I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 219 Don't Look Good

Steve opened his eyes in the same place. That is a room specially reserved for him. A room that is somewhat similar to a prison.

He got up and sat on the edge of his bed. Steve looked down at his red palms. It looks like all the blood in his body was gathering there.

"It must be the influence of my Magic."

Steve was now instantly convinced of the many anomalies that had occurred to his body.

Last night when they finished their experiment, Steve and Annie went straight back into the building with all the scientists and crew.

The scientists and crew were cold because of the rain and the strong winds.

However, Steve and Annie did not feel that discomfort in their bodies.

Steve even felt as warm as if he had just come back from the shade of a bonfire.

The water that originally made his body drenched could dry within a minute.

As for Annie, her body was soaked but she didn't feel cold.

She just looked wet from head to toe as if now the cold couldn't affect her anymore.

But Thomas still forced them to be examined. They both had no choice but to obey Thomas and be examined.

The result is as expected. Their bodies are indeed warmer and colder than they should be but there is nothing bad about their bodies.

Thomas thinks it is a good development.

He immediately allowed Steve and Annie to go to their respective rooms and rest. Of course with close surveillance through the camera installed in their room.

Now that the new day has come, Steve felt that his body was being refreshed. No effect left from being exposed to rain last night. Even now he felt hot.

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Steve decided to get out of his room and headed to a special room for practice.

He spoke to the cameras watching him to be allowed out.

Steve then went to the training ground along with a fully armed soldier.

When they arrived at the practice place, Annie was already there.

She was standing with her eyes closed. From her body came out her distinctive bluish aura.

"I'll leave you guys for now," the guard said. "But don't worry. You will be kept under surveillance."

After that, he left them.

Steve entered through the door that was in the middle of the wire fence that protected the training place.

He knew that it was no ordinary wire fence. The fence must have been filled with some kind of powerful electricity to prevent their power from overflowing and destroying the surroundings.

Annie didn't notice Steve was there. She just kept her eyes closed in concentration.

The blue aura she gave off grew thicker, causing the temperature in this room to drop.

'If she's surprised, will she throw another tantrum?'

Steve looked at Annie worriedly. Last night he had heard that Annie was not going to lose control anymore. But, is that really true?

Steve looked up and spread his eyes before finally spotting a camera in the upper corner of the room.

There is a bright red dot on the camera as a sign that someone is watching them behind it.

Steve was a little relieved to know.

Steve began to concentrate on drawing his Magic power.

Unlike Annie, he didn't take long or even close his eyes to draw his Magic.

A reddish aura began to emanate from his entire body and the temperature in the room became more even.

Steve, who released his power, made Annie suddenly open her eyes.

She opened her eyes slowly and turned around.

Steve who saw Annie turned her head with eyes that had turned blue and took an alert stance. He had to be prepared in case Annie might throw some kind of frost mist at him.

"Good morning."

However, what Annie give wasn't frosty mist. Instead, she gave a greeting with a sweet smile. Steve was completely taken aback.

"G-Good morning," Steve replied.

"You want to practice?" she asked.

Steve stared at her for a few moments before answering.

"Yes. What else?" he said. 'She seems much more stable than before. Is what I heard last night true?'

Annie was still smiling. "Then why don't we practice together?"

Steve felt no reason to decline. He also wanted to know how Annie used her powers consciously.



Erend and Billy could only stare at General Lennard with widened eyes and slightly open mouths.

They were still trying to absorb the words that came out of the General.

"Y-You mean," Erend said. "You managed to get an ordinary human to use Magic?"

General Lennard nodded with a faint smile of pride.

"Yeah. And we also managed to create other subjects."

"But how?" Billy asked.

"This country has very great scientists. They are the ones who have found a way," General Lennard said.

Erend and Billy looked at each other but they didn't say anything.

Because they don't know what to say.

'Maybe, I had a strange feeling last night because of this.'

The weird feeling he had last night might be because the people in this video, or the other subjects, used Magic.

If indeed they managed to make ordinary humans use Magic, Erend didn't know what the consequences would be.

"Can we meet them, sir?" Erend asked.

Genera Lennard shook his head. "Not for now. You will meet them if I say you can."

Erend saw the seriousness in General Lennard's eyes. So Erend knew that now he couldn't do anything.

"Understood, sir."

"What do you think? Isn't this an amazing breakthrough?" the General asked.

"What about the possible consequences?" Erend asked carefully.

"There are risks, of course. However, we believe we can handle them well," replied General Lennard.

Erend refrained from saying that it was too rash. And he chose to remain silent.

General Lennard told them they could leave. He did not forget to remind them to keep this secret.

Erend and Billy of course nodded and promised that they would keep this a secret then left the room.

'I have to see Aurdis.' Erend thought.


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