I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 257 Leaked

Hearing Saeldir's words, Aurdis immediately stood up from her chair and walked out of the room.

Aurdis' steps were quick and she was stomping her feet.

Then Aurdis also closed the door roughly to the point of making a loud sound.

Saeldir jumped a bit and he crossed out his page.

"Huh...!" Saeldir exhaled roughly.

He turned toward the closed door.

Saeldir wasn't cold because he hated Erend. Because he was a human who came from another world. Or some other reason like that.

Saeldir considers Aurdis as his little sister. Maybe more than Aerchon who was often rude and always fought with her.

But this is something that is indeed too big and too difficult to overcome.

Too many things get in the way of their relationship. Aurdis must have known that from the start but she ignored it.

Erend must have left a significant impression on her heart. And Aurdis who felt it for the first time could only let her heart guide her.

"(She will not give up despite all the hardships she knows will befall her.)"

Saeldir shook his head.

He didn't know how else to talk to Aurdis about the matter.

The most Saeldir could think of was telling the truth. That way, Aurdis could realize the problem more quickly.

And Saeldir hoped she could make the right decision.

Saeldir continued to write notes and ignored all the troubles that filled his mind.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


Aurdis sat on a chair in the palace garden after leaving Saeldir's room.

She took a deep, heavy breath. Then looked at the clear blue sky.

"(Yeah, I know this is all wrong. So what?)"

Aurdis said to the air around her.

Throughout her life, Aurdis rarely felt happiness.

She has always been surrounded by troubles and sorrow ever since her mother died.

Her father went into exile and gave the throne at will to her older brother who could not be relied upon.

Then her older brother caused trouble by declaring war against humans and sacrificing many of their warriors.

She is always constrained and unable to make choices for herself.

She always has to put the interests of her race ahead of herself.

And finally, she found something that she felt should be fought for herself. The first love she felt for Erend.

Which because of their cruel fate, he is human and comes from another world.

Aurdis knew that everything in front of her was just a problem with the feelings she was feeling.

But, Aurdis didn't care. She still thinks that her relationship with Erend is something that is very likely to happen.

Despite all the odds against them.

Aurdis shook her head. "(Whatever! I don't want to think about that now!)"

Aurdis stood up from the park bench and decided to return to her room so she could talk to Elis.

Because the longer she was alone in this place, the sadder she would feel.


The next day finally arrived. The day that made Erend, Billy, and Adrien anxious since the first time they were told what was going to happen today.

They all climbed into the helicopter that had been prepared.

Adrien took command of the squad where Erend and Billy were. It was the only thing that made them both feel a little better.

The helicopter departed from the military base heading towards the sea. And the boat follows through the harbor.

All personnel wears full tactical clothes. Then, Geralt spoke through their tactical radio communication.

"We are going to hold a training exercise on a cargo ship that is in the middle of the ocean. The pirate boat is located near the cargo ship. All those on duty are already there and getting ready."

Then, Geralt said Erend and Billy's names.

"Sgt. Drake and Sgt. Billy. You two have studied well, haven't you? Don't let us kill the hostages because of your stupid mistake."

"Yes sir."

Erend and Billy answered almost simultaneously.

There was the sound of laughter from the soldiers around them.

Erend and Billy tried to hold their mouths so they wouldn't say things that would get them into trouble.

While reminding themselves that everything will end after today is over.

After about half an hour had passed, they finally saw the presence of the cargo ship.

As told in the scenario, there was already a cargo ship that had stopped in the middle of the sea.

A smaller boat that was supposed to be the boat of the pirates stopped next to the cargo ship.

"That's the ship. Get ready!" Geralt said.

The personnel prepared their weapons and equipment.

But Erend's hand suddenly stopped when he checked his weapon. He felt a strange feeling that suddenly came.

'What's this?'

Erend turned his head toward the ship. The strange feeling came from there.

This is a very bad feeling. Something that could not possibly come from an ordinary human.

'What the hell is this?'

The question kept repeating itself in Erend's head.

However, he knew he could not find the answer.

Meanwhile, the helicopter and the boat are getting closer to the ship.

Everyone was wearing helmets and masks that covered their faces. So, no one could see the look on Erend's restless face.

'Tut, are you there?'

Erend finally called Tut with panic in his head. It didn't take long for Tut to answer the call.

He even directly said the situation.

[ "Erend. What's in that ship is something from another world." ]

'WHAT?! What do you mean?!'

[ "An extremely evil Magic energy is in the ship and affecting the humans in the ship." ]

'How? Are you sure that those Magic is not coming from the secret experiment that went wrong?'

[ "No. This Magic energy is from another world." ]

However, the answer that came from Tut was very surprising.

'You mean from Eternal Earth?'

[ "Not quite. The origin of this Magic is indeed from Eternal Earth, but this Magic was transferred to a pocket dimension. The pocket dimension was leaked because it sensed the movement of the coming Calamity. That's why this Magic was able to get here." ]


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