I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 354 The President's Predicament

Julius knew the characteristics of Magic. He had seen with his own eyes how the Magic experiment was carried out.

Even though Julius wasn't sure, when he saw the anomaly that had appeared on his daughter's body, Julius didn't see any other possibility besides that.

Ruby's body emitted thick white smoke. The temperature of the dining room is getting colder.

"What should we do, Dad? What happened to Ruby?!" Sarah stared at her sister with fear evident in her eyes.

Rachel, his wife also exudes the same fear. Yet Julius doesn't know what to do to fight against that Magic power.

Ruby's eyes suddenly opened and stared at him. Julius knew that those eyes were no longer his daughter's eyes but the eyes of another entity that inhabited her body.

"W-Who are you?! What do you want?!" Julius asked. Even though his voice was shaking he still tried to stay calm.

But no answer came out of Ruby's mouth. Instead, a grin that looked cruel and cold appeared on her face.

Ruby stretched her arms forward in a pushing motion. Julius felt a strong force pushing him backward until he hit the wall and fell to the floor.

Julius felt a pain in the back of his head after hitting the wall. The collision also made his vision blurry.

Ruby stretched her arms toward Rachel and did the same thing she did to her father.

Rachel fell to the floor and immediately lost consciousness.

But Ruby has no intention of stopping there.

She walked slowly towards her older sister who looked at her full of fear. The terror that Ruby gave off made Sarah lose all strength to scream or move.

Every step Ruby took felt like doom slowly approaching her.

Sarah fell on her butt on the floor. Her mouth and eyes opened wide staring at the figure of her little sister who had turned into something completely different.

Suddenly, on Ruby's finger appeared icicles that turned into sharp claws. The claws reflected the light from the lamp above the dining table.

"N-No! Ruby no!" Julius tried to scream as hard as he could but all his strength seemed to have left his body. Even though he forced his body to move, Julius could only freeze in place.

And then, that voice came into his head.

'You want to save your daughter?' asked the voice.

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"Yes yes!" Julius answered without hesitation. Right now, there was only one thing he wanted to do.

'Very well, human. Accept me into your soul and I will give you the strength you need. Call my name. I am Ozynk!'

Julius who saw with his eyes Ruby drew closer and raised her clawed hand already lost her thoughts. He couldn't think of anything else when he saw his daughter being threatened.

So Julius called his name.


Something black appears and wraps around his body. From that moment onward, Julius had lost himself in the void of black smoke.


Julius blinked his eyes several times quickly. He scanned around and realized that he was still in the dining room.

He was also still sitting in the position he remembered the last time.

"Argh..." Julius groaned feeling the pain in his head that suddenly came.

A moment later his brain began to remember about what happened last night.


Julius immediately jumped to his feet and immediately regretted it because the pain stabbed his head.

But Julius didn't stop and kept looking for his family.

It didn't take long for Julius to find them. Because they are still lying where they were.

He looked at the clock on the wall. He realized that only ten minutes had passed since the incident. But Julius felt what he was going through was much longer than that.

He found his wife and two daughters lying unconscious where they had been. Julius immediately called the officers who were on duty around to take them to the hospital.


The next day...

Julius was lying on his bed in the VIP treatment room. His wife and two daughters were in a separate room.

He was staring at the ceiling thinking about what exactly he experienced last night. While the morning sun was shining warmly from outside his window.

What made the president even more confused was the fact that now he felt completely fine. The pain he was suffering from had disappeared altogether after he slept.

'Was what happened last night real?'

Julius remembers that last night something happened to Ruby that made her have some kind of power to blow him and his wife away.

After that, she intended to kill her sister with her clawed hands.

And then...

'The voice...' Julius frowned. 'That voice... what is that?'

He lost his memory after that. So Julius didn't know what to do to stop Ruby who seemed to be possessed by something.

The only thing Julius could think about was the existence of Magic. But how did suddenly, Magic affect his daughter?




The knocking on the door pulled Julius out of his reverie.

"Come in!" Julius said.

From behind the door, General Lennard and Thomas came. Thomas immediately came rushing towards his bed.

Julius had already sent a message to one of his bodyguards to contact the two of them to come to the hospital as soon as possible.

"How are you, Mr. President?" General Lennard asked with a concerned face.

"I feel strange. I don't know what happened to us," Julius replied.

"Please explain to us what happened in detail, sir," Thomas said. His tone almost sounded like a demand.

Julius begins to tell what happened last night. Starting from a peaceful dinner until the strange thing happened to his daughter.

Julius also wanted to tell them about the voice he heard inside his head. However, suddenly the memory disappeared.

Julius seemed to be groping around in the darkness. His forehead wrinkled in confusion searching for the memory. But in the end, he couldn't find what he wanted to talk about.

It was as if, a dark veil had been stretched inside his brain to block those memories from surfacing.

"What's wrong, sir?" General Lennard asked with a worried face seeing Julius' expression who seemed to be having a hard time.

"I... Uhh... Nothing. Nevermind. I can't remember what to say anymore."

General Lennard and Thomas exchanged confused looks.

But among them, only Thomas had a bit of a guess about what really happened. But he didn't want to say that in front of the president.

"When I woke up, I realized that I see them all fainted," Julius continued. "What exactly happened to my daughter?"

Thomas and General Lennard exchanged glances once again. They couldn't say anything for a few moments.

"I'm sorry, sir. For now, I still can't give you any answer," Thomas said.

"It's alright. I know that this problem will not be easy. Does this have something to do with Magic?" Julius said.

Thomas thought for a few moments before answering. He was still constructing the correct sentence for him to say.

"Based on your description of last night's events... that might be the case, sir," Thomas replied hesitantly. "However, I still can't give a definite answer before checking the facts."

"What do you need?" Julius looked at Thomas.

"I need to check out the presidential palace and do some experiments," Thomas replied.

"Then you do it. Lennard." Julius looked at General Lennard. "Give him everything he needs."

General Lennard nodded. "Understood, sir."

After that, Thomas and General Lennard talked about some of the problems that might occur in the future.

This news has somehow reached the ears of journalists through a source that is certain to be in the presidential palace. General Lennard asked to immediately conduct an investigation of the staff at the presidential palace. It was obvious that Julius immediately agreed to that.

After finishing discussing that, General Lennard and Thomas left the president's room.

After the two of them left Julius lay down on his bed with his forehead wrinkled. Before, he wanted to add something to his explanation but suddenly he didn't know what to say.

"What is happening to me?" Julius looked down at his own two hands. Somehow, he felt that his current body was not his own.


Arty covered her yawning mouth. Even though it was still early in the morning, she already felt extremely sleepy. Maybe it's because the lessons she's currently going through don't interest her.

Arty stared out the window. She expected the view of the bright morning sky. But Arty got a sight beyond her expectation.

There was a huge bird-like figure flying towards her. She squinted to see if what she saw was real. When she did that, she feel certain that the giant bird was rushing in her direction fast.

"Shit!" Arty cursed loudly causing everyone in the class to look at her.

"Miss Drake! Watch your to-"

Before the teacher could finish saying that, Arty shouted.

"Take cover!"

A shadow loomed over the window. Then a giant beak penetrated the classroom.


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