I See One Second Into The Future: Loner In The Apocalypse

Chapter 199 Little Baby

Kairos suddenly flung himself to the side, as another lightning bolt shot where he just was, slamming into a stone and shattering it into pieces. Seeing this, he simply laughed.

"Hey, hey, I'm not even in the city. Why are you declaring me as an enemy so easily? For all you know, I could be an ally. Not to mention, as I said before, you're ignoring the person that activated that super strong ability as well."

The soldier simply raised his eyebrow.

"As if he could use a move like that twice in a row. Besides, I dodged it once, so I can dodge it again. It would be a waste to go for the person well guarded in the city and leave you who is out alone when you're out in the open."

Kairos rolled his eyes and began channeling the gale spell.

"Oh really? You're just gonna attack me for being a random bystander?"

The soldier smirked as he raised a finger, steadily gaining charge.

"You attacked us earlier. Do you really think I'm so blind that I missed you attacking us with all those metal spies? I don't know who you are, but a bystander is not it."

Kairos shrugged his shoulders.

"Well... would you believe me if I said that I actually didn't do that?"

The soldier responded by shooting three different small arcs of lightning toward him. Two of them were to limit his mobility to dodge to the side, while one was aimed directly at him.

However, Kairos simply turned his body to the side and slipped in between the gap between the lightning. The edges of his clothes were singed slightly, but they were already in such a bad state that it didn't really change anything.

"I'm not sure if you actually want to fight me, you know?"

A confident smile remained on his face. As for the soldier opposite him, he narrowed his eyes. From the ugly expression on his face, it looked like he really didn't have the confidence to fight Kairos.

Yet, a smirk formed on his face right after.

"Well, that may be what you say, but it's not like I'm by myself."

He yelled out.

"Get your ass over here Brock!"

Another man in a similar military uniform slammed into the ground next to him. He carried only a combat knife, but that knife gleamed with a bright pink red. Kairos raised an eyebrow when he looked at it. It was a rather random thought, but he thought that Nicole might've liked it.

From what he remembered, it was a color that she liked.

He rubbed his chin in thought before calling out.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Hey, if you can hear me, Tiana, make a metal spike next to me."

Shortly after, a metal spike suddenly jutted out right next to him. He gave a small nod. On the other hand, the two men opposite him frowned. The one with the knife seemed to want to talk, but the other one held up his hand to stop him.

From there, the both of them began channeling spells, clearly getting ready to fight. As for Kairos, he wasn't paying attention at all. Instead, he looked at the metal spike as if that was Tiana.

"Hey, could you bring back that red knife to Nicole? I think she'd like it."

There was no response. Kairos saw a purple figure emerging from his back and looking at him with a disapproving glare and its arms crossed. His eyebrow twitched.

"What? It's not like I said something wrong."

The purple figure proceeded to point at him like a mother lecturing their child before creating many other gestures just like it was talking. Unfortunately, all of it was lost on Kairos who was only able to gather for some reason it was a bad decision.

He scratched the side of his head.

"Ok fine, I can just get it myself."

Suddenly, one soldier slapped the other on the back, causing strong arcs of lightning to dance across his body. Logically, it should've been something that damaged him, but for whatever reason, his movements suddenly became sharper and faster.

That was when the charged-up soldier bolted forth, swinging his bright red knife forth, which began to glow almost like it was put into a furnace.

Yet, before it reached Kairos the knife was suddenly snatched out of his hand. It was a small and unassuming metal claw that snatched it up, before sinking into the ground sneakily with the knife.

The soldier that was just robbed gasped.

"What the- wait, my weapon I've been using for so long! I..."

The other soldier had his eyes wide open, clearly showing his disbelief.

"Spells can even do something like that?"

Kairos looked back at the purple figure strangely.

"Didn't you mean that she didn't want to do that? I was willing to do it on my own."

For whatever reason the purple figure only seemed to get angrier, pointing at him like how kindergarteners would bully people. The only problem was the lack of sound, making it all rather unintimidating.

The soldier with the weapon stolen dived for it after a momentary shock, his hand slamming into the ground and scattering both rock and dirt in the air. However, he was just a tad bit too slow.

"Fuck! Give me my weapon back!"

Kairos shrugged his shoulders.

"Hey come on, it was a girly color anyway. It would be more fitting if a female used it, don't you think?"

The soldier looked back with a glare.

