I Shall Evolve Everything

Chapter 121 Mass Evolution (16)

It took no more than a minute to reach the generator but those seconds were agonizing as hundreds of ideas flew through my head. Each of them having minor differences and each of them resulting in a new result. My feet fell and rose from the ground as I walked towards the matter generator, the calculations running through my head as models were built and discarded to further sections of my memory, although the ones that I had discarded were likely not to work, I still noted them down to build. Even in failure we could learn something. The data of the failure would allow us to know what had worked and not.

Furthermore the calculations were complicated enough that I would need a piece of paper to properly do them, I could still sort of solve them in my head with the chip that I had installed doing the numbers. But that was all it could do, it did not have any memory, it could only crunch numbers and even then it could not go past ten to the hundredth no better than a standard calculator. The only advantage to it being that it had room to be upgraded.

When I first had initially created the chip, I was not going to install it but Delta had urged me to do so.

Not for any other reason but that it would accustom my body to foreign objects occupying the space. Of course that problem could be circumvented by certain measures but the body's innate hatred of all foreign things was something that would take significant space to get around, space that could be used for other things.

Going back to the calculations I was only maybe half sure that any of them were right, the calculations were done but without paper or something that I could write it down on I wasn't able to double check to make sure that my numbers were right.

The hissing of the door opening brought me from my thoughts and finally I was looking at the matter generator.

Behind me Delta entered, her light footsteps almost silent, if it weren't for the hissing of the door as it opened once again to accommodate Delta I wouldn't have even known that she was there.

Speaking of the doors, I wanted to study them. The mechanisms that allowed them to know when a person was in front of them and when and how to open were fascinating.

Was it the heat we gave off, was it weight and how were the doors opened. What mechanisms were used.

I broke those thoughts from my head as I saw Delta move towards the generator, the computer that controls the generator being played with.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Her fingers flew across the keyboard like some masterful musician, one key after the next being typed without delay.

With a final click of the keyboard Delta stopped and waited for the generator to run.

Within moments a liquid came out in a glass container, completely sealed.

I walked up to the container and grabbed it, turning it around this way and that as I inspected it. The liquid was entirely clear,

There was not even a distortion in the liquid as I looked through it, though that was not the most eye catching point, no, that was the fact that it was bubbling from the oxygen that had been created when the generator had made the container.

It was extremely reactive and I could not wait to test it.

However to even get this into the container that I wanted, I would need a vacuum like container to our this into the rocket that I was going to test it with.

"Shit" I muttered under my breath, I had not perfected the rocket. Even with this liquid it would be imperfect.

With a click of my tongue I put the liquid down and headed back to the room. Different designs were already floating around my head but all of them were just variations, I wanted to test a whole different engine.

It all came back to recoil, I knew from watching Delta that she had noted down a design that would give us effectively unlimited energy but how would I take advantage of that.

'Particles' I thought to myself, my eyes widening, what if we used that electrical energy to accelerate particles.

There would be no need for fuel, if we could densely pack particles and use the electricity and the electric field that they produced to launch the particles out of the back of the ship then that would give us enough thrust to move no matter how small an individual particles thrust was.

While I was going through the theory crafting my hands were not idle. Dozens of model rockets, each with a slightly different design were being built.

Some had almost the same method of expulsion just different materials and other had wildly different methods of expulsion and the same materials.

It was a mix and match to gather even more data, but before I could even start testing them I had to write my idea down, before it slipped through my mind during testing.

I know that I would remember it but putting it down on paper reassured me.

Once the idea was down on paper I finally decided to find Delta, who was working on her own design.

However it seemed like it wasn't working judging by the numerous explosions that I had heard and all of the shrapnel that had littered the room that she was experimenting in.

When I had entered I was surprised by the destruction that the room had undergone, the walls being littered with all sorts of debris, there was even some dirt on Delta's dress that had been thrown on her, most likely from the explosions.

With blank eyes Delta stared at me, her eyes boring holes into my own.

Finally she broke her own silence.

"Your models ready?" She asked a tilt of her head, the only other indication that she had even said anything.

"Yeah" I excitedly answered, practically dragging her to the room.

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