I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 341 Unexpected Agreement

A sigh escaped Aerchon's mouth. Until a few days ago he still couldn't accept that Laston, someone he trusted and considered his own father, was the mastermind behind the various kinds of misfortunes that befell this palace.

But in the end, Aerchon realized that there was no point in being trapped in denial. Laston is a traitor. He had seen it with his own eyes.

How Laston teamed up with a Dark Elf and released something that caused so many Elves in the palace to be cursed by the Undead.

Then he summons troops from the Ogres Kingdom and the Daemons of Calamity to destroy this castle.

He wouldn't be able to forgive that. What he has been doing all this time is to protect the Elven castle and its inhabitants. Seeing how Laston clearly intended to destroy it all, made Aerchon feel such great pain and hatred.

However, Laston is now gone and disappeared not knowing where. The most important thing for Aerchon was, he no longer causes trouble in the Elf castle. At least for the time being.

All because of Erend, the human with Dragon powers. He practically drove away Laston and his army of Daemons of Calamity and Ogres.

Aerchon didn't really remember what happened back then because he wasn't in the right state of mind.

What was on his mind at that time was just how to kill Laston. But because he was incapable, in the end, he could only lose consciousness in the middle of the battle.

Aerchon only learned the details of what happened at that time from Aurdis and Saeldir who told him when there was time. All these events made Aerchon realize that he, actually wasn't of much use in this Elf palace.

Instead, Erend. That human that he belittled and looked down upon saved this palace time and time again.

Aerchon felt a telepathic communication coming to him. He immediately replied telepathically knowing it was coming from Aurdis.

'(What?)' Aerchon asked.

'(Where are you now?)'

'(What do you need?)'

'(Come here. I want to talk to you about something,)' said Aurdis in a demanding tone.

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After that, the telepathic communication just cut off. Aerchon immediately descended from the top of the wall and went into the palace.

As Aurdis said, Aerchon went straight to Saeldir's room and went inside. As he had expected, the two of them were already in there as well.

They had already said about Magic's awakening in Erend's world. And Aerchon's feelings about it were still uncertain. But he already guessed what the two of them would discuss with him now.

Aerchon sat on the empty chair. They both waited for him until he was completely comfortable in his position before starting to speak.

And then, not long after, Aurdis said. "(You have heard from us about Magic's awakening in that world. As you already know, Magic awakening isn't something easy.

Even in this world that is already filled with Magic, we experience many terrible things before.)"

Aerchon definitely knew about that. All of that was recorded in a very long record. All Magic awakening events of the beings in this world were preceded by a disaster.

It happened hundreds of thousands of years ago. Now they are all able to adjust to the changes in nature. And the Elf race is the best at that adjustment.

"(Yes. So what?)" Aerchon asked back. Of course, Aurdis wouldn't just remind him of that.

Aerchon saw Aurdis' jaw tighten. She was preparing something heavy to say.

"(I want to teach Erend and his friends how to use that Magic power,)" Aurdis said.

Aerchon who had already guessed that was what she would say, didn't look surprised. But that doesn't mean he'll agree to it easily.

"(It's against all our rules,)" Aerchon said. "(You two have done a lot to remove the Magic power of the humans who stole it from us. Then now you want to teach them that again?)"

"(We have no choice,)' said Saeldir. '(These humans will use that Magic as a weapon and create war.)'

'(Then, how is it different from now? Won't they only use it for war too after you teach how to use it?)' replied Aerchon.

'(Before, there was only one party who could use Magic. But now everyone in that world will experience a Magic awakening. Then, they will just be busy surviving the madness and all the creatures that evolved,)' said Saeldir.

Aerchon was silent for a moment. He knew it was true. Destruction and chaos will ensue in that world so that the humans there will not have time to start a war with one another. Because they will be more busy surviving on their own.

But then Aerchon looked at the both of them. "(What about after that? They could just use Magic power for war after all that, right?)"

"(That's our purpose to teach some people we trust. So they can maintain order in that world,)" said Aurdis.

Aerchon turned his gaze to his sister. "(And who exactly are those people you're referring to?)"

"(You know who they are,)" replied Aurdis.

Aerchon already had several images in his head. From his movements, Aurdis and Saeldir could also tell that Aerchon had guessed who the people they were referring to were.

Then, as if to give more assurance to Aerchon, Aurdis said. "(You know there's Erend there too.)"

The existence of Erend itself has given something significant to many things. He is an invincible force. Even Aerchon was forced to admit it.

And if something really bad happened in that world, then Erend's existence would be enough to deal with it if he decided to act.

Aerchon sighed. "(Then, I guess I can't keep you guys out for too long. You two will do it anyway.)"

Aurdis and Saeldir exchanged glances. To their surprise, the conversation with Aerchon about this matter ended very smoothly.

"(I'll take care of the elders. Besides, they never do anything,)" said Aerchon.

"(What about... our father?)" asked Aurdis.

Aerchon did not immediately answer that. He had to think for a moment before answering.

"(I'll take care of that too. But for the time being, keep this matter a secret from the others.)"

Hearing Aerchon's words, they both nodded in agreement. They now have the approval of someone who should be their biggest challenge.

And they also plan to keep this a secret from the other Elves first.


The conference press event went well. The President, as usual, gave a brief statement that ultimately quenched the thirst of journalists looking for news.

The President also answered all the questions calmly as if he was just telling the truth. And not telling lies that have been designed in such a way.

The journalists dispersed peacefully. News spread widely to the public.

Of course, there are still some people who do not accept the President's explanation.

A small number of others still want to extend the issue as a form of conspiracy theory.

They are not satisfied with the answer about the terrorist attack. Some concluded that it was the actions of other countries, failed weapons experiments, and the Elves seeking revenge.

Ironically, some of these conspiracy theories are even more accurate than the lies the President tells.

But the public believes more in the President's explanation. Because it came from the leader of their country, not from the mouths of nerds and people who were considered weird.

Several days passed. Erend, Billy, and Adrien went about their day as usual. They are still being followed by the spies, so the three of them still have to watch their behavior.

Billy and Adrien also felt a change within themselves more and more. The Magic started to make them could do some surprising things.

One of them is telekinesis. They could move things just by their will. Although on several occasions they still have difficulty controlling the objects they summon so that they actually damage the objects.

However, for people who never imagined they could use Magic, failure was still a good thing.

Then, a few more days passed. Finally, a visit from Aurdis came. This time she only came alone. They met in Erend's room when it was late at night.

"I bring good news," Aurdis said with a big smile. "Aerchon has agreed about us teaching how to use our Magic!"

Erend blinked a few times. The news that Aurdis brought was indeed exciting. But, she's too loud.

"Shh...!" Erend put his finger in front of his lips. "You will wake my mother and my sister."

Aurdis immediately cupped her hands to her lips. Then made an apologetic expression.

Erend invited Aurdis to sit on his bed. And now they spoke more carefully.

"Have you told Aerchon?" Erend asked.

Aurdis nodded still with her excited expression. "Yes. I didn't know it was possible but Aerchon agreed without much dispute. I still find it hard to even believe that I can have a civilized conversation with him."

Erend also couldn't believe hearing Aurdis' explanation about his annoying brother. But, what mattered now was the result of that talk.


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