I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 128 Almost Human Inhabitants

Aurdis knew that if she killed them straight away, she would be able to leave quickly.

But Aurdis is not someone who has the heart to just kill anyone. Even though they did attack her first.

Aurdis chose to talk to her enemy. It was quite detrimental for her, especially on this urgent journey.

But still, if she could handle matters without bloodshed, Aurdis would.

A moment later after Aurdis made a gesture with her hand, they came down from the tree.

They all had the same clothes as the figure that was now in her grasp. Wearing shabby gray cloaks that cover their entire body.

Aurdis looked at them one by one. There were five of them including the one she grasp.

Their hands are also abnormally long to the calf.

They don't have any weapons now. But Audis guessed that under the cloak there was something they were ready to pull if they saw the opportunity.

"(You understand what I'm saying?)" Aurdis asked. She was trying to speak in a human language now.

"(We understand,)" One of them answered.

He had a slightly bigger body than the others.

Aurdis looked at the creature who spoke. Her forehead creased slightly because he used human language to speak.

'Does that mean they are humans?'

Aurdis had never heard of these creatures from anyone. Their stature is almost human-like.

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If there weren't those abnormally long hands, and whatever abnormalities were beneath their cloak, they would look the same as humans.

"(Why did you guys attack me?)" Aurdis asked.

"(We will attack anyone who enters this mountain range,)" the bigger one who seemed to be the leader among them continued to reply.

The man indeed had the aura of a leader.


"(We despise all the strangers that enter this forest. Because they have all exiled our ancestors.)"

Aurdis didn't understand what he was saying at all.

These creatures seemed to have come from somewhere outside the Grayfog Mountains. And under some circumstances, were exiled here.

But for now, Aurdis felt she didn't have time to listen to their stories.

"(I'm sorry. But can you let me pass?)" Aurdis said. Her tone almost sounded like pleading.

The eyes of the group leader stared at Aurdis. Slowly his eyes narrowed questioningly.

Behind the hood that Aurdis was wearing, the leader could see pointed ears.

"(You are an Elf?)" the leader asked.


Then the leader looked at all his friends in turn. Then said. "(We'll let you through.)"

Aurdis breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that the reputation of her race had reached the residents of the Grayfog Mountains.

Even a tribe of these strange creatures knew her enough to know that they couldn't mess with her.

"(Promise me you won't mess around. Then I'll let your friends go,)" Aurdis said.

The leader glanced at his friends. Then he nodded. "(I promise.)"

"(Good,)" Aurdis then released her captive.

The creature that had been hovering a few meters above the ground fell.

"(If you guys mess around, I can kill you right away. You know that, right?)" Aurdis said it while looking at all of them. As if to emphasize her words.

"(Yes,)" the leader said.

Aurdis nodded curtly. After that, she walked leading Star past them.

"(Now is the time!)" One of the creatures whispered among all the members of his group.

"(No!)" but the leader immediately stopped his thoughts.

They all immediately glanced at their leader.

"(We are no match for her,)" the leader said. "(Do you know who she is? She is an Elf.)"

"(We don't care about that. We have to kill anyone who gets into these mountains!)"

The leader shook his head. "(Not this one.)"

Accompanied by an angry sigh, in the end, all the members of the gray-cloaked and long-armed creature obeyed their leader's words.

'Good. At least one of them isn't stupid.'

Aurdis heard their words behind her. And she was quite satisfied with the decision made by the leader.

A few minutes after getting deeper into Grayfog Mountains, Aurdis didn't feel any danger around her anymore.

But these mountains can't be said to be safe either. Apart from the gray-cloaked creatures, Aurdis was sure that there was something more lurking behind this thick fog.

Aurdis quickened her pace. She didn't want to spend the night in these mountains.

Fortunately, the road to get out of this mountain is not too far.

These mountains stretch in a long line. But Aurdis only needed to cut the road in the middle to get to the path that led her toward Dawnwood.

Before long the gray fog around her had begun to thin out.

Aurdis could finally see the downhill road ahead.

"(Are you ready to run again, Star?)" Aurdis asked while stroking Star's neck.

The stallion let out his trademark voice accompanied by a nod. As soon as she saw it, Aurdis climbed onto Star's back.

"(Let's get out of these mountains.)"

Star stomped his feet on the - still-wet - ground. He ran down the mountains.

Aurdis was feeling a little worried. This road looks steep and slippery.

But she didn't see Star experiencing the same worries she did. So Aurdis put her faith in the stallion.

Star is going downhill fast. He weaved through the large trees that lined the road smoothly.

It didn't take long before they reached the bottom of the mountains and the gray fog had almost disappeared.

Aurdis smiled and felt relief in her heart. He stroked Star's neck again. "(Good job, Star.)"

Star snorted happily and quickened his pace.

Aurdis glanced briefly at the Grayfog Mountains she had finally left.

She could feel several pairs of eyes staring at her from behind the fog.

They weren't those gray-cloaked creatures. But a bunch of other creatures inhabits the mountains.

When she realized it, Aurdis felt a chill run down her spine. She was relieved to be out of those mountains before she met all of their strange and mysterious inhabitants.

Star sped off under the warm sun. It felt as if it had been a long time since Aurdis had felt the sun's rays touch her skin.


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