I Shall Evolve Everything

Chapter 124 Mass Evolution (19)

The days passed by as if they were a dream, hundreds of prototypes had been made and remade.

Looking at the model before me I thought that I had finally got it right, the fuel pump, the air compressor, the thrust, it was all done.

The only thing left to do was test it, to find out how far it could take us, if this was a viable way of space travel or if it would ultimately end in a failure.

I turned my head away, my feet carrying me to the matter generator where the final prototype would be made. If this worked then I would be saying goodbye to the dock that I had come to call home over these past few months.

It had taken me no time at all to reach the matter generator but in my head it felt like hours, like days, where my mind had gone back to reminiscing about all the failures, all the shouts of frustration and success. About the joy that I had felt researching this.

When I had first started the idea, it felt hopeless like anything that I did was going to turn into a failure but then in a moment of pure inspiration headed by Delta's actions, I had solved the problem. After that it was smooth sailing, the failures leading into more and more discovery which all led up to this final moment where I would construct the final product.

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I tightened the last bolt, the ship being built. I had added some design choices to it, instead of going for pure aerodynamics I completely ignored, taking more and more liberties until the final product was before my eyes.

A sleek ship, with two wings that each held four engines, a body that could house Delta and I for as long as we needed, and at the very back was two more engines. I had done all of the calculations and this was completely overkill. With the weight of the ship that I had built it would have only needed one engine at half force to be able to escape orbit and continue accelerating but I wanted it to go fast, I wanted to reach speed that would kill a lesser human.

According to my calculations with all of the engines that it held, it would be able to go at the very least one tenth the speed of light, more than enough to get to those planets within a day if not an hour.

I was proud of this, of all of the work that I had gone through to make sure this would work. While the engines were the most difficult part, what I hadn't expected was for the actual materials to take so much time and effort to make.

The ship needed to be able to take the force that going that fast would have on it. If I had just made it out of steel. "heh" I laughed at the very thought, if I had made it out of that then it wouldn't have even been able to stand one of the engines. That was where Delta had come in though, apparently once she had seen my success and had run the numbers on her own, she had opted to drop her project for now and help out.

While the engine had been left to me, the actual ship and materials were designed and made by her. Of course she didn't know of the changes that I had made, Delta just couldn't appreciate how cool the design I had made would be and instead opted for the most aerodynamic ship which would have been just a giant cylinder.

I jumped off of where I was standing and pressed a button on the bottom of the ship, entering millions of strings of numbers. The only reason that the code was that long was because both Delta and I had the processing capabilities to memorize them. While Delta was able to memorize them completely because of her mental upgrades I had to store them in the muscle memory of my arm.

Even though I had all of this time to upgrade myself I had chosen to leave that for later as I wanted to finish my design as soon as possible but now that I was actually thinking of it it may have been a good idea, to upgrade myself would have allowed me to complete it earlier or it might have taken dozens of days for even a slight increase.

Just thinking about it caused a dilemma but I didn't dwell on it much more, I was more excited to test out the ship than I was to upgrade myself.

So with a hiss of air the bottom of the ship opened revealing a luxurious lounge. I had gone all out to make sure that the hull would be as comfortable as possible, even if we were only going to be in there for a day at most I wanted to be sitting in luxury.

All of the days where I was running around not caring for comfort would be over, the hull of the ship carrying everything that I would need.

Delta was preoccupied weaponizing the discoveries that we had made while producing the ship which left me all by myself.

I giggled a bit, with Delta away I would be able to test this out first, I would be able to take it for a joyride while Delta was stuck on the ground.

With swift movements I headed towards the cockpit, moving past the luxury beds and couches and even further through the kitchen.

After I had gone through the housing section, I had to climb a ladder that would lead to the matter generator that had been installed into the middle where it could generate fuel and oxygen. The only problem with this was that we had to keep a storage of all the waste materials and dirt that we could fit on the ship without compromising the weight of the ship. Though that wasn't too much of a problem seeing as I had added a couple extra engines.

Either way our excrement and other waste would be sent to the tank which would then be recycled into running the ship.

Even if we ran out there were asteroids and comets that we could harvest from, however unlikely that it was.

Shaking those thoughts out of my head, I climb the last ladder into the cockpit and strap myself in.

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