I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 109: Spending Time with Soleil and S-rank Promotion

Chapter 109: Spending Time with Soleil and S-rank Promotion

[Luna POV]

We ate lunch with Skadi then agreed to meet at the guild the next day.  For the rest of the day, we explored the city and bought ourselves some swimsuits.

Well, we did everything we could think of for the day, so whats next? (Luna)

How about we try to find any places that sell fresh fish.  I be you dont have a stockpile of that in your inventory. (Velvet)

Velvet, have you ever been to a fish market before? (Luna)

No.  Why? (Velvet)

Have you ever smelled what fresh fish smells like? (Luna)

I think I see where youre going with this. (Velvet)

Ive been to one a few times in my previous life.  To describe them plainly, they stink.  Whats worse is that sometimes you leave smelling like fish.  I like eating it, but I dont think Ill be able to handle going to a fish market in this life. (Luna)

Im with big sis on this one.  If there is one in this city and you feel like you want to see it, then go for it, but I sadly wont join you there. (Soleil)

What about you Ophidia? (Velvet)

Im not really bothered by smells, so I wouldnt mind joining you.  Master, would you be able to make something from fish? (Ophidia)

Easily.  I just wouldnt be able to handle going to a place that is filled with fresh fish because smells like that tend to mix when a lot of things are together. (Luna)

Like the flower field? (Velvet)

Yes, but that time, we didnt leave the area smelling of flowers. (Luna)

Is there a story to what youre talking about? (Ophidia)

Ill tell you later. (Luna)

We split into two groups.  Velvet and Ophidia went to find a fish market and Soleil and I continued to explore the city.

Its been a while since it was just the two of us, hasnt it? (Luna)

Now that I think about it, it has. (Soleil)

So, how have things been going with Velvet? (Luna)

Good.  Though I wish she would be the bold one sometimes, like this morning.  What about you and the Goddess? (Soleil)

Great, or at least as great as things can get when you only have a few hours a month to spend time together. (Luna)

How do you stand it?  If it was like this for me and Velvet, I think I would have gone mad. (Soleil)

It helps that we talk to each other all the time. (Luna)

Well thats good.  On another note, how was it fighting today?  This is the first time Ive seen you struggle. (Soleil)

I enjoyed it.  It was a feeling that I havent felt since I reincarnated. (Luna)

Do you think I can make it to that level? (Soleil)

Of course you can, why do you think we did all that stuff to get you Greys blessing?  Not to mention that you have been eating the stuff I made with Wandering Queen honey, so your vitality should be increasing steadily even without leveling up.  By the time you hit level 100, you should also qualify for S-rank, if not before that. (Luna)

What about Ophidia?  Isnt she already level 100? (Soleil)

I dont really know.  We can get all of her stats to a minimum of S as we find items to raise stats, but anything beyond that, I have no clue.  If there is a way that Tamamo knows, she hasnt told me yet.  But you dont need to worry about that. (Luna)

Ok.  Im changing the topic again, why do you think your S-rank promotion has to take place in the Celestia Kingdom? (Soleil)

No idea.  Grey probably has something planned, but what it could be, only he knows. (Luna)

Guess well just have to see tomorrow then. (Soleil)

Now heres a question for you.  What do you think of Skadi? (Luna)

Shes interesting.  She can be blunt at times, but that was only when we first met her.  After your fight I feel like all of us could become friends.  Why do you ask? (Soleil)

I just wanted to know.  I think she is one of those kinds of people that keep a strong front when around other people, but actually has a hard time befriending people.  It makes me want to be her friend. (Luna)

That is so like you, big sis. (Soleil)

Really?  It feels like I hardly ever try to befriend people. (Luna)

You may not know, but people are drawn to you.  You should have heard some of the things people were saying earlier during your fight.  Of course, several of them you would just ignore, but some people said they would like to try and follow the example you set.  Not that I understand what they mean by that. (Soleil)

I wonder what they mean by that.  Its not like Im a particularly good adventurer.  I barley do any quests and Im not strapped for money, its just the fastest way I know to get stronger while also enjoying the world. (Luna)

Maybe thats what they mean.  You sounded like you were having the time of your life while fighting earlier, not just doing it for the sake of a promotion. (Soleil)

Perhaps. (Luna)

Me and Soleil continued to mindlessly chat and walk around the city util it started to get dark.  When we got back to the inn, Velvet and Ophidia were already waiting there.  Velvet had a sour look on her face and Ophidia was chuckling.

