I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 162 Back To The Palace

Fairon left the room in a hurry. Aurdis immediately jumped up from her seat and followed Fairon.

Faenith walked slower behind them.

"(Saeldir, hold on. We'll be there soon,)" Aurdis said to Saeldir.

"(Have you managed to convince him?)" Saeldir asked hopefully.

"(Yes,)" Aurdis said. "(I've convinced him. Now King Fairon is preparing his troops.)"

Aurdis seemed to be able to hear Saeldir's sighs on the other side.

"(That's great, Aurdis. I'll survive here as best I can. If possible, the sooner King Fairon comes, the better,)" Saeldir said.

"(Yes. Hang in there.)"

After that their communication connection was cut off. It seems that Saeldir is indeed having a hard time.

If the situation is like this, then it's not just Saeldir who is experiencing difficulties. But all the inhabitants of the palace.

Looks like everything is happening so quickly.

Aurdis and Saeldir already suspected that Laston would definitely deploy something again to destroy the palace once they found out that Aurdis was going to Dawnwood.

Especially after realizing that he failed to kill her.

There are several possibilities that Aurdis has predicted.

Laston will choose to run away if Saeldir manages to convince Aerchon and realizes the situation is not good for him.

The second possibility is, Aerchon doesn't believe in Saeldir and chooses to defend Laston.

The third is what is happening now. Laston was discovered and decided to fight.

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But, turning palace residents into Undead? It was really something terrible.

Did Laston have prepared it ready?

"(Aurdis, have the Dark Elves' involvement gone far enough?)" Faenith who was walking beside her asked.

Aurdis turned to her. "(They even sent an assassin group of five Dark Elves to kill me on the way here, Your Majesty.)"

Faenith looked shocked. "(And you managed to defeat them?)"

"(I managed to defeat them thanks to someone's help.)"

Faenith frowned. "(Who helped you?)"

Aurdis smiled faintly. "(A friend, Your Majesty. Sorry, but for now it's too long to explain. I promise to explain later.)"

Faenith is still wondering who Aurdis's friend is strong enough to defeat the Dark Elf assassin group.

However, Faenith nodded because she realized that the current situation was indeed not possible to explain in detail.

Fairon started gathering troops in a large clearing beside the castle.

The troops weren't all assembled yet. There were only six Forest Elves, with three Forest Elves standing at the forefront.

Fairon stood on top of the balcony and stared at them all.

Aurdis and Faenith arrived shortly after.

Aurdis looked down. The Forest Elves who had gathered put on alert faces.

They wore brown cloth armor covered with leather. They also still wear their green robes.

The weapons they carried were wooden bows without quivers, then swords and daggers hidden in their robes.

Among the troops that had gathered, Aurdis could see Dolthon standing at the forefront. Together with two other Forest Elves who looked as tough as him.

It didn't take long for all the troops to assemble.

A few of them came out from behind the trees that surrounded the palace and went straight into the ranks.

Some of the others entered in the usual way via the bridge.

Now that everyone was assembled, Aurdis could see the exact number of troops Fairon had gathered.

They numbered twenty Forest Elves ready for battle.

With the four Forest Elves at the forefront of the line.

"(Okay. I'll explain everything to you briefly.)"

Fairon started to say what happened and his orders to them.

Upon hearing that they had to help the Elves in the palace, the Forest Elves' faces filled with rejection.

Fairon realized that immediately.

"(I know how you feel. But it's about time we end our long-standing feud with them. After all, we are relatives. There's no point in prolonging this.)"

Fairon's words didn't really have much impact on them.

But they would always obey their King's orders.

So for now they would ignore their reluctance to help. At least until this task is completed.

Fairon noticed it too. The decision to unilaterally cut ties made not only Fairon but the entire Forest Elf Kingdom feel hurt inside their heart.

The words he spoke just now could not shake off the hurt.

Aurdis also realized it. She wanted to say something to them.

However, now there is not enough time for long speeches.

A Forest Elf appeared and said. "(The Portal is ready, Your Majesty.)"

Fairon nodded.

"(Go to the Elf castle and help them. Aurdis, you can come with them.)"

Aurdis looked at Fairon in confusion. "(You still have the Portal leading to the palace?)"

Fairon smiled. "(Of course.)"

Aurdis didn't expect that Fairon was still keeping the Portal connecting Dawnwood to the Elf's palace.

Even though her father had destroyed the Portal that connected the two of them.

"(But, my father already destroyed the Portal to get here. Where will we appear then?)" Aurdis asked.

"(Actually I've installed another Portal in your castle. Sorry, this might sound audacious. However, it's the only way we can still connect if a situation like this happened.)" Fairon said with a guilty look.

Aurdis immediately shook her head.

"(It's alright, Your Majesty. I'm grateful because Your Majesty did that,)" Aurdis said.

Fairon nodded and smiled. "(Good. You can go now.)"

After Fairon said his order, the Forest Elf troop headed straight for the Portal.

Aurdis joined them.

It turned out that not far from the clearing, a ring made of roots had stood.

Rune inscriptions were surrounding the root. The rune gave off a soft golden glow.

The Forest Elf who had told Fairon that the Portal was ready was standing next to the root ring.

When he saw that all the troops were ready, he held the ring and a white vortex appeared.

"(It's ready,)" he said.

"(After you, Princess,)" Dolthon said.

Aurdis nodded and entered the Portal. After that, they caught up with her.

Twenty Forest Elf troops headed for the Elf castle on the order of their King.

As soon as Aurdis and the Fores Elf troop arrived at the palace, the sight they saw was so shocking that it made them freeze for a while.


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