I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 389 Seperated

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Erend's jaw clenched tightly, his teeth gritted. He had to make an effort not to hit Julius in the face with his clenched fists.

He didn't care that Julius was president at the moment. If only the creature that possessed him had not taken his family hostage then Erend would have smashed Julius's face to pieces.

However, Erend managed to hold back the rage that was roaring in his chest with extraordinary effort. He had more important things to do right now.

"What do you want?" Erend asked through gritted teeth. His voice almost came out as a hiss that sounded dangerous.

Julius or, actually Ozynk, still showing the same mocking smile from earlier. As if enjoying Erend's expression that looked agitated. Ozynk knew that Erend was very angry, but he couldn't vent his anger because he knew the consequences.

"I like your expression," Julius said. "I have hardly ever seen a Dragonborn show such a troubled expression. Your kind is always so powerful and do whatever you want because of your great strength."

Hearing that, Erend's mind remembered Eccar for a split second. But that memory was immediately blotted out by the sight of Julius' grin.

"Say it, creature," Erend said threateningly. His eyes almost look like a blazing fire now.

Erend saw Julius tilt his head and saw him still with a look full of amusement. For Ozynk, Erend is valuable entertainment for him, so he doesn't want this moment to pass quickly.

However, Ozynk could not waste any longer.

"You just have to save them. I won't get in your way. I'll even open a way for you, Dragonborn." Julius spread his arms to the sides and a one-meter vortex opened up. The vortex was black and gray and gave off a distinct sinister aura.

Erend eyed Julius with sharp eyes. He must have wanted to make her leave this world by teleporting her to the Chaos Realm. That way he and his chaos friends can run freely without him stopping them.

"Come on. You have to hurry, don't you?" Julius asked.

Erend shifted his eyes from Julius to the vortex. He didn't want to leave this world without telling anyone. However, his mother and sister were in the Chaos Realm without Erend knowing how they were. He couldn't leave them alone for too long.

Adrien and Billy had already learned to use Magic. Aurdis, Saeldir, and Aerchon will also be here in a few days. Erend could only hope that they would be able to survive without him for as long as... Erend didn't know how long he would be in the Chaos Realm.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"You are taking too long, Dragonborn. Maybe your mother and sister are suffering right now," Julius said. The grin on his face faded slightly and filled with a look of impatience.

Erend glanced at him and then jumped into the small vortex. He disappeared into the portal that led him to the Chaos Realm with no other choice.

As soon as he saw Erend enter, Julius immediately closed the portal and let out a low laugh.

"Now, he will spend some time trapped in there while I rule his world."

After successfully luring Erend into the Chaos Realm, Ozynk contacted Isadora.

"The Dragonborn is gone."


"Captain, what if Erend suddenly isn't here and suddenly trouble happens?" Billy asked. The question made Adrien turn his head with a furrowed brow.

"Why do you suddenly ask that?" Adrien asked back.

"Well, that looks like a possibility, doesn't it?"

Adrien paused and thought. He didn't want to think about it because it was a bad possibility even though he had thought about it a few times.

"It's gonna be just fine," Adrien said. "We already have Magic power too, right?"

"But... can we fight, Captain?"

"Of course." Adrien looked at Billy with determined eyes. "If Erend really can't fight, we have to fight. Otherwise, what's the point of our training all this time?"

Seeing the firm look in his captain's eyes Billy felt the burden of worry in his heart lift. He now only has to fight if that's what it takes.

"You're right, Captain," Billy said.


Suddenly they felt a cold air full of bad pressure blowing behind them both. At that moment they knew that something bad was approaching. Without exchanging any words, Adrien and Billy immediately ran to hide.

Not long after, Julius came out of the presidential palace with a grin evil etched on his face. All the soldiers who were relaxing turned their heads when they saw his presence.

"Mr. President!" one soldier said. Then the soldier ran towards Julius. "Wha-"

Before he finished his words a tendrils of black and gray energy lashed towards him and shackled the soldier's entire body in a split second. He collapsed to the ground and lost consciousness.

Julius looked at the other four soldiers in front of him and seemed shocked by what he was doing. Julius immediately did the same as before, tendrils of black and gray energy shot from his body towards the four of them at once and immediately entangled them.

"Shit!" Billy, who saw what Julius was doing from where he was hiding, cursed under his breath. "We must hide our presence, Captain."

Adrien just nodded. The two of them started concentrating, flowing the Magic energy within their bodies became a lot easier now after the training they had undergone. In a matter of seconds, both of them managed to hide their presence with the technique the Elves taught them.

Julius turned his head, scanning around with eyes that gave off black glints sometime. He didn't feel anyone around here so Julius went to another area of ​​the presidential palace to clean up the remaining soldiers and butlers.

Billy and Adrien waited in silence while controlling their trained composure. After a few minutes Billy peeked back, he didn't see Julius anymore.

"He's gone, sir," Billy whispered.

Adrien stared ahead with eyes that emitted a dangerous glint and a jaw that clenched.

"We have to get out of here first," Adrien said.

Billy nodded. And so, they sprinted while still flowing their Magic to hide their presence and increase their running speed.

Meanwhile, Julius, who had finished handling all the soldiers and butlers he met, frowned in the middle of the quiet room. The bodies of the soldiers and butlers lying around him were enveloped in black and gray Magic. They weren't dead yet, but their consciousness had left their bodies.

"Still minus two," Julius muttered to himself. "Where are they?"

Julius tries to spread his Magic energy around to find the whereabouts of the two missing soldiers. Luckily Ozynk has mastered a large part of Julius's soul so he can expend a lot of Magic energy.

The influence he had on Julius was as great as the influence Svaros had over Jason but Ozynk didn't say that to Svaros or Isadora. It's better for him to keep it to herself. It wouldn't make much of a difference anyway.

After several minutes of continuing to search for Julius, he couldn't find anyone else in this presidential palace. It made him irritated and a little worried. How can they escape him?

But a moment later a realization struck him. The two missing people are friends of the Dragonborn.

"Shit!" Julius cursed loudly. "Did the Dragonborn give them a warning before entering the portal?!"

He was worried that the two people would mess up their plans. However, soon the anxiety disappeared.

"They can't do anything with just the two of them, can they? Even if the Elves help they won't be of much use. The Elves can't use their full strength in this world."

The grin returned to Julius' face again. He looked at all the humans scattered around him. His plan for them is to turn them into his minions, but that still had to wait until he could cast more Magic more freely.

"I have to take care of the stakes first."

Julius contacted Isadora and Svaros to continue their next phase.


Erend already suspected that what he was about to do would not be easy. The creature will not just let it go as soon as it enters their world.

Now Erend is in a black and gray void that looks like it has no end. He was bobbing in the air with no footing or direction to go.

Erend gritted his teeth and cursed the creatures in his heart. However, that can wait until later. The creatures will get a reward for what they have done but not now. Now he has to find a way out of this void first.

'But how?!'

Erend wanted to activate his skill but nothing seemed to be broken from here. However, suddenly a rift opened at the far end of this void.

Erend immediately activated [Dragon Wings] and then shot toward the rift. But he hesitated, what if it was another trap that led him to a worse place?


Erend saw Eccar's face in that rift.

"What are you doing there?" Eccar asked.

Erend immediately shot into the rift.


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