I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 120 Starting The Journey

It was not yet bright when Aurdis woke up from her sleep. The sleep that Aurdis got last night couldn't be said to be long. In fact, it wasn't even half the time she was used to sleeping. But she still had to wake up.

"You want to go?" Elis, a human who chose to be here rather than come home with her human friends.

Elis woke up hearing Aurdis's rustle.

Aurdis flashed a regretful smile at Elis. But it couldn't be helped, she had to prepare up some things so the noise was inevitable.

Elis shook her head with a languid smile. Her smile looked lethargic because she had just woken up.

"It's okay," Elis said. "I knew you had to do something important."

At those words, Aurdis smiled faintly. Yes, she did have to do something important. The fate of her Elf kingdom depended on it. Because her big brother can't be too reliable in this situation.

Aurdis sometimes feels angry and frustrated at her own race. A race that is famous for their Magic power all over the world.

But because of that, they became an arrogant and prideful race. To the stage that they don't want to admit that they themselves are creatures far from perfect.

Aurdis shook her head. Trying to get rid of all those useless negative thoughts.

For now, what he needed wasn't cynicism about her own race. But focus on the task at hand.

Aurdis brought her finest jewelry. The Forest Elf Queen was very fond of jewelry. And with her carrying this, Aurdis hoped that she would be able to melt the Queen's heart more quickly.

But unfortunately, even though Aurdis was sure that he would get the Queen's approval, the real leader of the Forest Elves was the King of Forest Elves. In the end, Aurdis had to convince him.

"You have to go alone?" Elis asked.

Aurdis nodded without saying anything. Her mind was too full of things and she was also still picking out some jewelry she could take with her.

Elis pursed her lips. "I'm sorry. If I had the power like Erend, I would come with you."

After hearing her words, Aurdis looked up at Elis.

"It's alright," Aurdis said. "It's not your fault. You don't need to apologize. After all, this is all my race affair. You don't have to worry."

Elis in the end just kept quiet and helped Aurdis tidy up everything she had to bring.

Aurdis came out of her room a few minutes later. She was already wearing traveling clothes. No longer wearing the white dress she always wore.

Aurdis wore a dark green robe, and her shirt and breeches were dark browns.

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Aurdis wears a belt in the form of a silver strap around her waist. In addition, the Elf princess also wore a bracelet and a ring on each ring finger of her hands.

Everything Aurdis wearing now is pieces of equipment imbued with very powerful Magic.

Even though it looked like an ordinary adventurer's shabby clothes the clothes Aurdis was wearing had a better level of protection than the medium-quality Elf armor.

A small cloth bag was slung over her back. Bringing most of the things she will use for negotiations and provisions for days.

Of course, even that dark brown cloth bag was made with Magic. The bag could store items a hundred times its apparent size.

A necklace with a silver pentagram-shaped amulet hung around her neck. It was Saeldir's amulet.

Even though the amulet looks simple, its power and function are extraordinary.

Aurdis walked to the stable to pick up one common horse. Riding a Unicorn will only make her stand out even more on a journey she had to go on alone.

"(Are you ready?)" Saeldir was already standing there waiting for her.

He was facing Aurdis with his hands behind him. The look in his eyes on Aurdis conveyed concern.

A white stallion stood proudly next to Saeldir. The muscles of the stallion looked solid and his body looked the largest of all the horses here.

"(Yes,)" Aurdis answered while looking at the stallion. "(Such a dashing horse. This is your horse right?)"

Of"(Right,)" Saeldir replied with a proud smile. "(This is the fastest horse in the entire Elf kingdom. But of course it won't be as fast as a Unicorn. Unfortunately, a Unicorn will only make you easy to spot.)"

"(Yes, this is enough.)" Aurdis smiled with satisfaction.

Then she jumped up onto the stallion.

"(I will always watch over you. Don't worry,)" Saeldir said.

Aurdis nodded. "(I know. Please keep Elis safe here for me.)"

"(Of course.)" Saeldir nodded. "(Leave now. Be careful.)"

Realizing that they couldn't waste time, Aurdis and Saeldir couldn't linger in conversation.

After Aurdis nodded, the stallion started walking towards the back gate of the palace.

"(His name is Star,)" Saeldir said.

Aurdis looked back. "(The stallion?)"


Aurdis nodded. Then she lowered her head to whisper something to Star. After that, the gallant stallion shot straight toward the gate.

Saeldir smiled ushering Aurdis away. Then Saeldir let out a long breath.

Aurdis' departure is only the beginning of something big.

Especially now that Erend is no longer here. With his mysterious Dragon power, Erend has been of great help to them.

But now he's gone. If a big threat like before came again, then Saeldir wasn't sure what would happen.

Aurdis shot out through the back gate of the Elf palace. Her silver hair was blown back by the wind.

Her eyes were looking straight ahead. Didn't look in the slightest towards the Elf palace behind her.

Star the stallion's feet stomped the ground and blew dust.

A few moments later the light finally began to come shining on the surface of the world.

What Aurdis had to go through over the next few days was not difficult. She would only pass by paths and small, harmless forests.

However, she will encounter new difficulties after that. When she reached Grayfog Mountain.


Someone watched Aurdis leave from his bedroom window.

Coincidentally, his window faced the back gate of the palace.

He frowned at Aurdis who was getting further away.

'Where is she going so early?'

But by the clothes she was wearing, she could tell that Aurdis was going to have a long way to go.

This was a good chance to kill Aurdis. She went alone.

But a certain worried struck him.

Most likely she was also wearing strong protection.

So, he had to muster a lot of resources if he wanted to kill her.

In the end, he canceled his intention to kill Aurdis.

Especially now that he couldn't move carelessly to mobilize a lot of resources because he was preparing a plan to escape if something bad happen.

For now, it would be best if he sent a scout to follow Aurdis. At least that way he could know where the princess went and know what she was going to do next.


Erend and Billy have been allowed to go from the military base.

They were given an SUV car. The car was an official car that was given to several soldiers with a fairly high ranks.

Actually, they were each given one official car. But Billy and Erend both thought that driving different cars to the same place was not very efficient.

So they only use one car to go home together.

After all this time, the two of them finally exited the military base through the front gate.

Once they finally arrived at the bustling part of town, the atmosphere was immediately struck by Erend and Billy.

Everyone is doing their own activities. They all didn't look the least bit worried about whatever was happening outside the walls.

Erend and Billy are sure that they don't know, that thousands of people have died outside the walls so they can maintain their lifestyle every day.

Seeing this scene, Erend and Billy seemed to see a different world.

"We have to go to the cemetery first," Erend said.

"Yes. I did plan to go there," Billy replied.

Several soldiers were successfully brought back to the tomb inside the national capital.

Unfortunately, some others were not as lucky as them and had to be buried in nameless graves on the battlefield.

Erend and Billy plan to go to a cemetery that is dull and overgrown with weeds.

The government does not bother to spend money to clean the graves of criminals and poor people who died defending their country.

The truth made Erend and Billy furious. But again, they still couldn't protest too loudly.

The two of them intended to clear the weeds and vines in this grave first for a few days. They believe that Lt. Boartusk thought of the same idea.

However, once they arrived at the cemetery, they were greeted by a rather shocking sight.

They did not expect that there was a group of people who were cleaning the grave area.

They are of various ages. One of them was even a small child who was busy pulling weeds.

Suddenly, one of them noticed Erend and Billy's presence.

"Hey, do you guys come to clean up the cemetery?" A teenage girl asked with a smile on her face.


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