Whats wrong? (Luna)

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Im never going to a fish market again. (Velvet)

Master, I know what you said earlier, but you really should have been there.  Several people were throwing fish around and Velvet was caught in the middle every time.  At one point she missed the catch and got a face full of fish. (Ophidia)

You neglect to mention the several times I stopped you from eating the fish that you caught. (Velvet)

How funny.  Now the two of you go to the mansion for a bit to take a bath.  You both smell like fish. (Luna)

I told you we should have done that before they got back. (Velvet)

Sorry, I just had to tell master as fast as possible. (Ophidia)

You could have told me through telepathy. (Luna)

But then I wouldnt have seen your reaction. (Ophidia)

You make a good point. (Luna)

Did you end up buying any fish? (Soleil)

Yes.  Ill hand it over to Luna when we get back.  Im looking forward to what you make out of it. (Velvet)

Leave it to me. (Luna)

They teleported away and we went to our room at the inn.

Why not let them take a bath here? (Soleil)

When I went to take one yesterday, it felt like I was being watched more than normal. (Luna)

What do you mean more than normal?  Shouldnt you normally never be watched while taking a bath? (Soleil)

You forget my wife is always watching me. (Luna)

Oh right.  But wouldnt she tell you if you are being watched? (Soleil)

In any other situation, yes, but she tends to get distracted more easily at times like that.  Not that I blame her, I would get distracted too. (Luna)

Then shouldnt you tell the inn owner? (Soleil)

I would if I was talking about someone peeping.  What Im talking about is more along the lines of magic or a skill.  I dont know why I felt that, but I did. (Luna)

{Maybe it has something to do with you having four tails and your mastery over all the magic you use.}

Welcome back Tamamo.  Are you calmed down now? (Luna)

{I am.  Sorry you had to hear such embarrassing things from me earlier.}

Dont worry about it, even when youre like that youre cute, so it wasnt all bad.  For me at least. (Luna)

Hello Goddess. (Soleil)

{Hello Soleil.  Did you have a fun time with Luna today?}

I did, but how did you know?  From what big sis said earlier, you havent been around much this afternoon. (Soleil)

{I just though that you two spent time together today since Velvet and Ophidia arent around.  Where are they anyway?}

Back at the mansion taking a bath.  They went to a fish market. (Luna)

{I see.  Anything you can think of to make with fish?}

Some things, yes, whether they turn out good or not is another matter though.  And if push comes to shove, Ill just make sashimi and sushi. (Luna)

Talking about food is making me hungry. (Soleil)

I smiled at that.

Then how about some of this? I said as I pulled out two bowls of kitsune udon.  Made with the recipe I got from that one shop owner.

Soleil said nothing as she took one of the bowls from my hands and started to eat.  The look in her eyes was ravenous.

{Why must you taunt me, Luna?}

That was not my intention.  Ill pass you some through Grey tomorrow. (Luna)

{Very well.}

Just then, Velvet and Ophidia appeared.  The second Ophidia smelled food, her eyes began to sparkle.

Here. I said as I pulled two more bowls out and handed them to the two.

Thanks. (Velvet)

Mhmm mmm. (Ophidia)

I guess I need to teach you proper manners Ophidia.  I cant have you try to talk with your mouth full if we ever need to meet with nobles in the future. (Luna)

My apologies, master.  I couldnt help myself. (Ophidia)

Even so, Im still going to teach you.  Everyone else in this room has learned them, so you have to as well. (Luna)

Master, why do your eyes look so hollow? (Ophidia)

Thats because big sis was taught manners for a noble lady in the disguise of regular etiquette before she left on her journey. (Soleil)

Wait what?  So all of those painful and annoying lessons were for nobility?  Fufufu.  I guess I need to talk with some people about this later. (Luna)

Oh no, I was supposed to keep that a secret.  Forgive me mom, Lady Amagi. (Soleil)

We all finished eating and went to bed.  When we got up the next day, we did the usual morning routine and then went to the guild.  Skadi was already there and waiting for us.

