I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 236 In The Town

Morning has come. Birdsong and warm sun greet those who wake up.

However, for the Lycans, none of this is seen as pretty.

They only have one definite goal. They wanted to look forward to the moment when their revenge was delivered.

The Lycans were up even before the sun rose. They scanned the town again.

The dew wet their different colored fur.

Grim had already changed into his human form. He spoke to Sigewulf who was still in his three-meter tall wolf form.

"(I will go now,)" Grim said.

Sigewulf only answered with a growl and a nod. His growl was short but there was a heavy emphasis on it.

Sigewulf seemed to be emphasizing that Grim shouldn't waste too much time in that town.

And in order to bring the being who killed his brother's pack here as soon as possible.

Grim of course understood that. He nodded and walked towards the town.

With a facial expression that he kept as calm as possible, Grim approached the town with average steps.

He tried to act as naturally as normal humans do.

Two guards are standing in front of the gate. One of them yawned widely while looking at Grim who was approaching.

He stepped forward and start asking questions.

"Who are you? What are you doing in this town?" The guard asked with a sleepy face. He must have not slept at all last night.

Grim showed a smile. "I just want to buy food here. My party is camping behind that forest."

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Grim pointed towards the forest where he had come before.

The guard just nodded. His friend didn't even show a hint that he cared.

After seeing that Grim came unarmed, he immediately felt that Grim wasn't a threat.

The guard who asked Grim immediately allowed him to enter without checking.

Grim of course was grateful that they were that tired. He could enter easily without bothering.

"You may come in," the guard said.

Grim was still smiling at him. "Thank you."

The guards didn't inquire further about why he alone had entered this city.

They don't even seem to think about it at all.

To them, Grim was just a wanderer who had run out of food so there was no point in keeping him any longer.

So Grim can enter the city easily. Even this is too easy.

He started to spread his eyes around. He had to find someone who looked strong in this town.

Someone who could kill a pack of Lycans at once and leave such a strong Magic residue.

Grim was almost sure that the perpetrator was not an ordinary human. Maybe not even humans.

Perhaps the perpetrator was a powerful being disguised as a human.

Grim walked a little more inside.

A few minutes passed and he got far into the town. Then suddenly, there was a commotion from the gate.

He turned his head and saw a party coming towards the gate.

The party was filled with men and women with weapons and equipment that revealed their strength.

Grim realized that they must be human fighters. He approached following the crowd of people who greeted the party.

"It's Sir Goldid and his party!"

"Sir Nelvad! Oh, he's really handsome!"

"Mei! Lady Mei! Look at me!"

Cheers of welcome and appreciation came towards the group of seven people.

They seemed to be very famous figures in this town.

Grim asked a man who was next to him. Stopping him from his cheers and greetings.

The man turned his head with a face that looked annoyed at Grim.

"Excuse me, who are they?" he asked.

The man looked Grim up and down.

"You're not from this town, are you? I've never seen you," the man said.

"Ah, no. I was just stopping by to buy some food," Grim said.

"No wonder you don't know who they are." the man nodded. "They are a really strong party of Adventurers. You know that lately, the number of monsters has increased, right? They protect this town from the attacks of those monsters."

Grim made a face as if he was impressed by what the human Adventurers had done.

He then let the man go to get a closer look at the Adventurers.

'Maybe it was them?'

Grim glanced at the Adventurers. They are seven people.

Consists of four men and three women. They have full equipment and nice-looking armor. Besides that, Grim also felt that they had great Magic power.

Grim also approached the group of adventurers who entered the town together with the townspeople.

A large man with dark skin stood at the head of the group.

He who smiled the widest showed his teeth at the adoring townspeople.

"Thank you, people. We are glad you are staying safe here. Leave everything to us and don't worry. We will fend off any monsters that come near this town!"

The dark-skinned man spoke in a deep, loud voice. The townspeople greeted his words with cheers.

'Looks like he's their leader.'

Grim studied the man with dark skin. He felt that the man did have strong Magic.

The shield on his back and the sword at his waist were also not ordinary metal weapons.

Those weapons contained equally strong Magic as well.

Grim suspects that the weapons owned by his party members all contain Magic.

'I'm getting more and more convinced that they are the killer.'

With power like that, it's only natural that it turns out that they were indeed the ones who massacred Bjarki's pack.

"Sir Goldid, what was the last monster you killed before returning to this town?"

A small child asked with sparkling eyes to the man with dark skin.

Goldid laughed as if he enjoyed the little boy's question. Then he answered.

"We killed a pack of wolves before coming back here. Mind you, those wolves are not ordinary wolves. But they are wolves that come from the northern mountains!"

The child let out a small gasp. The people around him also issued the same gasp.

Grim grinned, however.

'I found them.'


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