I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 358 Saved

Arty was still breathing fast. She felt an incredible rush of adrenaline all over her body which kept her heart pumping.

A grin slowly appeared on Arty's lips. What she had just done was something extraordinary from an ordinary human's perspective.

However, now she is no longer an ordinary human. Everyone who was still conscious could see that Arty had just killed the giant bird that had slaughtered and eaten dozens of people at this school.

The giant bird's blood was still on her face and body. Arty looked in all directions only to find bodies and limbs strewn about.

She just felt a rush of fear and terror rush back into her. And then Arty saw it. A strange monster that is stitching humans together with its tentacles.

The monster moves by using tentacles that are slithering under its body. The beast's eye located in the center of the red flower's petals moves to find its next prey.

It didn't take long for the monster's eyes to stop when it saw Arty's whereabouts. The monster immediately moved towards her.

Arty, who now felt fear again, tried to calm himself down. Because if she couldn't calm down, then she wouldn't be able to think properly.

The monster's tentacles moved around its body like serpents that had a life of their own. While in fact, the tentacles are just an extension of the monster.

From what she remembered about the monster, it could extend its tentacles to stab its prey and then pull them closer. Arty knew that she definitely couldn't let that happen to her.

So she immediately summoned Magic that was in her body. However, the power that she thought she could always rely on now felt so dim as if it had left her body.

'What? What is going on? Did I exert it too much?'

Arty could still feel the Magic. But what she felt was like a flickering candle flame in the darkness, not the inexhaustible source of extraordinary fire she had felt earlier. Arty felt as if she had run out of fuel.

If that is so... then she will no longer be able to go against this monster.

"Shit!" Arty turned her around and ran away. She used her remaining Magic to increase her running speed.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Arty thought that she couldn't go back into the classroom because Eve was there. She had to go the other way to make the girl safer.

So she turned and ran with all her might. Arty could hear several tentacles moving in her direction with a disturbing rustling sound.


One of the tentacles darted swiftly behind Arty and shattered a classroom window. Arty felt the glass shard hit her nape.

Arty keeps running. She continued to burn who knows how much Magic was left in her body.

The important thing is that she has to quickly get away from the monster before one of its tentacles stabs her and turns her into one of the collections of human corpses in the monster's body.

However, of course, the monster wouldn't let Arty get away with it after seeing her as prey.

She felt that the energy she used to run was running out. Just a little more and Arty was sure that her Magic would run out.

Doom is approaching from behind her. Arty seemed to be able to see how the monster stabbed her with its tentacles. That image made her even more scared.


Arty heard the sound. The sound of tentacles darting towards her. She could even feel where the tentacles would land.

So Arty dodged it by jumping sideways out of reflex. Fortunately, the remaining Magic left in her body can make her senses sharpen. She survived death once again.

But her hand sprained from hitting the ground suddenly. Arty groaned in pain but he knew he couldn't stay here too long or he would really die.

So Arty used the last bit of her Magic to push her body to her feet.

However, it turned out that she had nothing left to stand on. Arty fell again to the ground with a very weak body. Ary felt like she hadn't eaten in days with her like this.

When Arty turned his head, he saw that the monster was so close to him.

Tears started pouring out of Arty's eyes. Right now there was only one person she wanted to wish to be here.

'Erend!' Arty screamed inside calling his brother.

The tentacles moved towards Arty in very fast motions. She was no longer able to move her body to avoid the tentacles.


But suddenly a fireball fell on the monster's body. Unfortunately, the monster still manages to raise several corpses to protect the flower and its eyes.

The corpses were immediately charred after being hit by the fireball.

Erend landed several meters in front of the monster. He saw Arty lying on the ground with his brown tentacles almost reaching him. Erend realized that if he was a little late, he would only see his little sister's corpse.

Gritting his teeth, Erend dashed towards the monster.

The eye which was located in the middle of the flower petal noticed Erend's arrival and immediately deployed its tentacles to attack him.

Dozens of brown tentacles that looked like living roots shot towards Erend, wanted to ensnare him, and then pulled him just like the previous victims.

However, the monster didn't realize that what it was trying to snare was a Dragon.

[ Skill activated: All Fire-based Power (Lv.1) ]


Erend waved one hand and sent a wave of fire toward the dozens of tentacles. Instantly turn it into ashes which scattered into the ground and air.

Arty, who felt that she was about to lose consciousness, turned her head. And how relieved she was when she saw that figure.

Arty couldn't see the red and black scaled figure's face. But somehow, she could feel that it was Erend.

She had never seen Erend's form when he turned into a Dragon. However, Arty had heard about it from Billy and Adrien at some point. What they described back then closely resembled the figure's appearance.

The plant monster had now completely turned its attention to Erend. It no longer considers Arty as something important.

The monster turned its body to face Erend completely. Then it suddenly showed something shocking.

The monster absorbs all the corpses that cover its entire body. The Corpses that were previously intact - except for the ones that had been burnt by Erend's flames - began to shrink as if everything inside was being sucked in.

Moments later all that was left of the corpses were dried skin and bones. The monster gathered them into a ball and dropped them on the ground like it was trash after absorbing all the substance inside their bodies.

Suddenly the monster evolved. Its body which was previously just a plant that moved with dozens of tentacles and tendrils turned into limbs, a torso, and a head. The eye in the center of the petal becomes its sole eye.

A mouth full of fangs also appeared under those eyes as if the change wasn't bad enough.

Erend frowned. He never expected that this monster could evolve.

Suddenly, the bird monster that Arty thought was dead revived. Its crushed head fell to the ground and a new, hairless head came out to replace it.

'What?!' Arty stared in disbelief. The monster she thought she had killed wasn't dead yet. At this rate, all those monsters would only make it more difficult for Erend.

But of course, Erend didn't mind too much. He had already faced far more troublesome opponents. Two monsters that only came from animals and plants that had just been touched by Magic and underwent evolution were not a problem for him.

The plant monster lunged at him with incredible speed. It's two hands which were formed from brown roots gathered and tapered to form a spear-like shape. The monster thrust both sharp-pointed hatowardards Erend.

Erend let it, the two sharp hands hit his scale and the tip broke immediately.

"Hey!" Erend let out a chuckle. He punched the plant monster right in its eye causing it to be thrown backwards and hit the wall of a classroom.

The bird monster suddenly let out a disturbing scream sound which according to Erend actually felt annoying.

So Erend darted towards the bird monster, grabbed its beak, and slam it again to the ground until there was a loud thud sound.

Erend, who didn't want to waste too much time, poured fire from his hand onto the bird's body.


In the blink of an eye, fire has covered the bird's entire body. It let out a painful sound.

Eren let it burn and immediately shot toward the plant monster.

He did the same thing, which is pouring a large amount of fire into the monster's body.


The two monsters let out wailing sounds filled with pain. Erend let them. In a few seconds, the two monsters had turned into bits of ash.


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