I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 101 Next Step

The two of them walked to meet Saeldir. But Erend was a little surprised because Aurdis instead walked towards the room where the Magic shield core was located.

"Saeldir has been in that place lately," Aurdis said. "He's a very careful Elf. He doesn't want to be missed again and have the Magic shield core damaged by anyone again."

"Isn't that room always guarded?" Erend asked.

Aurdis pursed her lips and shrugged. She looked at Erend with a certain expression.

"Saeldir doesn't believe them," Erend concluded.

Aurdis made a bitter smile. "Yes."

Erend nodded in understanding. Saeldir does seem to have that kind of vibe. Then he thought about it, he always does things with careful consideration.

Even when they had to go to Mount Calamity, Saeldir had prepared a hidden place so they could directly teleport to the mountain.

Saeldir said he prepared the place by marking it first when he visited there. He has good vision because he already predicts that he will return there sometime in the future and leave his mark.

Such people are indeed very careful and prudent. It's only natural for him to become an Archmage among the Elves.

But such people are usually also very close to the paranoid area. Erend always felt that Saeldir had many things on his mind that he couldn't say or didn't want to say.

Erend thought Saeldir was too careful to express what was on his mind because he had a hard time trusting other people.

Well, Erend didn't mind that. With the current state of the Elf palace, it was only natural for him not to trust anyone.

Soon they arrived in front of the Magic shield core room. Aurdis knocked on the door several times and waited.

The door suddenly opened by itself and they saw Saeldir sitting beside the Magic shield core reading a book. He didn't look up to see them as soon as they entered.

The door also closed and locked by itself. Saeldir didn't even appear to be doing anything.

Aurdis and Erend walked towards him and sat in front of him.

"What?" Saeldir asked without taking his eyes off the wide pages he was reading.

"We want to talk about something very important," Aurdis said. "Erend saw the traitor last night."

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Aurdis' words finally made Saeldir raise his gaze at them.

"Explain," Saeldir said curtly. But the look in his eyes said that he was quite curious.

Aurdis looked at Erend to leave him the business to explain everything.

Erend nodded curtly towards Aurdis. After that, Erend started to explain everything. About how he met the Elf and didn't forget to explain how the Elf attacked him and then disappeared.

Saeldir's brows furrowed when he heard Erend's explanation. Even before Erend finished explaining everything, Saeldir already seemed to understand something.

"You remember the black-robed figure we met in Mount Calamity?" Saeldir asked Erend.

"Of course." Erend already knew that Saeldir would quickly understand everything.

He just waited as the Elf stroked his beard thoughtfully.

p "All this was planned by them. I still don't dare to confirm the exact number of them. And that is a problem," Saeldir said after a while.

Then Saeldir looked at Erend. "Have you told this to Aerchon?"

"Not yet," Erend replied.

Saeldir nodded as if relieved. "That is good. I'm not sure how that idiot will react."

Erend blinked a few times hearing what Saeldir said. Then he turned to Aurdis with a look that seemed to say 'Did he really just say that?'

Aurdis returned Erend's gaze with an equally surprised look. But they didn't say anything.

Meanwhile, Saeldir didn't see their reaction as he looked the other way and was busy thinking about what he should do next.

A few moments later he said. "We still don't know what they want. That's bad because we don't know what they are going to do next. You said he created a Magic circle?"

Erend nodded. "Yes."

"Did you see a certain symbol on the magic circle?"

Erend narrowed his eyes and furrowed his brow. His mind drifted back to that night when the Elf figure was standing in the darkness and a magic circle started to form in front of him.

At that time Erend was too focused on the Elf so he didn't pay much attention to the magic circle. He only thought of the magic circle as something bad but never really paid attention to it.

But now when Erend replayed his memory, he could recall something that appeared in the center of the circle.

"I saw something that looked like a crescent moon and something with three sharp edges in the middle," Erend said.

