I Shall Evolve Everything

Chapter 116 Mass Evolution (11)

The darkness receded and once again I was deposited into some realm. However it wasn't what I expected, the vast desert of dirt that held countless blueprints was not what I saw. Some part of me had hoped that the place I was sent to would be the same, that illogical part of me said that I would be deposited in the same place with an apprentice to share in my discoveries. That would be bliss, to forever discover, create, and to be able to share that with someone that was close to an equal. A small smile showed on my face as I imagined it.

However, that was not what I saw. The hope that had been burrowed was shot, rational thought returning to me as I finally took in my surroundings.

The ground I was on seemed to be the only ground for hundreds of thousands of miles, there wasn't anything useful to make out on the land that we stood on. The real prize was the hundreds of worlds that seemed to orbit our position.

Some were desolate, their surface devoid of any life, though the mountains and deep caverns I saw would make for an appealing location to gather new resources that I may not have known of. Others were different, so full of life that I could feel their presence from here. Trees as tall as mountains, oceans hundred of thousands of miles deep. Others were mixes of the two, some were lush with resources but barely any life could be seen. While others had much life but not many resources.

Though this was all from a cursory scan, reality can often differ from simulations but I was confident that my own were accurate enough that the margin of error would be minimized.

'What' Out of nowhere, while I was waiting the milliseconds that my calculations would take, I heard something. No, it wasn't that I heard something, it was more like I had felt as if a voice had told me something. It was a weird combination of both senses. Enough that it distracted me from tracing the source of the disturbance.

I could only focus on what it had to say, whatever it was. This presence, voice, whatever wanted me to reach one of those planets, purely by technological means anything else was free game. Of course that was not what was said or felt, but it was the closest approximation that I could have gotten.

"Delta, do you feel that too?" My apprentice suddenly says, breaking me out of my analysis. Not that I was going to blame her, that logic was just about to go into circles, it was good to have someone to break me out of those cycles.

"How are we going to…" My apprentice says, trailing off as she stares down at the sidearm held at my waist.

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'That is a good idea' I thought, pulling the pistol out of its holster and with deft fingers took the matter generator out of it.

Holding it up I look Rhea, my apprentice, in the eyes holding up the matter generator to her sight.

"It's easy, we just innovate"

Looking at the smile of my mentor and the matter generator in her hands, it dawned upon me. We were going to be stuck here for a while.

If that was so, why did I feel so excited. Was it the endless time that we had to accomplish our objective, was it the endless amount of resources that the generator could afford us, or was it the simple fact that I was spending my time with my mentor?

I smiled looking away from Delta.

'Or was it just a combination of them all'

Closing my eyes I shook the thoughts out of my head, though I could not shake the smile, not that I wanted to.

"We'll need a bigger one if we are to build anything in a timely manner" I quickly analyze out loud. Plans on what we were to do with our time already appearing in my head.

"Yes, but before that you need to learn how to make this, and the principle behind it. We have been given so much time, it is only wise that we use it efficiently" Delta appeared before me, her words breaking me out of my thoughts.

I blushed, thinking about how I had rushed through instead of actually thinking. My first thoughts were to use this time to innovate but what would be the use if Delta was so far ahead of me that any thoughts of mine were already thought of and discarded by her.

It only made sense to use this time to bring me to her level.

It was good that my apprentice had understood. I would have thought lesser of her if she had rushed into innovation without thinking of shoring up her basics. However that was not what happened, just like always Rhea had taken my advice.

I put a sticker on her head, "Good job" I praised her. Rhea had not rushed, and although she had been caught up in her thoughts, Rhea had taken measures to rectify her mistake and to learn from it.

Even now, still embarrassed by her mistake, she was typing away on her prosthetic. Sending reminders after reminders as her thoughts spun.

"Sit" I commanded again. This type of discussion was better done sitting down, with at least some comfort.

We had all the time in the world and I intended to use it to bring her to my level, it would be nice to have a peer after all.

"First of all, this" I said, looking straight into her eyes while holding out the notebook that she had filled.

"Ah, that. It had all of my observations, questions, and what I would have done were I in your situation. All of it was recorded in there." Rhea says pointing to the notebook.

I nod, quickly flipping through the book. There were many good things that she had pointed out, some I hadn't even thought about. Though that could be saved for a later date, the more pressing matter was to correct the misconceptions that had been written down.

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