I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 281 Arrived At Their World

Aurdis felt a little anxious. But she also knew that eventually, they would have to say the truth.

So Aurdis could only sigh and decided to continue with this.

"(Yes. We will go to Erend's world soon,)" Aurdis said.

Aerchon's eyes moved from Aurdis to Saeldir, then back to Aurdis.

"(Why?)" Aerchon asked.

His voice was cold and short. Like having annoyance and curiosity at the same time.

"(I'll explain, Aurdis,)" Saeldir said.

Then Saeldir started to explain everything.

It's not only about the humans who managed to steal their Magic, but also about the existence of Magic from the cursed tree.

Aerchon seemed to be having a hard time processing everything.

The expression on his face was a mix of feelings.

Shocked, annoyed, and a little scared.

"(I never knew the tree had been found,)" Aerchon said.

"(The tree hasn't been found yet. But its influence reaches the other world where Erend is,)" Saeldir said.

Aerchon looks like he's having a hard time processing it all.

However, he was able to calm down easily.

Aerchon took a deep breath to calm himself down. Only then could he speak.

"(How do you know if what that human said is true?)"

"(You are always suspicious of anyone,)" Aurdis said in a tone full of annoyance.

Saeldir motioned to her to be quiet. He is the one who will explain everything.

"(There's no reason for Erend to lie. And what he said was too specific. What he said was also similar to what was in the bit of information I could get of the tree,)" Saeldir explained.

"(But there's no record of that tree, right?)" Aerchon asked in a surprised tone.

"(I got the information about that tree after reading little lines of all the records of time,)" Saeldir replied.

Aerchon clenched his jaw. He seemed unsure.

However, there was a part of his brain that thought that what Saeldir said made sense.

Erend - that human - had no reason to lie and invite them there.

And from what Saeldir said, Erend could tell something that sounded like information he had painstakingly gathered.

Then, Aerchon also remembered what Erend had done for them.

"(So you two are going there?)" Aerchon asked.

"(Yes,)" replied Saeldir. "(We will dispel the Magic that was stolen by that human, and investigate the Magic of that cursed tree.)"

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Aurdis had been silent all along.

Because if she starts talking, what will come out of her mouth is only annoyance.

Saeldir has handled everything well.

Aurdis, who had no intention of spoiling Aerchon's mood,

- who seemed to have started to trust them - chose to remain silent.

"(Then... be careful,)" Aerchon said.

Aerchon's response left Aurdis and Saeldir astonished.

That was the best answer Aerchon had ever said so far.

They expect a refusal and a strict ban.

After that, the two of them had to fight their way to go to Erend's world.

However, Aerchon instead agreed and believed.

And even though he said it coldly, Aerchon told them to be careful.

Aerchon turned his body and then walked towards the door. He left the room without looking back.

"(Well, uhh... That went well,)" Aurdis said. Looking dumbfounded.

"(It went well because I explained it,)" Saeldir said.

Aurdis did not say a complaint.

Maybe if it was her who spoke to Aerchon, they would get into an argument so that in the end they really had to fight their way.

"(Let's go,)" Saeldir said while draping a small cloth bag on his shoulder.

Saeldir also had his sword on his waist.

Aurdis immediately contacted Erend and shook off her surprise at Aerchon's attitude.

Aurdis contacted Erend again.

'Erend, we are coming.'


"They will come," Erend said to Billy and Adrien.

They had finished looking at the interior of this house.

Erend felt very grateful for this house.

And Billy didn't stop smiling because he knew that he would also get the same house as Erend.

They are now in the living room. A moment later a portal opened in front of them.

The three of them seemed to get an image of the past when they saw the Portal.

It was the same Portal they had seen when the Elf army came attacking them in the bunker.

But now they teamed up with the Elves and even prepared a place for them to hide.

It was because they knew that the Elves decided to attack just because of their leader's stupid decision.

Moreover, they also knew that it was the human side of their world who stole the precious things belonging to the Elves.

And now the thief is being used by the government to create dangerous weapons.

Then teaming up with these two Elves seems like the best choice for this situation.

Although, of course, Billy and Adrien had a feeling of uneasiness in their hearts.

They found this strange because they were asking their enemy for help.

