I Shall Evolve Everything

Chapter 126 Mass Evolution (21)

Countless calculations were run in my head, equations and proofs being run and run even further. Idly I tapped my fingers on my waist, humming to some unknown rhythm as more and more equations kept on filling my head.

'No, no not that' An equation that could have explained the disappearance of Rhea passed through my head but when I simulated it, it did not hold up. Cracks appeared in the equation as I pushed it further and further before it completely cracked, no longer being able to describe reality.

"Another" I spit out, with every equation that failed I grew closer and closer to my goal, the equations allowing me to delve deeper and deeper into the secrets of this universe. However there always seemed to be this missing piece that I could never grasp.

This time I looked at it from a different angle, instead of thinking of it like a mirror I thought of it as a reflection. If my reflection was moving away from me at the speed of light then would I ever see my reflection, or would I see my past.

'Past, the past' I thought to myself trying again and again to put this into numbers but it. Just. Won't. Work!

With a growl I threw the piece of metal that I was holding a great explosion ringing out as it impacted the wall, dust was thrown into my face as the explosion settled.

'There must be something that I am missing' I thought to myself, but no ideas came to mind.

If it was not speed then what was it, every single time that I tried to contain it in a theory revolving around speed, it just fizzled out like there was some missing puzzle piece.

'Wait, Revolving…'

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The way that I had thought of gravity was that they pulled but what if that wasn't true, what if instead the gravity pushed on the fabric of reality.

My eyes opened as I hurried my pace, my course changing to another room, this one filled with paper and other objects.

The doors opened and I hurriedly walked through them, grabbing a piece of paper I write down everything I know about gravity, about the force.

Slowly as I wrote everything out I came to a disturbing conclusion, I was wrong.

Gravity didn't work like a mechanical force, instead it was like a weight on reality pulling it down so that things fall towards it but how does this relate to time dilation. How does it relate to Rhea's situation, it didn't.

A sigh echoed from my mouth as I realized all of that work was for naught. I wanted to find out what had happened to Rhea not upend my world view.

However it did do some good, the distraction clearing my head.

With a clear head I tackled the problem again and found the solution almost instantly.


I banged my head on the wall, it was not like me to make such a human mistake, to let emotions cloud my rationale.

With a sigh I finally confirmed that the theory was right and input all the variables that were relevant to Rhea's situation and found the exact time that it was going to take before I would even see a hint of her.

Of course there were some times that I might be able to track her but those would all be past situations that she had already passed by and what good was checking in on the past when I knew that she could take care of herself, especially with the safety features I had installed while watching her work in that design of hers.

It was amusing to think that she thought she could have hidden such a difference in design from me. A small smile played on my face as I reminisced on the times that I had snuck into the dock while she didn't know I was there and just watched her work. It was not a flawless display of dexterity like mine but it was beautiful in its own way, the way that she slowly stumbled around finding solutions and fixing the failures.

While watching her I would peruse the numbers that she had run to complete the work and fix the things I thought she needed to fix, though I said nothing. This was her project even if she wanted to hide it from me.

Her having her own project that she had so much passion on was a good thing, though because of that there were inevitable failures in the design that I subtly tried to help her with, integrating them into my lessons that I had started back up.

Just thinking of those times made me think of how hard these few months were going to be, I could at least take comfort in the fact that I had done all I could to help her, maybe if I had stopped my apprentice, maybe if I had kept her to my design this may not have happened but I couldn't think of what ifs. There were all kinds of what ifs that worked their way into my head but I shook those out of my head as the mechanical door opened and shut my feet carrying me to the room that I had been using for the development of my gauss weapon.

Looking in I stared at the failures, every time that I had attempted to make one it would result in the destruction of the whole weapon. Some of them had failed because of too much charge, too little, or even just bad materials but it had all culminated in the prototype that I had my eyes on now.

What my eyes had eventually landed on was a chunky gun like object with coils running down the barrel. Other than that it was a standard gun if a bit ugly. However it worked and that was all that mattered for now.

I could make it pretty later but for now I wanted to test it. A sweep of my hand and the gun was on my side, the ammo in my pockets as I walked outside.


A sound as if thunder had boomed right next to my ears rang out the recoil pushing my shoulder back and leaving a bruise.

Although I could ignore the sound as I had been expecting that I could not ignore the recoil. A slight smile formed as I looked at the bruise, the recoil was great enough to pierce my defenses and bruise me, I wondered what it would do to an enemy.

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