I Reincarnated as a Shinai

Chapter 44: Conclusion I

Chapter 44: Conclusion I

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Diether strikes the goat will all his might However, upon noticing that his strikes which were backed with only his physical strength were doing a little damage, he decided that he had to exert a bit more power.

He channeled his spiritual energy and strikes one of the goats he was dealing with He slowly raised the shinai and swiftly strikes at the forehead of the goat.


This time, it wasn't blocked by the goat's horn as Diether timed it when it dodges the spear attack of one of the hunters.

It was such perfect timing that even Reiji felt impressed. The young man's clear grasp on the battlefield would surely reach him to higher heights.


"No! Drayson!"

"Quick! Help him!"

Blood splattered as one of the hunters was stomped by the beast. The other hunters tried to help him after hearing his cry but they were too late

Drayson's torso was badly beaten and destroyed his internal organs.

Unfortunately, not all the Hunters present managed to fight as well as Diether. The battlefield was in chaos and any Hunter that loses their concentration might be targeted by one of the goats that were running around the place.

'Hmm Those Hunters were not cooperating properly Once they targeted a beast, they will not care about surrounding hunters that were also targeting some other beasts.'

Reiji noticed that there was no unity in this team.

'At the very least, only 11 beasts were remaining'


'I'm sure that if this was handled by disciplined soldiers or knights, they will easily overpower and control these beasts.'

These Hunters always fought with the Evil Beasts or Wild Beasts within this forest. However, it wasn't always a head-on fight.

Aside from using weapons to engage in a battle, they will normally use traps like snares, lures, and pitfalls. Even waiting for the time when the beast went to sleep is an option.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The battle continued for almost half an hour before the shaking hands of Diether relaxed.

He was too exhausted in this battle.

Three hunters died in the process Although Diether doesn't know them too well, seeing that the other Hunters were grieving upon their deaths, he couldn't help but feel saddened at the sight.

'You need to rest You did a good job out there'

'Yes. Thank you, Master.'


Diether then glances at the guy who still has some strength left after the intense battle.

It was Trance who was the leader of the group.

"Collect the cores of these Blood-Horned Goats, a third of the profit we'll make will go to the family of the deceased."

No one argued with these words. There will be a lot of good quality cores to be sold later. There were also some goat's leather and horns that could be purchased for a hefty sum.

The remaining hunters wouldn't need that much to heal their injuries. At the very least, only the maintenance cost of their Magic Weapons will be quite pricey.

'Ah, master Can you sense what's happening in the surroundings? I mean, the central area where the Arcanist fought?'

'Uhmm No. I can't sense what's happening there. However, some of them seem to have encountered trouble while you guys were busy fighting those beasts.'

'Some trouble? The Anchor Scarab shouldn't be that strong based on the book we read.'

'That's true But it would be that easy to say if they come in large numbers that would make you drown'

'Ugh I think I could imagine that, master'

Diether felt nauseous after hearing that. However, he suddenly realized that he has a relative out there.

'Ahh! How about my sister?!'

'She seems to be stronger than you Why are you worrying that much? They even have a handful of Arcanist there'

'Mhmm Yes But I should still be seeing her just to make sure.'

'Alright, kid... But you have to treat your injuries first.'

[ 72/100 ]

It was Diether's health status

It was still acceptable so Reiji didn't use his [ Heal and Rejuvenation ] skill that would cost 1 SP to add 5 percent in his health.

Although he still has 95 SP's remaining, he didn't want to waste them like this since he can be easily treated by potions or other common herbs.


Alexander felt a chill in his spine after seeing the flood of Anchor Scarab approaching them in a very fast manner.

Although he trusts in his sword techniques and his Arcana skills, the number of these insects were just too many

He had two skills called Energy Wave Slash, and Atomic Tide in his Mythical Arcana, but that would consume a lot of his energy and if it didn't finish off the enemies, he will be defenseless for a while.

'Ugh... What about the others?'

"Everyone, if you have plans on how to eliminate them, please don't hesitate to suggest it now."

Alexander called out for everyone's cooperation in this battle. As a son of a General and owner of a Mythical Arcana, he had to take the lead as these students wouldn't act unless someone started to take a lead.

Soon, students with various skills in their Arcana that could cause area damage appeared within their midst.

They used them as their central force but unfortunately, something unexpected happened!

"Ahh! No! Some were moving underground!"

"Quick! Behind us!"

The swarm of anchor scarab doesn't seem to be aimlessly moving around. They know how to circle and target their weakness!

Adding the fact that these little insects were also quite tough, the Arcanists hiding in the background had to intervene to ensure their safety.


"It's weird"

Orga muttered as he moved deeper within the Wailing Forest.

He was the only one roaming around the forest while the students are all fighting against the beasts.

'Even if the Lure was spilled somewhere in the outer range It shouldn't cause this much of a reaction. Why did they bring those tamed Inferno Wolves? Do they just want to announce their identity? Or maybe, it's a plot for the Hunter or Arcanist Association and Baster Tamers Union... Was someone trying to act like Beast Tamers to make us hostile to them?'

Orga was talking to himself as he tries to understand the reason behind those robed men did this thing.

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