Upon hearing that, Saeldir and Aurdis' eyes widened instantly. Even their mouths were slightly open as if adding to the obvious shock on their faces.

They didn't say anything for a while. Until finally Erend realized their reaction was quite suspicious.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Erend asked while looking at the two of them in turn.

Saeldir and Aurdis exchanged glances.

"Could it be..." Aurdis said.

"Maybe," Saeldir replied.

Then Saeldir took a piece of paper and used a quill to draw something on it. After a while, Saeldir lifted the paper and showed it to Erend.

"Did you see this symbol?"

In the drawing, there is a crescent moon symbol. Behind the crescent was another symbol shaped like a dagger blade with a strange curve. There are three of them.

The three blades of the dagger aimed at three different sides. Right, left, and down.

Erend nodded. "More or less."

Saeldir put the paper back on the table with a loud sigh.

"Most likely, we're dealing with the Dark Elf," Saeldir said.

Aurdis gasped in disbelief. Her hands are intertwined in front of her chest. The expression on Aurdis' face was full of fear.

Meanwhile, Erend who didn't understand anything frowned.

"Dark Elves?" Erend asked. "Is that some kind of distant relative of yours?"

"Technically, what you said is true. Dark Elf and us, are relatives that are far apart," Saeldir replied. "Because we were too far apart, we ended up becoming enemies."

Erend didn't understand what was going on. Of course, the problems in this fantasy world will involve many fantasy creatures as well. But there is one thing that Erend thinks is something very worrying.

"You guys have a lot of enemies, eh?" Erend said. "Even your relatives are against you."

Aurdis and Saeldir both had bitter facial expressions. There's a kind of dark history that they don't want to tell right now.

Erend could tell from their expressions. Erend was not surprised when he found out. Considering how arrogant and prideful attitudes the Elves had were matchless, it would be natural for many to generate hate towards them.

But maybe this all happened a long time ago. It is possible that their ancestors created those enemies and the current generation of Aurdis must face them.

Erend didn't really want to get involved in their troubles. But it seemed he had no choice.

When he saw Aurdis, she was like the eye of a storm. Everyone around her was Elves who were arrogant and would not tolerate other creatures. But Aurdis is different.

She is a good Elf girl. Erend felt that he couldn't leave Aurdis to endure all that trouble.

"What are you guys going to do next?" Erend asked.

Aurdis and Saeldir's faces still showed the same expression. But Saeldir spoke first.

"If indeed our enemies are Dark Elves, that explains everything. They have almost the same Magic power as us."

"But their Magic is dark?" Erend asked.

"Yeah." Saeldir nodded. "With that, they can do all this. Destroying the Magic shield core isn't easy. But if it's the Dark Elves, they can do it."

"Um, so?" Erend asked again.

Saeldir didn't answer right away. It took him a few seconds before finally spoke.

"The figure we suspect of being the Dark Elf will definitely try to do something again. He only knows that you caught him," Saeldir said while looking at Erend. "Maybe he'll try to kill you."

Erend just realized that he turned out to be an important eyewitness. Whoever the Elf was, he would try to silence him.

"You plan to use me as bait?" Erend asked.

"Yes. You don't need to worry. With your Dragon power, you won't be easily defeated," Saeldir replied.

"That sounds very evil," Aurdis replied.

"What? Make use of him as bait? Can't you see what he can do?" Saeldir looked at Aurdis.

Aurdis pursed her lips. Erend has the power of a Dragon and he can turn into a Dragon.

The Dark Elves were indeed strong. But could they possibly kill Erend so easily? Aurdis didn't think so.

But still, she had to think about Erend's feelings. Aurdis turned to Erend.

She found Erend smiling at her. "Don't worry. I'll be fine."

"I will also help you. As soon as the Dark Elf does something to you. I will come right away," Saeldir said.

"Wow, you want to help me when I'm in danger?" Erend looked at Saeldir.

"Don't get me wrong. I just wanted to catch that traitor Elf," Saeldir replied coldly.

Erend snorted.


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