I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 373 Reassurance

Jason who was controlled by Svaros went berserk in that narrow and dirty alley. The sight of cars and people was still quite far from where he was now. The distance between the entrance to this alley and his current position was roughly eleven meters. It was more than enough for Svaros to finish his meal before anyone realized what was going on.

His hands, mouth, and uniform are now covered in human blood. The students who previously bullied him were now nothing more than pieces of meat scattered around him.

Svaros breathed a sigh of relief. His beast eyes stared up at the sky that was clear of clouds. Sunlight fell on this alley but even so, it didn't make this alley any brighter.

'This body will be quite useful.'

Svaros who had finished eating human flesh now felt much better than before. His psychic wound caused by Erend has also been healed.

This made Svaros' mind brighter and calmer. Something that very rarely happens to him.

The God of the Fallen Beast, who always relies on a direct approach to kill his enemies, now has to start thinking better. Erend made a god from the Chaos Realm regret his decision and change his principles.

Svaros used his recovered Magic to remove the blood and bits of flesh around Jason. He couldn't leave this boy's body alone because he knew how humans acted. They would put this boy on trial and he wouldn't be able to use him for anything he wanted to do in the future.

After that, Svaros took Jason's body away from that place. He jumped and extended the building around the alley until he finally reached the other side of the alley.

Svaros looked around. He was now on a street beside a row of many houses. Sensing that this was the right moment, Svaros left Jason's body and the boy immediately collapsed onto the street.

He would not understand what had happened to him or what he had done when he woke up. All he could see were indistinct bits and pieces of how he had killed and eaten his bullies.

That would leave Jason with no choice but to feel absolutely horrible.


Erend finally arrived in third place. He put Aurdis down and then turned human again.

They did the same sequence as before. Aurdis created a Magic circle to summon the others while Erend paid attention to everything around them for any danger.

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However, Erend didn't see any activity.

'What happened? Did he give up?'

Erend had a hard time imagining a creature that had that much hatred towards him giving up. Then he could only think of one thing. Svaros had probably weakened after the attacks he didn't keep up with.

It's just simple logic. Svaros had probably used too much of his power to manifest into monsters in this world. And every time the creature does it, Erend is always able to send him back by destroying whatever he creates.

'No, even if he doesn't attack now that creature won't stop. I have to get ready for the next attack he's about to do.'

Erend was too absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't realize that Aurdis had finished calling Aerchon, Billy, and Adrien.

"Erend!" Billy called.

Erend turned. He looked surprised when he saw they were already there.

Erend felt that he could let his guard down now. Just a little bit. He walked closer to them.

"What?" Erend asked.

"Something wrong?" Billy asked.

"No. In fact, I think the situation is a little better now," Erend replied.

"What do you mean?" This time it was Aerchon who asked.

"You see, no monsters have appeared here. Doesn't that mean that the situation has gotten a little better?" Erend said.

Aerchon was not interested in the situation around him. He continued to stare at Erend. What he meant by his question was how could Erend know that the situation was getting better now without any concrete evidence besides no monsters appearing. It could be they just didn't appear yet.

It was as if he could tell that whatever was threatening them had stopped doing it.

Aerchon knew that Erend would not answer him so he chose to focus on placing the stake now. Billy and Adrien immediately complied and they stuck the clear stake on the ground.

The shockwave spread out like before. Which indicates that the stake is active.

"Don't you need to rest first? You've already traveled the distance we should cover in one week," Adrien said. Looks concerned about Erend's condition.

"I'm fine, Captain," Erend replied with a smile. "Let's continue. Our time is limited."

"You do realize that we can't possibly finish all of this in just one day, right?" Aerchon said.I think you should take a look at

"Yes. But at least we have to try to take care as much as we can," Erend replied.

Aerchon was sure that Erend's Magic energy must be enormous. Aerchon felt there was no need to worry that Erend would get tired. He was sure that even Aurdis knew about it. But Billy and Adrien still can't feel how big Erend's Magic is even though they are already adept with Magic so it's only natural that they feel worried about Erend's condition.

'You don't need to worry about him,' thought Aerchon while looking at Billy and Adrien who were still looking at Erend with concern. He shook his head with a slight movement.

Erend said goodbye then turned into Dragon again and took off with Aurdis.

"You think he'll be all right?" Billy asked Adrien.

Adrien sighed. "If there is someone who can be alright after all this, it's Erend."

Billy looked up at the cloud where Erend had disappeared. "You're right, Captain."


Time goes on. Erend and Aurdis continued to travel from one point of power to the other, setting the stakes to stop the evil influence of Magic awakening in this world.

Nobody knows what they do. No one knows that they are trying to save this world.

The sun, which had been shining brightly, was moving lower and lower on the west side. Until finally, dusk arrived.

Erend and Aurdis landed in an area near a remote beach. The beach sand is still clean from garbage because humans rarely visit it.

Erend changed back to his human form, then dropped his butt on the sand with his gaze fixed on the setting sun.

Aurdis who saw him smiled. She who previously wanted to directly create a Magic circle abandoned her intention and sat down next to Erend.

Aurdis kept looking at Erend who was agitated and wary from the moment they started their journey. But now she could see that Erend had calmed down. Maybe it was because he really felt his situation was getting better, or maybe it was because of the beautiful view of the setting sun.

"That's beautiful, isn't it?" Erend suddenly said with an unmoved gaze from the front.

"Yes," Aurdis replied, smiling.

The orange rays of the sun are reflected in the calm ocean. The wind was blowing breezily, moving Aurdis' soft silver hair.

"When will all this end?" Erend said.

Aurdis turned to him. The smile on the Elf princess' face disappeared to be replaced by concern.

"This will all be over soon, Erend. After we put in all the stakes the effects of this Magic awakening will diminish a lot and stability in your world will begin to re-establish," Aurdis said.

But Erend snorted, as if he didn't think that what Aurdis said was wrong.

"After the Magic awakening issue is over, there will still be The Great Calamity to come. Then we still have the problem of the mysterious cursed tree. We still don't know the whereabouts of your uncle as well," Erend revealed.

Aurdis fell silent. She wanted to say that everything would be fine. Yet she knows that the reality is far from that. Everything is not fine. In fact, it will only get worse the longer it goes on.

"We can do it together, Erend." Aurdis held Erend's hand which was on the sand.

Erend turned his head and stared into her blue eyes. He felt that there was a lot of weight on his shoulders. But when Erend saw Aurdis' eyes he could feel that a weight had been lifted, though for a brief moment.

Aurdis smiled. Then she brought her face closer to Erend. In those moments, Aurdis kissed Erend with a soft kiss on his lips.

Aurdis tried to give whatever she could at the moment to Erend to make him calmer.

Erend returned her kiss. And she could feel that Erend desperately needed someone to lean on from all the burdens he had. Aurdis was more than happy to bear the burden with him.

Moments later their kiss ended. They pressed foreheads against each other, with the setting sun in the background.

"Thank you," Erend said, sincerely from the bottom of his heart.

Aurdis smiled. "You don't have to bear it all alone. You have good friends, Erend. You have me. Let's face it together."

Erend smiled. "You are right."

After that, Erend felt better. And Aurdis can continue their task.


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