I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 117 Unusual Transport

[ Daily Quest Completed! ]

[ Reward: 100 Exp. ]

[ You Leveled Up! ]

Erend didn't think that his Daily Quest would turn out like this.

What makes it unusual is not the difficulty level. This Daily Quest is not particularly difficult.

It's just, now there was another party involved. Erend started to feel that the Daily Quest he was doing was related to something.

Why was he given the Daily Quest when the adventurers were in the same place? And the Daily Quest was given just when they really needed help.

Actually, if Erend thought about it again, this wasn't the first time Erend had done the Daily Quest to save humans.

It was just that, on several previous occasions, Erend had been quite far from the humans he had to protect. So, they are not directly involved.

Daily Quests always take him to places where monster threats arise. Usually, he appears in human village areas that might be threatened by monsters.

'This Daily Quest isn't just about killing monsters.'

Erend returned to where the human adventurers were. Then he deactivated all his skills.

Erend's form now returns to the form of an ordinary human male. It's just that his clothes are no longer the all-white clothes of the Elves.

Rather military clothing is available in the bunker.

"How are you guys?" Erend asked as soon as he arrived at the adventurers' place.

Jan was lying on the ground. Annette is taking care of him by covering Jan's body with a bluish light that looks calming.

Esther and Hund were not seriously injured. So they just rest by leaning against a tree.

"He'll be all right," Annette said.

"Are you sure?" Erend looked at the wound on Jan's stomach which was quite wide.

If it was in his world, such a wound would have to require surgery so the victim wouldn't die.

"Yes. Don't worry. I can heal it," Annette replied calmly.

In n this world, you are just supposed to apply some healing Magic. Erend thought that it was very convenient.

If only he could use Magic in his original world. Everything must be so much better.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Instead, Erend and everyone else had to pay a heavy price for the treatment.

It's like, if you're poor, you shouldn't get sick. Because you will only cause trouble for your family who has to work hard to pay for medical expenses.

'I guess, a Dragon won't be able to use healing magic, right?'

That's quite unfortunate. Erend never doubted that his power was enough to destroy something.

But that power is not to heal or treat something. You can indeed use that power to protect others by fighting. But isn't healing other people's wounds and pain much better?

Erend thought so. When he saw Annette was finally able to close Jan's wound, Erend sighed.

It was a completely different sight from him who had just turned the monster that looked like a black child into small scattered pieces.

Jan breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Erend. "Thank you."

Erend just nodded.

"Uhhm, w-why can sir Dragon be here?" Annette looked at Erend with sparkling eyes. She even bit her lip nervously.

"Uhh, let's just say I heard you asking for help," Erend said. Yes, that sounds easier to accept.

Annette smiled brightly. Her smile seemed to make her entire face glow with joy.

"Thank you, sir Dragon," Annette said.

"Oh, don't call me that." Erend raised his hand low. "Just call me Erend."

Annette's eyes widened. Then she blinked rapidly several times.

"E-Erend, is that your name?"

Erend nodded curtly. He looked at all the party members who seemed fine. But they were still in the middle of a dense forest.

"Is there a village nearby?" Erend asked.

"No village for another seventy kilometers," Jan replied.

"Seventy kilometers?" Erend looked at Jan worriedly. "How are you guys going to take cover tonight? I'm not sure you guys can cover that long before nightfall."

Jan sighed. "Yeah, we're not sure either."

"Then where will you take refuge?" Erend asked.

"We're going back to the cave we used to shelter in earlier," Jan replied.

"I'm not sure that the forest is safe," Erend said in a serious tone.

"We'll keep watch. We'll take turns guarding around," Jan said.

"I don't think it's a good idea." Then Erend looked around. "You don't know what else is lurking in the shadows of this forest."

Jan is silent now. All of this happened because he had miscalculated.

Ever since entering this forest, Jan had always thought that it was impossible for a monster to attack.