Hello to you all. (Skadi)

Good morning.  Are you ready to go? (Luna)

Yes.  I hope this wont take too long. (Skadi)

Then lets go. (Luna)

Everyone grabbed onto either me or Ophidia and we teleported to the guild in the Celestia Kingdom.  When we entered the guild building, all eyes turned toward us.  I heard lots of whispers while we were walking to the reception counter.  When we got close, Tomoe came over and greeted us.

Welcome back Miss Skadi.  Its been a long time. (Tomoe)

It has indeed, but there isnt time to chat.  I came here to endorse Luna and Velvets rise to S-rank. (Skadi)

Its unfortunate that you cant stay long.  Now if you would all follow me, well get everything done fast. (Tomoe)

We followed her to Greys office and entered when prompted.

Skadi. (Grey)

Grey. (Skadi)

They stared at each other for a minute until Grey looked away first.

Tell Atmos Im still waiting for an apology. (Skadi)

Ive told her several times. (Grey)

Then why hasnt she done it yet? (Skadi)

Because shes terrified of you.  You dont know how to hold back in the slightest. (Grey)

What did Atmos do this time? (Luna)

A few hundred years ago she stole my hat and hid it as a prank.  It took me another hundred years to find it. (Skadi)

I dont mean to sound rude, but why not just get a new one? (Ophidia)

Because it was the last gift my father gave me. (Skadi)

Tamamo, next time Im there, we need to have a serious discussion with Atmos.  I can understand playing pranks on people, but thats going too far. (Luna)

{I agree.  I knew that the two of them didnt get along, but I didnt know the full story behind why.}

You hear that Atmos, they agree with me. (Skadi)

Grey looked up towards the roof for a minute, then looked back to us.

She said shell come and apologize to you after you finish your business in Beria. (Grey)

Ill hold you to that. (Skadi)

Now on to todays other business.  Luna, Velvet, hand over your guild cards and Ill upgrade them. (Grey)

We did as he said and handed our guild cards over.  He put them on a different magic tool than usual and they turned a glossy black.  He picked them back up and handed them over.

Now the fun part. (Grey)

What do you mean? (Luna)

Grey cleared his throat and in a serious voice, started speaking.

Today I Grey, God of Adventure, recognize these two as S-rank adventurers.  From today onward, you will be known as Velvet the Viper-Blade and Luna of the Spectral Mists.  Now, go forth into the world and adventure to your hearts content.  No boundaries will block you and all rulers must show you respect. (Grey)

Very good titles.  Lunas fits especially well. (Skadi)

How nice, I wonder what title Ill get when I reach S-rank? (Soleil)

Congratulations master, Velvet. (Ophidia)

Wonderful titles indeed.  I will now go and send out the news of the two newest S-rank adventurers. (Tomoe)

Tomoe left the room and went back upstairs.  Me and Velvet still werent exactly sure what just happened, all I knew was that I got another cool title.  I looked over to Velvet and saw that her face was crimson.

How? (Velvet)

How what, Miss Velvet? Grey asked with an unconcealed grin on his face.

How did you know about that title?  Not even my mother knew I used to call myself that. (Velvet)

Do you not remember what Goddess your family and all other vampires follow?  Did you also forget that that Goddess is also my wifes sister?  Atmos tells me a lot of things, Velvet.  The second you became Lunas best friend and an adventurer, that was going to be your S-rank title.  If I didnt give it to you, Atmos would have made it happen, one way or another. (Grey)

Skadi, I think I share your sentiments on the subject of the Goddess of Fate. (Velvet)

Grey looked up to the roof again, then back.

