I Shall Evolve Everything

Chapter 105 Invasion

Upon entering the house I took them upstairs where I settled both of them into a room before coming back downstairs.

In the kitchen area that I had just found I could see both Darwin and his new summon eating.

Well more like She was eating while Darwin was cooking, either way I got to see Darwin cook in an apron so it was worthwhile.

Sitting down on one of the chairs I stare intently at Darwin as he cooks another portion of fish that the woman had placed on the plate in front of him.

"Are you going to introduce me to her?" I ask Darwin.

"Ah, she is Astraea, a new summon." Darwin responded plainly to my question, my appearance not surprising him.

Placing the food that he had cooked in front of Astraea, Darwin turns to me while sitting down on the chair next to mine.

"What did you need to do that had you rushing off so fast?" He questions after staring at me for a minute.

"New subordinates that I was training needed saving." I simply answer, not explaining too much.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Darwin raised his eyebrows at my explanation, as barebones as it was. Though seeing that I didn't want to discuss it that much he just shrugged and gave me a kiss, welcoming me back.

"Are you going to introduce me to her?" Aoif's voice comes from behind me, questioning me about the new servant that I had summoned. I had noticed that Aoif was here a while ago but had said nothing since I was cooking.

Without turning to Aoif I plainly respond.

"Ah, she is Astraea, a new summon."

Placing the food down in front of Astraea I leave her to her food as I sit down next to Aoif.

A moment of silence as I just stared at Aoif, her presence soothing my tired soul. Although I knew how to cook, it didn't mean that I entirely enjoyed it. These last few hours as I cooked for Astraea were neither good nor bad, just tiring and Aoif sitting there soothed me.

"What did you need to do that had you rushing off so fast?" I finally broke the silence asking her this.

However all I got was a plain answer, almost evasive. "New subordinates that I was training needed saving." That was all the explanation that I had gotten from her. I was fine with that though, if Aoif did not want to talk about it then I would not force her to do so.

Shrugging I pull myself closer and give Aoif a chaste kiss before pulling her onto my lap. Though with the size difference between us it was more like I had pulled her head into my lap, her body laid down on the rest of the couch.

It was weird to me that the dining table that I would expect in the kitchen was instead a comfortable couch with a table in between. It was like one of those circular tables at restaurants meant for large parties but I wasn't complaining about it, it allowed me to rest Aoif in my lap and that was what mattered.

Slowly I leaned my back to the headrest and started to stroke at Aoif's hair, my own eyes closing as I got into a sort of meditative stance, both awake and not.

My hand ached, the whole time I was in that state I was petting Aoif's hair. However I dared not stop as below me Aoif was comfortable sleeping her head unconsciously pushing into my hand with every stroke.

Good things weren't meant to last though as while I was petting Aoif I saw Tama approaching me with Melia by her side. Both wearing a frown.

Sighing I got up, carefully placing Aoif onto the couch. A frown formed on her face at the lack of my presence but it seemed as though Aoif would still sleep. That was a relief but now I had to face the music.

Normally Melia and Tama would keep their distances from each other but for them to come to me, together, something must have happened.

"Darwi~" I shushed Melia, putting my hand over her mouth and pointed at Aoif who was still sleeping.

"Let's take this somewhere else."

Nodding at that both Tama and Melia both follow me towards the living room where all of us sit down facing each other.

"We were invaded."

My eyes widened as the words slipped out of Tama's mouth.

"WHA-" I stop myself looking back over to where Aoif was sleeping. I lower my volume and cough awkwardly before calmly asking Tama to elaborate.

"It wasn't the elves if that is what you were worried about, my l- Darwin. It was the Gaul's luckily Melia was able to notice their presence and hold them back while one of her nymphs informed me of the situation."

Melia chirps in a frown on her face. "I didn't just hold them off, I decimated over half of their forces with our own."

"You lost most of our forces that you sent out, luckily the majority that we recovered only had minor wounds that I healed" Tama quickly rebukes, glaring at Melia.

"Wait" I interrupt, "how many did we lose?"

"Only 20 or so, they were the ones that had not yet been enhanced" Tama answers for Melia, interrupting her before she could answer.

"On the bright side," Melia smiles, "The enhancements worked, the ones with them were able to survive blows that were deadly otherwise and were able to shoot super accurately with those guns of theirs."

"Yes, yes, that's very nice but how are we going to retaliate Darwin, do you want me to hunt them down?"

"No, not yet, I want to evolve you again, I don't want to take any chances. Even if you are strong I want to make sure that there is no doubt that you could kill them all and return to me."

A smile bloomed on Tama's face at my words, her self control leaving her as she jumped onto me peppering my face with kisses.

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