I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 234 More Problems

With a sigh full of regret and sorrow, Aurdis turned her body around and walked back into the palace grounds.

Leaving the garden where a sweet experience that still leaves a pleasant mark on her took place.

Aurdis walked with vacant eyes. Her hand moved to caress her bare arm.

Aurdis had just felt cold when Erend's warmth was no longer touching her skin. It was a sad feeling as cold as this late-night air.

She walked past the palace's white paving which had holes in several places.

Apart from that, there is also debris scattered around.

Even with the Magic abilities of the Elves, they still couldn't clean up this mess after so many days.

That's because they are busy grieving, crying over their family members, lovers, or friends who died at Laston's hands.

Thus, Aurdis didn't have them rush to deal with the damage. Let them grieve first until their tears run out, only then will they be able to start working again.

A few minutes later Aurdis was already in front of Sealdir's room door.

Yes, Saeldir had returned to his room. He was no longer on guard or sleeping in the Magic shield core room like before.

Their biggest threat from within the palace had disappeared along with Laston who had also disappeared.

That allowed Saeldir and Aurdis to finally relax.

There was no more heavy pressure accompanying their every step. Life in the palace is getting better and that's good.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Though things aren't over yet as they have to find Laston before he returns for revenge.

Aurdis and Saeldir - assisted by the other Elf - were now preoccupied with it.

They were looking for all the records regarding the cult worshipping Ozynk.

They had also gone back to the Ozynk temple several times to find something useful.

As a result, they managed to find some hidden artifacts and note records.

From the notes and artifacts, they worked hard to find Laston. But so far they have not found significant clues.

It was for that reason that Aurdis was still awake at this very late night.

She was sure that Saeldir too was still awake carrying out his research.

*Knock* *knock* *Knock*

Aurdis knocked on the door three times slowly because that was what Saeldir said if she wanted to see him.

Others will knock more than three times quickly. And Saeldir would immediately reject them.

The door opened on its own and Aurdis stepped inside.

As she had expected, Saeldir was sitting with his eyes focused on the book in front of him. He didn't even turn around when Aurdis came.

"(You got something?)" Saeldir immediately asked that. Because they have important things to deal with right now.

"(Yes,)" Aurdis replied.

Technically, she did come up with something new. Even if it had nothing to do with that God named Ozynk they were working on.

That answer caught Saeldir's attention so he looked up from the book he was reading.

"(What is that?)" Saeldir asked.

Aurdis sat down on the chair in front of Saeldir before answering.

"(Promise me you'll keep this a secret from anyone. As always.)"

Saeldir frowned because he felt something was off.

"(Why should this be kept secret?)" Saeldir asked.

"(What I'm trying to say is unrelated to what we are working on now. This is something secret and big.)"

Saeldir blinked his eyes many times.

"(Something big? Again? After everything that happened recently?)"

Aurdis nodded slowly. As if to give emphasis.

Saeldir took a deep breath to prepare himself. Then said. "(Okay. I promise. Tell me what you know.)"

'After all, we have to deal with it. There's no point in finding out later.'

"(Listen,)" Aurdis said. "(I just met Erend earlier. And he said that in his world there are humans who can use Magic similar to ours.)"

"(WHAT?!)" Saeldir almost jumped up from his chair.

"(That's not all,)" Aurdis continued. "(The man who stole the key to the Fountain of Eternity is what makes them able to use Magic.)"

Saeldir was lost for words. He stared at Aurdis with unblinking eyes and a slightly parted mouth.

Aurdis let the information sink into Saeldir's mind and allowed him to control himself before continuing.

Saeldir shook his head and exhaled. He propped his head on the table with both hands clutching his forehead.

"(When I thought our problems with the world had disappeared, it turns out that new problems have come from there,)" Saeldir said.

"(We can put off uncle Laston's problem thing for later. Now we have a bigger and obvious problem,)" Aurdis said.

"(Laston is also a big and obvious problem. He could come back at any time. And the fact that we don't know anything about him now makes everything worse,)" Saeldir said without looking at Aurdis.

Aurdis didn't argue because what he said was true.

"(However.)" Saeldir turned his gaze to Aurdis. "(The matter you brought up just now is indeed quite dangerous. Let's finish that one first while the others search for clues about that Ozynk.)"

Aurdis felt relieved that Saeldir said that.

"(So what should we do about it?)" Aurdis asked.

"(What else? We have to get rid of the Magic of those humans. After all, they must not have fully mastered Magic yet,)" Saeldir replied.

Aurdis looked pleased. "(We have to go there to be able to do that.)"

Saeldir nodded with obvious reluctance. "(Yes, it can't be helped. But I have to know everything from the start and prepare myself well. I don't want to enter another world cluelessly.)"

"(I'm going to have Erend here again to explain the things we need to know.)

Saeldir nodded in agreement. After that Aurdis returned to her room.

Saeldir sat pensively in the room after Aurdis left.

The fate between their world and Erend's world seems to always be connected by a strange event.

Saeldir is also still dreaming about that Calamity.

Now the dream comes even more often. Making Saeldir can't help but think that there will indeed be something bad approach.

The increasing monster activity was also something strange. And the red roots that Aurdis brought back from her that time travels were also worrying.


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