"I'm gonna kill you!"

The other soldier also looked pretty pissed off and began rushing towards him as well.

"I'm right behind you!"

Kairos chuckled as he raised his spear. He had complete confidence in this fight. For one, there was Tiana that was helping him, but even if she didn't, Kairos could tell that his Alone ability was activated.

In other words, any spells he casted would be several times more powerful than normal. He doubted that either of them would be on guard for something like that. With that in mind, he began channeling his gale spell discreetly, which made holding the spear a little awkward as one hand all the fingers straight.

The man that had lost his combat knife directly pulled out another metal one, however, it didn't look like the strongest thing. Kairos lunged forth and whipped his spear horizontally just like a spear.

The man deftly jumped over it, avoiding the swing entirely. However, this was what Kairos wanted. While he was in the air, his spear spun around him to instead become an overhead slash.

With a frown, the man brought the combat knife up to block.

With a bang, the spear met with the middle of the knife. And right after, a few concerning cracking sounds emanated. The blade of the combat knife was shattered into pieces, causing the man's eyes to widen exaggeratedly.


Kairos wanted to pull back and give one last slash to finish him off, but his teammate rushed forth and released three chains of lightning. Kairos decided not to challenge that and ducked back while he dodged it.

After backing up, the two soldiers recovered themselves. They even went as far as to reassure each other.

"It looks like normal weapons just aren't up to snuff anymore."

"That just means we have to use our fists like the old days!"

A sinister smile began forming on Kairos' face.

"You guys care for each other a lot, don't you?"

The two soldiers looked back at him defiantly, not responding to his taunts. Instead, they began muttering to each other, creating a plan of attack. Seeing this, Kairos let out an exaggerated sigh.

"It would be a shame if one of you happened to die."

A sadistic laugh came after. The expressions of both soldiers hardened, but other than that they didn't seem perturbed. Kairos was rather curious. It seemed that these two were a little harder to provoke compared to average people.

However, it should be fairly easy to agitate them if one died.

The three of them came to a sort of standoff, just staring at each other for a little while. Occasionally, one of them would glance over their shoulders, almost like they were debating the possibility of someone coming to back them up.

After a while, Kairos let out a sigh.

"I know it takes time to make a plan, but that doesn't mean you should give your opponent enough time to prepare, you know?"

One of the soldiers smirked.

"Oh really?"

Kairos saw in his future vision that two large rectangular pieces of stone would suddenly come up and slam into him, similar to how a person would close a book. His leg tensed up, ready to dodge.

However, he stopped himself.

The platform underneath him suddenly rose, ready to clap him. Yet, they suddenly turned to a lustrous black before freezing in place. A smirk formed on Kairos' face as he raised his hand.

"Yeah, really."

This was a gale spell he channeled for twenty seconds. It hurt a bit to maintain, but it was manageable. Then he released it, making sure that only one person would get hit in the process.

It was silent for just a split second, then the next moment a devastating bang resounded.

The gale spell slashed straight through his target, splitting him vertically in two and throwing his body backward. Parts of it even hit the ground, sending smashed rock into the air and causing a large rift to form in the floor, almost like an earthquake.

The surviving soldier's eyes widened all the way as he stared at the corpse beside him. A nasty frown formed on his face.


Kairos raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, you should be more careful. Looks like today's a little windy. Don't want to get fall over because of it."

A smile formed on his face as he finished his sentence. As for the soldier, he remained dead silent for a second, seemingly mourning the loss. But right after, he rushed towards Kairos wordlessly.

Since he didn't have a weapon, he balled his fists tightly, while arcs of lightning began dancing across his body making him go faster.

And he did end up being a tad bit faster than Kairos.

First, the man swept a leg towards his ankles, but Kairos saw it coming so easily and got out of the way, letting it brush past. Afterward, without being discouraged, the man proceeded to deliver several fast jabs forth.

Yet, Kairos was able to dodge them all as well.

At one point, he saw a good opportunity and leaped up, doing a flip over the man and plunging his spear downwards as he did so. The soldier wasn't prepared for it, but was able to brace himself by holding his arms above his head.

The spear pierced through both arms easily. From there, Kairos twisted the spear at an angle, causing him to slam into the ground all the while flinging the soldier upwards.

A smirk formed on his face.

"You may be trained on how to fight normal humans, but when everyone is just a little bit stronger, you're just like a little baby..."

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