I Reincarnated as a Shinai

Chapter 111: Cave

Chapter 111: Cave

"Sir Ulysses, may I ask what kind of Evil Beast did your captain encounter?" Orga asked the knight as they sat around the table. 

He already identified himself as a Three-Star Hunter who was interested in further exploring the dangerous regions in the forest. Things were easier to explain with the License Card he's holding.

Three-Star Hunters are all well-respected Hunters since they were someone who has completed A-Class Mission at least once. After all, it is one of the many requirements to rank up

In short, this man has access to many types of Magic Weapons and Ownerless Arcana, and perhaps, he must be equipped with some!

So after a few pleasantries, Ulysses decided to listen to what this old man has to say.

"Mhmm We only know that monster based on the description that the captain gave to us Here, he even draw what he saw that time"

Ulysses said as he gave the hastily drawn image of the Evil Beast that his captain has encountered. Orga took it and analyzed the figure. 

Misha, who was supposedly meeting with the village guards stayed here as well to talk with the three-star Hunter. After all, it wasn't every day to meet such an esteemed figure

These Hunters were said to be equal or even stronger than the top 3rd-Class Arcanist of the country 

Misha was unsure whether the man can use an Ownerless Arcana but even it is just a Magic Weapon, she knows that this man can never be underestimated.

She wanted to have a duel with him later...

"Mhmm I don't think I've seen this creature before. I wonder where they found it."

"You'll have to ask them if you wanted to know that. The Hunters acting as their guide doesn't know the place as well... They were unaware of the captain's plans to enter the unexplored region and only left them in a safe area"

"I see. Then, can I speak with one of the Knights?"

"There's no problem with that. But not to our captain. I'll introduce you to the other two However"

Ulysses paused as he looked at Orga.

"Do you plan to go there alone?"

"Of course not. I only want to know about that area You see, I've been living near this forest all my life and I really wanted to map this place someday"

"To map, huh That makes sense. Our kingdom doesn't have the intention to spend its money to explore this place. Heh, there seems to be no benefit and only treated it as a place of trials for the young ones But I don't think so... I hope you can complete it one day"

"Hoho Thank you for your kind words" Orga said as he mysteriously smiled at the kind Knight.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


"Mhmm What's this place?"

Stella worriedly asked after she stumbled herself in an unknown area. 

This is not included in the list of explored regions!

She remembered the list that came from the Hunters at the village and even though she knows that only more than half of the forest was explored, she shouldn't be easily stumbling in this unknown area. 

"I'm so unlucky When will this path end?"

She was just following a group of Winged Goats but after stepping on a rock and missed her balance, she suddenly saw herself in a deep ravine.

She couldn't just climb up because of the steep and wet rocks so she tried to walk for a bit and found that she was lost

She can't find any marks left by the Hunters or any other human traces at all.

'This is bad Anyway, it's still very early. I shouldn't be that far from the village, I might get to meet other Hunters'

Stella can only think positively to improve her mood. After few minutes of walking, she finally found something...

"Whoa! Here it is"

She saw a group of Winged Goats just outside a cave connected to one of the mountains amidst the forest It seems that this is their home or something

Unfortunately, there are about twenty of them and it would be dangerous to move against them at this time

'Eh? What's that?'

Stella suddenly saw a light coming out of the cave and quickly hide behind a tree She suddenly sensed some danger just by staying near this place.

Light wouldn't just be produced out of nowhere especially inside a dark cave

"Humans? No, there are no footprints or other traces"

Stella thought for a moment and saw rays of sunlight coming from above 

"Perhaps, it is just the sunlight, reflecting something within the cave?"

After taking a look around and found it relatively safe, she asked her master.

"Master Reiji Should I just move away from this place?"

"Mhmm I can now use my Take Over again so I can help you if you're in danger. Just don't spend all of your Spiritual Energy"

Stella thought for a moment as she realized what her master was saying.

"T-then I'll explore the cave?"

"You have that potion, right? You can use it to scatter the Winged Goats and have a quick look within the cave? Who knows, you might find a treasure"

"T-treasure? Alright Let me try However, if something feels wrong I'll just run away fast This place is creepy."

Stella said as she pulled out a vial of black concoction she bought at the Gentle Leaves. 

Then, she threw it amid the Winged Goats before it shattered and created a black mist

"Baa Baa Baa"

The goats seem to hate the smell coming from it and soon scattered away from the place

Stella quickly hid herself to avoid being seen by the infuriated beasts. They might turn their frustration to her and end up in a bad position

After waiting for a while, she swiftly went inside the cave She pulled another vial of concoction but instead of opening it, she poured her Spiritual Energy into the bottle

Then, the liquid reacted to her energy and created a light that was strong enough to see the mossy walls of the cave

"Whoa It's really working"

Stella was also surprised at how effective this potion was

She couldn't help but be amazed at the Apothecarist's abilities One of its ingredients was an Ancient Fire Beetle that is commonly found in the rivers and no one would pay attention to them unless requested by the apothecary... She couldn't help but appreciate their expertise in the field.

"Indeed It's fascinating" Even Reiji agreed on this.

"Stella Can you see it?" 

Her master suddenly asked so she quickly surveyed the surroundings.

After adjusting her eyes at the dark surroundings, she saw the remains of a previous living human Only a skeleton, together with their rusty armor and sword were left

After looking at it closely, there was also a chained pocket watch on their hands It seems to be the one she saw reflecting the sunlight

Stella carefully approached the remains of this person and found that the pocket watch has stopped working even though it doesn't have any signs of physical damage

"Take it Then look for other valuables."

"Eh? A-alright Treasure Treasure"

Stella was not used to looting a dead person's body. Even though it's just a skeleton now, her mindset couldn't easily adjust.

However, since her master instructed, she kept her disgust to herself and quickly looked for anything valuable

Aside from the pocket watch She found a small pouch with things inside. She didn't check them yet and planned to confirm it outside. 

Anyway, it doesn't smell or anything so it shouldn't be a problem.

The rusty armor and sword seem to have no value so she just left them there Finally, she took a glance at the bracelet made of stones on the skeleton's right arm.

'No, it's not just simple stones Their gems!'

They were covered with dirt at the time but after Stella scratched them a bit, she saw the bright colors of the stones 

Before she could make exclaim in happiness, she was interrupted by an eerie sound.

Huuu Huuu Huuuu...

She heard a breathing sound that was coming from deep inside the cave. 

It was perhaps from a living creature or just the sound of whistling wind tricking her ears.

She quickly pocketed the bracelet before leaving the skeleton.

She gave one final look inside the dark cave but got too scared to do any further. It would be too dangerous to enter an unknown cave alone so she has to quickly leave this place.

"Master I'll leave now I don't feel right just by staying here" Stella said nervously 

"Alright Move quickly"


Stella dashed outside without looking back and went in the direction her master was pointing

"Are we returning now, Master?"

"That's right I don't think that we can explore that cave given our current strength Let's just remember this place and come back once we're strong enough"

"Ohh" Stella was hesitant at the thought of coming back but still agreed to her master. 

Anyway, as long as her master was confident that they can enter that cave, there was no way for her to feel scared.

"Turn left"

"Mhmm" Stella followed his instruction and found traces of footprints on the path she's taking!

They did not return to the ravine and instead found a different path to return to the explored region 

It seems that she was the only one who was lost a while ago Her master seems to have a clear grasp on their location within the forest 

She then sighed in relief after realizing how reliable her Master was.

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