Based on his knowledge, this forest area was very safe. The monsters in the Lifeless Forest will not go outside the forest boundary.

Jan didn't know what had happened either. Where did the monster come from? Jan couldn't remember having encountered such a monster before.

"I'll take you guys to the village," Erend suddenly said.

The four adventurers immediately glanced at him.

"What do you mean?" Jan asked.

"Well, this might not be a great solution. But it's all I can think of right now to get you quickly to safety," Erend replied.

Jan, Esther, Annette, and Hund looked at each other in bewilderment.

But the confusion didn't last long because Erend immediately explained what he was going to do.

After hearing his explanation, the adventurers looked dumbfounded for a while. They don't know what to feel now. Afraid? Excited?

But among the four of them, Annette was the one who quickly mastered herself.

"Let's do it!" Annette said with enthusiasm and a smile on her face.

But Jan, Esther, and Hund still looked unsure.

"I don't know if this is safe or not," Erend admitted. "But it's the only thing I can think of to get you all out of here before nightfall."

Erend will take them by turning into a Dragon. With his giant body, Erend was pretty confident he could carry the four of them in his two hands.

It's not something safe. However, it felt much better than being still in this forest.

They can still survive the Shadowschilds. But they didn't know what else would emerge from the darkness. Especially when night falls.

In the end, they agree with Erend's idea. They look for a place where Erend can turn into a Dragon.

When they found it, Erend activated his transformation skill.

[ Skill activated: Fire Dragon Transformation (Lv.1) ]

Red light and heat spread out in all directions. Lowering shrubs and small trees.

Then the majestic figure stood towering in the middle of the forest.

Dragon - Erend then lowered his body and stretched out his two giant hands.

'Come on up,' Dragon - Erend said to Annette via telepathy.

The four of them were still stunned by Erend's change. For the first time in their lives, they saw firsthand how the transformation of a human into a Dragon.

It took a while for Annette to finally convey what Erend had said to her party members.

They climbed into the hands of Dragon - Erend.

The four of them were barely enough in the Dragon's two palms. So Erend warns them to be careful.

'Hold tight,' Erend said.

"He told us to hold on tight," Annette said to her three friends.

"You don't have to say that!" Esther held onto Dragon - Erend's finger with all her might. Because her life now depended on how hard she held on.

'I will fly now.'

"He's going to fly now!" Annette said with an excited smile on her face.

Annette's smile was in stark contrast to the frightened expressions of her friends.

Annette then explains which direction they should go. After that, Dragon - Erend flapped his two wings.

A wave of wind spread around and lifted his body upwards. Towards the clear sky.

"Waaaahhhh!!!" Annette screamed like a child getting a new toy. She looks very happy.

"Waaaahhhh!!!" But her three friends screamed like children who had been thrown into the abyss. They closed their eyes and tightened their grip. Hold on to dear life.

Dragon - Erend takes them flying fast. The four human adventurers had an experience that would probably never be repeated in their lives.

They flew through the clouds. Slowly Jan, Esther, and Hund opened their eyes. The magnificent sight from the air instantly made them forget their fears.

"Whoa." Jan couldn't even remember the pain he had just experienced in his stomach.

He gazed at the landscape of the forest and mountains below. Like a beautiful miniature of a cruel nature.

Jan was still having a hard time digesting what was happening to them now.

'Are we really flying with a Dragon?'

Jan looked back. Dragon - Erend' head looks very wonderful. Jan also just realized that there was a fire burning on his shoulder because he was too deep into shock and fear before.

Dragon - Erend continued to fly toward the north. After a few minutes at a steady pace, Annette could finally see a village.

"Over there!" Annette shouted.

Dragon - Erend stops and descends slowly. He landed in a forest not far from the village and dropped them off.

Erend deactivates his transformation.

"I have to go now," Erend said.

Annette wanted to say something, but the Portal was already open and Erend had immediately entered it.


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