I Shall Evolve Everything

Chapter 140 Assault (8)

[Congratulations on defeating one of the realm protectors]

[You have gained 1/5 ownership of this realm.]

"Hmm" I hummed out, I hadn't done anything but in front of me a system message popped up, declaring that I had defeated a realm protector.

'Can I transfer the ownership' I thought to myself, I didn't have any ambition for this realm but it would be a good gift to Darwin if I could transfer it.

[You may transfer this ownership, should you please]

As if to answer my question, the system message popped up again and told me that I could transfer ownership.

Looking down to my lap, I will the ownership into Darwin's hand.

[Are you sure you would like to transfer ownership to Crown Darwin. Yes/No]

Another message popped up and I immediately pressed yes, there was no reason for me to hesitate.

[Crown Aoif has transferred 1/5 ownership of the realm to you]

[Congratulations, you now own 4/5 of the this realm]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

My eyes widened, pupils dilating as I looked behind me.

'How…' I questioned in my mind. How had Aoif gained ownership over the realm, when had she, and how had she transferred her ownership to me. They were all questions that I had in mind but they were soon answered, a voice reaching my ear.

"I don't know either, it just appeared" Aoif whispered into my ear, her lips red and seductive.

However I ignored that, ignored the urge to just take them in favor of something else that I had been meaning to do.

With a nod of my head I dusted the dirt that had appeared on my lap while sitting and cuddling with Aofi and stood up.

I looked back down and saw the questioning look that came from Aoif.

"Where are you going?" Aoif asked, her head tilting as she looked at me.

"I'm going to check up on Astraea, I haven't seen what she has been doing and her speed will be useful."

A nod of Aoif's head and she was up as I was, walking towards the tree behind me, her arm placed in my own.

Pressing my hand against the tree, I will it to open my body passing through the now ethereal entrance.

Behind me Aoif followed, her hand linked with mine.

My vision changed, borrowing Aoif's soul sight I found where Astraea had been hiding or more like lazing.

"Hah" I sigh, looking at where I had found Astraea. She was sat upon one of the beds, the sheets in disarray as she slept. Drool pooled out of her mouth as she looked stoned or high.

I deactivated the soul sight I shared with Aoif and walked to the door where she was sleeping and went to wake her.

A hand went to her neck as I channeled aether into my finger intending to shock her into consciousness.

The hand that I had channeled aether into poked at her neck, transferring the aether from the finger and into her neck.

Ahn~ a moan echoed out as she furrowed her eyebrows, her eyelids slowly moving as her ears twitched.

Nnn~ another moan echoed out as I channeled more aether into her neck, this time though she woke, the sheer amount of aether I put into my hand had shocked her enough to put her into consciousness.

"Wha-" she exclaimed, her body shooting Jo as she wiped the drool from her face.

"I wanted to spar with you but you were unconscious" I simply responded, giving her a deadpan look.

"Ahem…" she coughed into her hand, hiding her blush, "I am sorry, we can spar now?"

I nodded, exiting out of the room and motioned for her to follow.

Once I was outside I pulled Memoria from her sheath on my back and took a few practice swings while I was waiting for Astraea to follow me outside.

I closed my eyes, the spear and myself the only things in my consciousness as I swung around slowly.

I pivot my foot, changing my grip as I spin the weapon in my hands intending to slash down.

A gust of wind flew past me, fluttering my hair in the wind as my strike fell to the ground.

"Ready?" A voice asked, breaking me from my concentration, it was Astraea, her clothes had been changed and there was even a weapon in her hands.

On her hands were metal claws, they looked extremely sharp.

'Something to look out for' I thought to myself as I took measure of Astraea.

I nodded my head indicating that I was ready and she dashed.

It wasn't the ludicrous speed that I had seen from her previously but a speed that I could actually follow.

Immediately Memoria was swung up a clang echoing throughout the yard as Astraea's claws and my own spear collided.

I backtracked, gaining distance as I didge the relentless swipes that Astraea had followed up with.

The ones that I was not able to didge were either taken in non lethal areas or parried with my spear.

Even then I was in the backtrack, unable to make any progress as she relentlessly attacked me, giving me no time to think nor act.

The only thing that saved me from being defeated instantly was that she had gone easy on me and the instincts that I had honed in the evolutionary realm.

I could see a sadistic smirk play out on her face as Astraea's claw reached toward my eye.

'Payback' Astraea mouthed, her speed that I once could see reaching a pace that my eyes no longer could follow. Before I knew it a claw had been stopped right in front of my eye.

"Haaah" I breathed out, my breath short as I looked at the claw that threatened to kill me.

A wet feeling, of something dripping down my cheek reached me. I brought a hand towards it and found blood.

Before I could wipe it away the blood was taken from me, the golden eyes of Astraea shining with a devious light as she wiped the blood from my hands and took a lick of it.

A look of pleasure was seen from her face as she slowly licked the blood from my face.

"Again?" She asked her finger tapping the wound.

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