I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 302 Alarmed

The sound of the alarm was heard all over the place in this facility.

It sounded like the whimpering of a baby monster echoing through the walls of the underground.

"What happened?" Thomas, with the cup noodles still in his hand, widened his eyes in surprise.

Conrad who was next to him also looked shocked. He immediately glanced at the monitor screen and shifted the camera to the corridor where Steve and Annie were.

But when the camera moved there, there was nothing for them to see.

The camera in the corridor is dead. Which is a clear sign that something bad has happened.

"What happened there?" Conrad muttered to himself.

Without waiting any longer, Conrad immediately dashed towards the door and opened it with great force.

Conrad dashed towards the corridor with incredible speed. A thin silver light began to envelop his body.

Thomas immediately contacted the head of security.

"What happened? Breach?" Thomas asked over the phone.

- "It seems so, sir. But we don't see anything wrong anywhere," replied the head of security.

Thomas bit his lip. "Go to the subjects' room now. But you have to observe first. Conrad is already there."

- "What happened, sir?"

"I don't know either. If it really is an intruder, they will most likely target the subjects."

- "But will the intruders be able to handle the power of the subjects?"

Thomas stared at the camera screen watching the corridors of the subjects. The screen is black. Thomas could only see the reflection of his face.

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"I don't know. But... I don't think the intruders would be so stupid and come here unprepared. After all, they were able to penetrate our defenses all the way to the subject's corridor." Thomas said.

The head of security did not immediately answer. It was as if he was lost in his thoughts worrying about the situation for a few long seconds.

- "Alright. We'll go there now."

"Yeah. If you see things getting dangerous, help Conrad."

After that, the connection between the two of them was closed.

The sound of the alarm still echoes throughout the facility.

Thomas, who doesn't know anything about security procedures, also doesn't know when this alarm will end.

But that didn't matter because now there was a much more important problem.

"Maybe I should go there too."

Even so, Thomas felt doubts.

The corridor was quite narrow. So the risk that whatever happens there will expand is almost certain to happen.

"No, I better secure the data first."

So, Thomas rushed to the laboratory and archives to secure important data there.

Thomas immediately prepared for the worst. At least if the subjects get hurt or killed here, he still has data to continue the experiment.


Back to Steve's room. Where a confrontation is taking place.

Erend was still holding Steve and Annie by strangling their necks.

Meanwhile, Saeldir and Aurdis were trying to get rid of their Magic abilities.

However, this had been going on for a few seconds. Erend started to feel that the pressure from the Magic of the two of them was starting to increase and he couldn't hold them any longer.

Coupled with the alarm that has sounded announcing their presence.

One problem has not been solved yet. But they must prepare for a new problem that will come soon.

'You guys haven't finished yet?!' Erend asked. His teeth gritted and his face grimaced with struggle.

'I don't know why it took this long,' Aurdis replied.

'Maybe it's because their Magic ability is already high. Coupled with the presence of evil Magic from that cursed tree,' Saeldir said.

Meanwhile, Steve and Annie continued to struggle to free themselves from whoever or whatever was holding them against the wall.

All their attacks were countered just like that and to no avail.

Billy and Adrien who were watching from behind started to feel their anxiety grow more and more.

'We're sure to be found out,' Billy said.

'Yeah.' Adrien pulled a black balaclava mask from his trouser pocket.

Billy who saw it also immediately took his own balaclava.

Apparently, the risk that their disguises would be exposed was unavoidable.

At least, with this balaclava, their faces will not be exposed.

Suddenly Billy and Adrien heard a quick footstep.

They looked up at once. But they didn't get to see who it was because a force came and pushed them.

Billy and Adrien were blown several meters into the air. Then hit the wall at the end of the corridor.


Unknowingly, Billy let out a scream of pain.

"Who are you?!" Conrad shouted back in a furious tone while glaring at them.

Even though their forms were still invisible, Conrad knew that there were five people there.

Once Conrad got this close to them, he could finally feel for sure that this was the power of Magic.

Conrad looked into the room and saw Steve and Annie pinned against the wall.

Without waiting too long, Conrad darted inside and grabbed Erend by the shoulder.

Even though Erend was still invisible, Conrad with his enhanced sense could know his position.

He thought that he should get rid of the person who pinned Steve and Annie against the wall first even though he was aware of the existence of the other two.

The silver light around Conrad's body grew even brighter.

He pulled Erend's shoulder with his Magic power until finally, he was able to throw Erend backward.



Erend was thrown with such force that he hit the wall outside the room.

Steve and Annie fell to the floor gasping for breath.

Conrad knew that he still had to handle the two people who were still in their invisible mode.

Conrad threw a punch covered in silvery light toward Saeldir who was on his right.

Saeldir raised his hand just in time to catch Conrad's fist.


When his fist was in Saeldir's hand, Conrad felt a stinging feeling in his head.

Conrad's eyes widened. "Th-this is..."

Conrad knew the feeling all too well. He was now facing an Elf.


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