I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 356 Killing Monsters

Erend shot at high speed toward the giant bat. He was reminded of the bat he had encountered in the Dungeon at that time. But of course, this bat is far inferior to the one in the Dungeon.

The bat notices Erend's presence and attacks in his direction. It opened its mouth again and let out the same sound waves.

But now Erend already knows the attack pattern so he won't be caught in the same attack twice.

Erend opened his mouth and fired a fireball from his mouth.

The sound wave of the giant bat collided with the fireball and created an explosion in the air.


However, of course, the sound waves couldn't match Erend's fireballs. The fireball continued to shoot even though it had already exploded when it collided with the sound wave.

Erend saw that the giant bat showed a shocked reaction when he saw the fireballs continue to head toward it. Erend didn't know that a beast could create such an expression on its face. He found it kinda amusing.

Even though what happened a moment later removed that sight.

Erend's fireball shot and hit the giant bat's face. It fell after its face was destroyed by fire.

Erend followed it because he didn't want to let the monster escape or hit the people down there.

He shot with high speed until he caught up and caught the giant bat. Erend then opens his mouth and blows fire into the bat, burning the bat instantly.

He continued to spit out the flames for a few seconds until finally the bat turned into black ashes which crumbled and was blown away by the wind.

'Now there are only four monsters left.'

Erend who was still floating in the air realized that the people below had started to notice it. So he moved his wings and flew higher and higher to avoid the gazes. Even though he thought that there had been several pictures of him caught on camera, Erend was sure that they would not be able to find out his identity.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Erend cast his eyes around once he was at a high altitude. From here he hoped to find monsters he had to kill before they killed more people.

Erend found one of the monsters a few minutes later on the highway. The monster was on a rampage and threw cars with its big pair of horns.

'There you are!'

Erend immediately shot toward the monster. It was a monster that was previously a hercules beetle that was 60 millimeters in size. However, with the Magic that has entered its body, the beetle grows to the size of an SUV.

The beetle uses its large and long horns to lift cars, trucks, and whatever it sees in front of it.


Erend landed in front of the giant beetle. It didn't take long for the beetle to realize Erend's existence as someone who could pose a threat to it.

The giant beetle could feel Erend's power. And its instinct that has been mastered by Magic makes the beetle decide to attack rather than run.

So the beetle moved its legs and charged towards Erend.

Erend who decided that he needed to finish this as soon as possible also lunged at the beetle. The beetle's shell looks hard due to the evolution of Magic. Now the shell glinted in the morning sun as if it were made of metal.

However, Erend didn't care about that. Because he believed that even if the beetle's shell had been strengthened, it would still be far inferior to him.

Erend and the beetle stopped after bumping into each other. Erend grabbed the beetle's horn and pushed it backward. Just as he expected, the beetle's strength wouldn't be any stronger than his.

Erend pushed harder until finally, the back of the beetle hit a truck, causing it to stop for a moment.

Erend used that opportunity to bend its horns down. Not long after...


Both beetle horns broke in Erend's hands. After that, Erend flapped his wings so that his body shot above the beetle.

He then struck the beetle's head with its own horn.


In one strike, Erend managed to penetrate the giant beetle's shell. The horn pierced its head and Erend activated his Skill to send fire into the hole he had created.


The fire seeped into the beetle's inner body which was not protected by a shell. Until finally the fire came out of the eyes and mouth of the beetle and it collapsed onto the asphalt.

After finishing the beetle, Erend immediately got a notification that he had finished 2 of the 5 monsters that were roaming around. He flapped his dragon wings again and shot up.

Several people who witnessed the fight were still staring at the corpse of the beetle with awe, shock, and fear. They were also confused about the winged and black-skinned human-like figure who had just killed that giant beetle.

Is it a monster too? But the red creature didn't look like it wanted to harm them even though his appearance was so dreadful. That's what was in the minds of the people who saw the incident earlier.

Of course, Erend, who had already taken flight from that place, realized that he had attracted a lot of attention. However, he was certain that he would not reveal his identity because of the scales all over his body. So Erend wasn't too worried.

He wandered around the sky of the city of Ascan with his eyes scanning what was down there. A moment later, realizing that he would only be wasting his time by searching in this way, Erend activated his Skill.

[ Skill activated: Dragon's Eyes (Lv.2) ]

Erend's eyes turned into a pair of reptile eyes that gave off a yellowish glow. He scanned part of the city again with enhanced vision.

A moment later Erend found a monster rampaging in an apartment building. The monster's distance was quite far from where it was now because Erend couldn't find it before activating his Skill.

He immediately shot toward the apartment building. It didn't take long for him to reach the apartment building. Erend was finally able to see the third monster's form more clearly.

'It's a snake!'

A snake roughly twenty meters long was slithering between the windows of the apartment building. Erend could see the occupants of the building screaming in fear. Some of them must have run outside to escape but some were still trapped inside for some reason.

The giant snake suddenly stopped. Its bloodshot eyes turned inside one of the apartments curiously.

Then it broke through the window and into the apartment.

Erend who realized how dire this situation was immediately increased his flying speed.

It only took him a few seconds to reach the giant snake and immediately grabbed its slippery scales.

The snake let out a scream because Erend was interrupting it when it was about to eat a child inside.

Erend pulled the giant snake's body and then threw it aside. When he looked inside, Erend felt relieved because it turned out that he still managed to save a child from the jaws of the giant snake.

Erend turned to the snake he threw. It turned out that the snake did not fall to the ground but managed to wrap its body on time in another building.

Erend wasted no time. He flapped his wings again and charged at the giant snake.


Meanwhile, elsewhere Arty is trying to save herself with the people around her from the giant bird.

She ran as hard as she could with the female student she had saved next to her. Arty just found out that her name is Eve.

"What is that creature exactly?!" Eve screamed in such a terrified voice that her voice was hoarse.

Arty had an answer to her questions, but she knew she couldn't just tell the truth right now because Eve wouldn't believe her, or understand. And Arty didn't want to waste time explaining everything when there was a giant bird monster behind them.

"Just keep running!" Arty replied.

They keep running. Eve looked like she was out of breath and could no longer run. However, Arty feels that her body is completely fine.

Arty knew right away that this was because her body had adapted to Magic.

"We're almost there!" Eve said with a relieved tone.

What was in front of them was the school gate. The students and teachers around them who also realized that they were close to the gate hastened their run.

Behind them, the sound of the giant bird flapping its wings made them even more eager to run to the gate. As a result, a chaotic situation was unavoidable.


Eve groaned in pain when she was pushed by someone and fell. Arty immediately helped her up but they soon fell behind the crowd of other people.

But it wasn't all bad because the school gate was suddenly opened by a strong force.

In front of the gate already stood the figure of the monster that had just destroyed it.


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