I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 295 Predicament

Erend didn't know what to do - or how to feel - about this.

Because there was too much information coming in, Erend decided to eliminate things that weren't too important to him.

At least that wasn't too important for him to think about right now.

There were more important things than thinking about Systema's efforts to track down powerful beings to copy their Time powers.

That is the problem that is in front of his eyes at this time.

'So what should I do? Should I stop this trip?'

[ "No. You must continue with this task and stop the experiment." ]

'Why? Isn't the success or failure of this mission unimportant? In the end, Magic will still spread to this world and foretell the inevitable disaster.'

["That's different. The experiment was carried out by your government to create weapons." ]

Erend pondered for a few moments to think about what Tut had said.

Then he realized that what he said was true. Their government must have no other goal than to use Magic for weapons and start a war.

With all that Magic can do, the president surely can't resist the temptation of the powers to use it to ensure his dominance over the other nations.

Then war will happen again. Erend could not allow that.

'Alright. I will stop this experiment.'

[ "Yes. Don't worry. You will get Exp points once you are done with this task." ]

'Can you predict what will happen when we get there?'

[ "There are many possibilities. Systema predicted the influence of the Corruption Magic that already spread there." ]

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Erend nearly jumped out of his seat.

[ "The spread of Corruption Magic is like a virus. People or nature environment who have been exposed to it will become carriers of it." ]

'Why didn't you say that from the start?'

[ "At that time there was nothing you could do. Do you remember that when the dimension leak happened a cloud was created?" ]

[ "And again, the dimensional leak happened in the middle of the sea. Which is a place that is directly connected to many places." ]

'So the clouds that were created by the Magic at that time also scattered those evil Magic?'

[ "Not only that. The wind also carried the Magic and scattered it." ]

If indeed the situation was like that, Erend realized that he really couldn't do anything.

["Don't be too disappointed. You have already stopped the center of the dimension leak. If you don't do that the Magic will spread even more." ]

Erend took a deep breath to calm himself.

'You are right. Let's focus on the things I can handle now.'

Erend pushed aside his disappointment at what had happened in the past. Then focus his mind on the present.

[ "What you should do now is stop the experiment. Or maybe it's better if you just destroy everything." ]

'What about innocent people?'

[ "You don't have to kill them. Just destroy the data." ]

Erend nodded mentally. 'Alright.'

[ "I will go now." ]

'Alright, Tut.'

After that, Erend felt his telepathic connection with Tut cut off. The other party had already left the conversation.

Erend decided to close his eyes for a moment now. What he had just experienced tired him out even though he was just sitting in a moving car.

So Erend immediately fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.


The morning had come when Erend opened his eyes.

He looked around and suddenly noticed that the others had gotten out of the car.

So Erend also got out of the car. It turned out that they were now at a fairly remote gas station.

This gas station was located on a barren road that seemed to connect two cities that stretched far away.

The asphalt road has holes and has sunk because it is not strong enough to withstand the weight of the heavy vehicles above it.

But it looks like all that damage has been going on for quite some time. And no one bothered to fix it.

Erend turned his eyes from the broken highway towards a store that stood alone in the middle of this area.

But the thing that made Erend a little surprised was the form of Aurdis and Saeldir who already looked like humans in this world.

Their hair had turned black though it was still long and shiny.

Their pointed ears have also been replaced by ordinary human ears.

However, their disguises could not hide the beauty of their facial features.

Aurdis is still as beautiful as a princess from a fictional story that is usually told to children.

Saeldir must also have good looks above the standards of men in this world.

But Erend didn't really care about that and preferred to focus on Aurdis' beauty.

The two of them were looking around when Erend came out. But once again, their faces did not look impressed.

Not long after Erend came out of the car, Saeldir walked back to the car with a bored face.

He walked past Erend without saying anything and just got into the car.

Erend only snorted seeing Saeldir's reaction.

'We'd better get there fast or he'll die of boredom.'

Then Erend saw Billy and Adrien coming out of the shop behind the gas station.

They came out with some cans of coffee, energy drink, and soda.

Erend felt that this was the time for him to tell them everything. Including Aurdis and Saeldir.

"Hey, you awake?" Billy said while throwing a can of coffee at him.

Erend caught the can easily. "Thanks."

Billy gave another can of drink to Aurdis.

"What is this?" Aurdis seemed curious and excited to see a new type of beverage in her hands.

"It's a soda," Billy answered.

"Soda..." Aurdis muttered then started to drink it.

Aurdis' eyes widened. "This is good."

Billy turned to Erend while grinning. Erend replied with a faint smile.

Then Erend approached them.

"I have something to tell," Erend said. His serious tone made them all turn to look at him.

"What is it?" Aurdis asked.

Erend sighed. "It's about... some problems that will occur."


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