However, looking at the current situation, the government that is trying to control Magic that doesn't belong to them, which will eventually cause a catastrophe for this world must be stopped.

And the ones who could stop them were these Elves.

From inside the portal, Aurdis and Saeldir came out.

Aurdis wore a brown outfit and green cloak like the one she wore when she went to see the Forest Elf.

Saeldir wore clothes that all looked dimly white. It almost looks gray.

Aurdis smiled at the three of them. But her smile was longer directed at Erend.

Erend also smiled faintly at Aurdis. "Welcome."

Saeldir and Aurdis nodded.

"Let's not waste time, what do you think?" Saeldir said.

"I agree," Adrien replied.

They invited Aurdis and Saeldir to go to the upper room which was more closed.

Aurdis and Saeldir sat in their seats. Meanwhile, Erend, Billy, and Adrien sat in the remaining seats.

"Tell us what you saw, Erend," Saeldir immediately started the pleasantries.

"All right," Erend said. "That incident just happened two days ago."

Erend explains the events on the cargo ship. And how did he finish it?

When Erend said everything, the expressions on Aurdis and Saeldir's faces became even more filled with anxiety.

It was as if every word that Erend uttered was a speech that brought bad news.

"You said the origin of the dimensional leak was from under the sea?" Saeldir asked.

"Yes. I don't know what else was created by the leak. But I fought a monster which is a combination of various kinds of marine animals," Erend replied.

"That's not surprising. A large portion of Magic was released from the dimension that locked it, then there would definitely be such a disaster," Saeldir said.

"But you managed to close it," Aurdis said while looking at Erend. "It's because of your Dragon power?"

Erend nodded towards Aurdis.

Aurdis and Saeldir looked at each other.

They didn't know before that there was a way to counteract the Magic of that cursed tree.

It was all thanks to the Elves of the old generation destroying - or hiding - the tree's record.

However, now they know how to counter the cursed tree's power.

Which is a power that is just as extraordinary. The power of a Dragon.

Knowing that made Aurdis and Saeldir feel a little relieved.

"Wait a minute, you haven't explained exactly what attacked us," Adrien said.

"Oh, you're right."

Saeldir's face was now less tense than before after knowing that Erend's power could counter the Magic of that cursed tree.

"That tree is a very strong and dangerous cursed tree."

Saeldir then proceeds to explain everything he knows about that cursed tree.

The Magic of that tree spread a bad influence on the creatures in their world.

And how the strongest Elves at that time sealed the tree in a dimension.

"They created... a dimension to seal the tree?!" Billy couldn't hide his shock.

"Yes." Saeldir nodded.

Not only him. But Erend and Adrien were surprised to know how strong the Elves were.

"But... if indeed the tree was sealed in a dimension, how did Magic get to this world?" Billy asked.

Saeldir sighed in frustration. "I don't understand that either."

Erend looked at each of them in turn.

'Should I tell them the real cause now?'

Aurdis who noticed Erend's worried expression asked him.

"Erend, what's wrong?"

Due to Aurdis' question, everyone came to their senses and looked at Erend.

"You know something?" Saeldir asked.

"Actually, yes," replied Erend. "This may be quite shocking. But what I'm about to say is the truth."

"What is that?" Saeldir asked.

"The reason why the Magic from that tree was able to leak into this world, and also the reason why there have been so many troubles recently is that something big is approaching."

They looked at Erend with tense faces mixed with curiosity.

"Something called The Great Calamity is approaching. And it's causing a lot of disturbances in your world."

Billy and Adrien already knew about it. So they weren't too shocked.

However, Aurdis and Saeldir looked very shocked and confused.

Even the always-calm Saeldir now widened his eyes and lips.

"What do you mean?" Saeldir asked.

Erend started explaining everything he knew about that Calamity.

Erend's explanation made it seem as if lightning had just struck Aurdis and Saeldir's heads.

They were both too shocked to be able to speak.

"That... that..." Aurdis said.

Between the two of them, it was Saeldir who managed to get his composure faster.

He took a deep breath and exhaled it.

"You should have said that sooner," Saeldir said to Erend.

Erend looked at Saeldir regretfully. "Sorry. I thought I'd be able to handle everything without scaring you."


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