Atmos said that this is under her purview as the Goddess of Mischief. (Grey)

{When did she get that Authority?}

A while back.  I think it was around the time she started caking people again. (Grey)

{Oh dear.}

Dont worry, you and two other people in this room are excluded from her list of targets. (Grey)

{Then its fine.}

Who are the other two? (Soleil)

Skadi and m- wait what?  Skadi and Luna?  I can understand Skadi, but Luna?  Why not me?  What do you mean Luna is scary when angry, you have never seen her angry?  What did could you do to make Luna angry enough to make you swear never to prank her?  Huh?  Oh.  Yeah, that would do it.  If you ever did that, I dont think she would ever forgive you.  I understand now and am completely fine with this decision. (Grey)

Im not even going to ask. (Luna)

I think thats for the best. (Grey)

Since everything is finished, lets head back.  The kraken can show up at any time. (Skadi)

Did a kraken show up? (Grey)

Unless there is a new sea monster that produces fog, then yes. (Skadi)

Do you want me to get the guild over in Beria to declare an emergency quest to help hunt it? (Grey)

No.  Even if I wasnt there, Luna would be able to take it down by herself.  With me, Luna, and Velvet there, itll be dead before it gets the chance to do any real harm. (Skadi)

Do kraken materials have any use? (Luna)

If you cook it and eat it, it will raise the Res stat. (Grey)

Guess Ill just have to freeze it till it dies then. (Luna)

You plan on cooking and eating it? (Skadi)

It wont do anything for my stats, but for everyone else in my party it will.  Not to mention that I want to try cooking something like a kraken at least once. (Luna)

Mind if I join you for that?  Its been a while since I ate cooked kraken. (Skadi)

The more the merrier.  By the way, how much do you like wyvern meat? (Luna)

Is there anyone who dislikes it? (Skadi)

Good point.  Also, if you had a plush of something, what color would you prefer? (Luna)

Red. (Skadi)

Got it, now lets head back.  Grey, please deliver this to Tamamo.  Take this as payment. I said as I handed over a bag enchanted with space magic for Tamamo and two bowls of kitsune udon for him and Atmos.

Sure thing. (Grey)

We left his office and went back upstairs.  The second we entered the main hall of the guild, all eyes turned to us again.

We can leave from here. I said as I grabbed on to Velvet and Soleil.

Ophidia grabbed Skadis arm and we both teleported back to Beria.

Author's Note:

Skadi: Where am I?

My home.  Make yourself comfortable.

Tamamo: Hello Skadi, I wasn't expecting you to show up here so soon.

Skadi: Hello Lady Tamamo.  Do you come here often?

Tamamo: Not as much as Atmos, but yes.

Luna and Grey also show up from time to time as well as a friend of mine.  Don't be too surprised if they pop in and out while you're here.

Skadi: And who are you?

Just call me Payto if you need to use my name.  As for exactly who I am, I won't waste you time telling you since you won't remember me when you leave here.  You'll remember again the next time you come here, of course, but only then.

Skadi: Then forget I asked.  Lady Tamamo, what exactly do we do here?

Tamamo: Nothing much, just talk about things.

That only applies when Luna isn't here.  When she is, it's best to just treat them as if they aren't here and focus on something else.  By the way, if you and Atmos are here at the same time, I'll make sure to get her to apologize to you if she somehow weasels her way out of it in the normal world.

Skadi: I like you already.

Tamamo: Speaking of Atmos, what did she do to get Luna angry at her?

I will not say.  I'll only tell you that Luna would go ballistic if it actually happened and that is something best avoided at all costs.

Skadi: I kind of want to fight Luna like that now.

I hate to tell you Skadi, but I don't know if you would be able to handle that.  At that point in time, Luna would be a demigod and she wouldn't stop until she calmed down, consequences be damned.  I think the only thing that would be able to stop that rampage would be Tamamo descending.

Tamamo: Atmos has made sure that won't happen, right?

Yes.  That fate has been successfully avoided.

Tamamo: Good.

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