I Shall Evolve Everything

Chapter 144 An Awkward Meal

Before Aoif could fall to the floor I caught her in my arms, placing her into the bed as I slowly kissed her body.

"Thank you…" she mumbled out, her eyes tired from the evolutions that we had gone through then the vigorous exercise that we had done immediately after.

I opened the covers of the bed that we had been using and placed her on top of it. I walked over to the bathroom adjacent to the bedroom and grabbed a towel. I quickly walked back to Aoif where I had left her and wiped her body with the towel then placed myself next to her, cuddling her to my side as I pulled the blanket over both of us as both my eyes closed.

'Guess I was more tired than I thought' was the last thought in my mind before everything turned black, my consciousness fading.

"Dar-" I opened the door calling for Darwin but soon interrupted myself, seeing his current state and the scent that permeated through the room.

On the bed was Darwin, cuddling Aoif into his chest as he softly slept. I quietly closed the door making sure that I made no noise. A feeling bloomed in my chest, jealousy, however I ignored it trying my best to focus on something else.

Sighing to myself I move away from the room, my feet carrying me to some random place as thoughts flew through my mind.

By the time that I had reached downstairs I had realized my hunger, it had been a while since I had eaten anything.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

I woke to the sound of food being cooked, next to me lied Gabriel, her tail wrapped around her as the blanket covered half of her body.

Though that wasn't for long as she noticed my movements, her own eyes opening as she yawned, a hand reaching to her face as it covered her mouth.

Gettin tip, I put on my clothes not caring that Gabriel saw anything, instead I just focused on getting dressed. The food that I heard reminded me that I needed to eat. Though even if it hadn't, the grumbling of my stomach would have.

Pulling the shirt over my head, I was finally ready. I opened the door and quickly walked downstairs. I followed the scent and soon found myself in the kitchen where…

"Is that… a kitsune" I thought to myself, looking at the figure that was cooking. Sure we had seen her in fox form but I couldn't remember if she had ever transformed, it was all blurry in my head.

However instead of trying to remember if I had seen her or not I just sat down, announcing my presence.

"Do you want food too?" She asked, barely looking back to acknowledge me.

"Yes, if you don't mind"

A nod of her head was all the answer I got as she turned back to cooking whatever it was that she had started.

Soon, while I was watching the Kitsune Gabriel came back down, dressed in the same clothes that we arrived in.

"Tama" she greeted and I suddenly remembered, 'she was named Tama, that's right. How could I forget'

"Guh" I groaned to myself. How could I have forgotten the one who helped to save us.

With a quick pep in my step, I grabbed at my clothing, idly making sure that they matched and started to put the ones I had chosen on.

After some time of picking and choosing I had finally finished with the last piece of clothing, my feet carrying me out of the room as the last piece of clothing was put on my body.

I walked downstairs, following the scent of food. With my nose to the air I found where it had led me, to the kitchen.

It was there that I found one of my saviors, one of the two that had saved both Naomi and I from death.

"Tama" I greeted, idly I noticed Naomi who had her head set on the counter, a dead look in her eyes.

I sat down next to her, my head raised so as to look back up to Tama.

"Gabriel, yes?"

"Yeah," I responded, "I am Gabriel, Gabriel Ann"

"Curious" Tama stated, "Darwin and Aoif never mentioned their last names"

"Ah, tha-" I said without thinking, my mouth opening before my mind could think of the consequences, how would Tama react to the information.

"Continue" Tama commanded, placing plates in front of us as she stared into my eyes.

"Last names are for nobility, if one doesn't have sufficient money or power, political that is, they are not allowed a last name." I quietly informed Tama.

"So… Darwin isn't noble, isn't nobility." A harsh glare was sprung upon me at the information.

"No… no, I'm sure he is, it may just be that his last name is… is…" I couldn't think of anything, the pressure weighing down on me restricted my thoughts.

"I'm sorry, I don't know if he is nobility or not, however I can guess that Darwin isn't, those of high class usually know all of the others, I would have heard of a son named Darwin"

The pressure lingered for a moment before being recalled. I sighed in relief, rational thought coming back to me.

'Shut' I looked back up to Tama, I had just admitted that her lord wasn't of nobility and judging by her previous reaction she may actually kill me.

However before I could say anything more, to try and dig myself out of the hole I made she left. The food that she had made for herself was taken with her.

"Hah" I let out another sigh of relief, my arms and head collapsing on the table.

It was only then that I actually saw the food that Tama had made, some unidentifiable meat made into a hamburger of sorts and drenched in some sauce.

It looked sort of like salisbury steak or some sort of Japanese hamburg, either way I was too hungry and scared to even care.

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