I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 182 Letting It Be

Once the Forest Elves had returned to their home, Aurdis slumped to the floor and leaned back on the wall in the room.

The three corpses of the three different races were still lying stiffly on their respective beds.

Aurdis stared blankly ahead. Her eyes didn't blink and she wasn't looking at anything in particular.

Aurdis only allowed silence to fill this room and her heart.

A long sigh escaped Aurdis's mouth. Then, her tears followed slowly. Flowing down her pale cheeks.

Erend came to her. Without saying anything, Erend immediately took Aurdis in his arms.

Aurdis' face felt warmth on Erend's chest. Subconsciously, and just following her emotions, Aurdis wrapped her arms around Erend's body.

It was then that her profuse cry came out.

Aurdis' voice was a scream full of agony. Her tears flowed profusely until they dripped onto the cold floor of the room.

Her body shook. Aurdis burst into tears, shedding all her sorrows in Erend's arms.

Erend took her in his arms and stroked Aurdis's back and her silver hair, which was now dirty and shabby from everything she'd been through until now.

Aurdis didn't realize how long she was crying before she finally stopped.

She lifted her head from Erend's chest and looked at him.

"Sorry..." Aurdis said in a hoarse voice.

"It's okay. You can cry a little longer if you want," Erend replied.

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"I think I've been crying too long."

Aurdis rubbed her tears roughly. Then looked at Erend. "I feel a little bit better."

"That's good." Erend smiled.

"Now... what should I do?"

Aurdis glanced at the three lying corpses. But then she looked away as if the sight disgusted her.

"You have to stay strong," Erend said. "I know this sounds weird. I don't even feel what you're feeling. But... I don't know what else you can do other than stay strong."

Aurdis' eyes looked tired. Her eyelids seemed to be slightly closed.

"I'm so tired," Aurdis said. "Why did this all have to happen?"

Erend didn't know what to say anymore to comfort Aurdis.

In the first place, was there really anything that could be said to comfort a Princess who saw her people die to such a cruel fate before her own eyes?

Even Erend felt angry with himself seeing Aurdis suffering.

Yet in the end, he still couldn't do anything.

Erend is aware and can accept that there are things in this world that he cannot control.

No matter how much he wants to control it.

Death. This is one of the definite examples of something that can't be controlled.

Something that can take one's life just like that. No power was able to prevent it.

A mysterious and unbelievably powerful force of nature.

Erend started to accept it when he got drafted into the military to war against the Elves.

He could see how the soldiers who were unwilling to be on the battlefield died in front of him. It's just as easy as snapping a finger.

It's because they really can't control their destiny. At first, Erend hated it.

However, hatred for something he couldn't control and touch would only make his heart suffer even more.

So, Erend decided to let it go and accepted. In the end, he tried to instill that mindset in himself and was ready to die at any moment.

"Sorry, I can't help you," Erend said sadly. "Everything that happened has happened. You can only look ahead now."

Even though his brain said that she couldn't control it and should just let it be, seeing Aurdis suffering made him suffer too.

Just a mindset couldn't change the feeling he felt when he saw Aurdis looking depressed like this.

"I'll be fine. Laston is gone from here. That's a good start for something better," Aurdis said with a faint smile.

Seeing Aurdis who was able to smile even though it was thin, Erend smiled too.

"You are a strong girl," Erend said while stroking Aurdis' hair that fell on her face. Then tucked it to her ear.

Then, suddenly Erend remembered that it was already nighttime. He's been here too long.

"Sorry, Aurdis. But, I have to go now" Erend said.

"It's okay. You've helped us too much already," Aurdis replied with a weak smile.

Aurdis seemed to really want to give a smile to send Erend off to return to his world. But there's not enough strength left in her, so she can't smile as brightly as usual.

"Take good care of yourself. If you need help at any time, just call me," Erend said.

Aurdis replied with a nod.

'Tut, Open the Portal.'

The hissing sound of the Portal was heard as it reappeared in front of him.

Erend glanced at Aurdis one more time before he took a step forward and disappeared into the Portal.

After Erend left, Aurdis slumped back against the wall.

A few minutes later, she straightened herself up again.

She stood up with a face that was still tired but already much calmer than before.

"Erend is right. There's no use crying over things that have already happened. I can only keep looking forward!"

Aurdis was muttering to steel herself. She left the room.

When she got outside, Aurdis took in the cold night air and then exhaled it.

Aurdis found Saeldir shortly after. The Archmage was preparing a hole in the palace's backyard.

The hole would later be used to place the corpses - or the remains - of the Elves.

With his Magic, Saeldir dug the ground to form a large rectangular hole.

He was alone here because the other Elves were cleaning up another mess.

The sound of Aurdis' footsteps came from behind him and made Saeldir turn his head.

"(What did you find?)" Saeldir got straight to the point.

Aurdis told what they found at Ozynk Temple some time ago. Just like what they all felt back then, Saeldir frowned in confusion.

"(You said there were corpses of Dark Elf, Ogre, and Daemon?)" Saeldir asked.

"(Yes.)" Aurdis nodded. "(You know something?)"

Saeldir paused to think. Then said.

"(I have a hunch. However, that's highly unlikely.)"


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