clark was puzzled, “A little, what’s up?”

“I am indeed more confident now, but not because of the fame ‘Boring’ and ‘A Dull Life’ have brought me, nor because I wrote the lyrics of ‘The Fire.’ Listen to my new song. This is my first real, complete and independent creation! Please listen, ‘Self-Combustion’.”

Her fingertips brushed the guitar strings, and the sound of the guitar rang out.

It was a melody Harrison Clark had never heard before.

Harrison Clark was dumbfounded on the spot.


What are you doing?

An accompanying performance on guitar?

Have the lyrics and composition all been completed?

If you play it while straddling my face, doesn’t that mean I have nothing to plagiarize?

His breathing became heavier.

His admiration for Carrie Thomas in his heart soared once again.

It’s terrifying, this uncontrollable prodigy!

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