I Reincarnated as a Shinai

Chapter 215: Stella's Strength ( Part 3 )

Chapter 215: Stella's Strength ( Part 3 )

The Broken Fang Mercenaries started getting a clear advantage after realizing that their Enhanced Weapons can endure the werewolves' claws and bites

A few of them were actually a bit scared fighting such a ferocious beast head-on but being together with their fellow mercenaries, they managed to fight against their fear and heavily injure one of the smaller werewolves.


Its painful cries can be heard throughout the region and they realized that it might attract more evil beast than they expected

"We have to hurry and kill them Use everything you got!"

Various Arcane Magic was used to wear off the beasts Although they are very strong, their number and coordinated attacks would certainly weaken them over time


As they are starting to feel confident that they can be them, the beasts started howling and triggered some kind of magic around them 

The scary-looking werewolves became even more terrifying after they emitted a dark aura and their eyes glow red

"Tsk How is this possible?! They are in berserk mode! Careful!"

The berserk mode of the Werewolves should only be possible during the night They had never seen them use it during the days

No one has ever recorded something like that before!

With this in thought, they realized that none of the people, who had seen their berserk during the day, must've survived their attack.

"Calm down We are strong We can do this" Lyrei used an Arcane Magic on her voice called Solitude Hymn It is a form of light hypnosis that helps her teammates fight against fear and avoid being panicked

This is such convenient magic considering the situation.

After calming down, everyone held their weapons tightly as they readied for the second round.


Stella held her swords and formed her battle stance, Juji no Kamae 

She wanted to test the difference in their strength so she decided to be on the defensive first before thinking of changing her stance into an aggressive one

Nevertheless, her current stance is also really good whenever she needed to do a counter 

She's used to fighting against someone larger than her so she wasn't too shaken on her opponent At most, she felt disgusted seeing the salivating werewolf in front of her 

The werewolf also had a weird scent coming from it but she couldn't quite specify it yet. It wasn't a scent of blood but something poisonous

Nevertheless, she has already fought against many Evil Beasts and even though this is her first time seeing a werewolf, she knows that they were only extremely strong during the full moon.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Right now, the sun is high in the sky so there's no way that this beast would be able to execute its full power.

It should be the perfect time to deal with the Evil Beast

Stella stood on her ground and waited for the Werewolf to initiate another attack. This time, she's ready to face him


The Werewolf rushed forward and he seemed to be aiming to bite her off

Clang! Clang! Clang!

It was three consecutive strikes from Stella and it hit the werewolf's iron-like head 

'You're tough' 

She continues to jump away while dodging and parrying the beast's attacks


The young girl managed to dodge the werewolf's claws but her back hit the tree 

It messed up her timing and the werewolf is not about to chomp on her head


Full-Body Armor!

She's unable to muster enough strength to jump away and get into a stable position as her footing is unbalanced

Because of that, she decided to activate her Spectral Cloth Vambrace's Full-Body Armor


The activation of the Arcane Magic created a spherical shield to protect her from being chomped off by the werewolf.

Just like her Arcana, her full body armor is not something that is made of steel or leather The armor just looks like clothes that Reiji had introduced to her for Kendo Practitioners

However, the clothes made of white silk were still quite different She's now wearing a robe on a narrow-cuffed, knee-length tunic tied with a sash and an ankle-length skirt

If Reiji is here, he would recognize that this is quite similar to Hanfu, a traditional clothes that he had seen from his previous life

Of course, these clothes weren't meant for battle at all! But what was astounding is that Stella started emitting an incredible aura that even Lyrei from afar has felt for a moment

This is the Mystical Energy of her Awakened Unique Rank Arcana!

Stella smirked as she felt the power coming from her body She confidently looked at the werewolf who doesn't seem to be afraid of her transformation


The werewolf howled and as soon as he finished, his bloodlust strengthened, and his eyes turned red

Stella realized that the wolf just turned to his Berserk Mode Something that only happens during the night, specifically on the Full Moon

However, she doesn't have the time to think for the reason


The werewolf already started coming at her as she decided to change her stance

Jodan no Kamae!

This time, she would teach this werewolf a lesson


Lyrei and the others felt troubled at the berserk werewolves in front of them 

Their speed, strength, and immunity to Arcane Magic increased by a huge margin. Some of the members of their squad started getting injured Two of them were even critically hit by one of the werewolves' claws

If Captain Holt is not holding off the strongest Werewolf, their formation would surely collapse and they'll be in real trouble

"Haa! Don't you dare!"

"Wind Surge!"

Ilphas, their reinforcement, has finally arrived!

They already killed all the archers in the woods as they helped them together with the three others behind him. Although they were also wounded, it wouldn't affect their skills as fighting in the open is much easier for them.

The trees greatly limited their vision and movement so it took quite some time to finish all of them

The werewolves were already on their berserk mode when he managed to return

The man likes wind magic since his Arcana has a couple of such abilities 

The appearance of her signature magic ability gave hope to the Broken Fang

Clang! Clang!

Their battle turned around quickly as soon as the man arrived He managed to raise the morale of his team created an opportunity for them to hit back the confused beasts


The battle lasted for more than a minute but they are still unable to find an opportunity to finish them off

Aside from that, they are also confused why these beasts don't want to retreat yet. They are outnumbered and filled with injuries already. However, they were still continuing even with such disadvantage. There must be something wrong

They also suspected that their berserk was perhaps a bit too forced and it would surely take a toll on their bodies once it was over.

Once that happened, they would surely be killed by their sword.



One of the members of the squad lost his focus and the werewolf took the opportunity of this

His arm was bitten off and it was followed by a kick killing him off The man's body was thrown to Ilphas's side who was rushing to help the man

He wanted to catch his colleague but he felt that he would be targeted once he let his guard down


The man decided to dodge the body and launch an attack on the beast instead

They were in trouble, he must change the atmosphere and kill at least one of the tough werewolves.

However, it is not going to be easy. The werewolves are at the end of their berserk and wanted to kill them off as well.

As they were about to clash again, an explosion occurred not too far from the battlefield

The smell of blood wafted throughout the field and even the werewolves had to take a glance in that brief moment.

No, they must've sensed something from that scent 

The area was filled with dust due to the explosion. None of them could see what exploded in that place. However, the werewolves including the one that Hold was dealing with, had immediately sensed what was happening!

They angrily howled as they somehow regained their energy!

Their bloodlust strengthened even more as they charged towards the smoke! 

Every step they make was filled with power and gives off a dangerous aura It doesn't feel like their Berserk Mode was about to go off!

As they entered the smoke, they cleared signs of battle going and realized that inside that smoke is perhaps an enemy of those werewolves


The sound of the blade tearing flesh can be heard for a few seconds. Some painful cries and howls resounded before getting silent again

"What's going on?"

"I-I think someone just killed the werewolves..."


However, the smoke and dust started to dissipate slowly and they finally saw the figure of the culprit

They saw someone wearing beautiful silk robes and holding two swords in their hands

The figure is walking in their direction and they saw him flick the sword to remove the blood on it

"Is it a fairy?"

Ilphas suddenly asked as he couldn't identify the person in front of them yet...

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