I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 134: A Quick Meeting with General Damon

Chapter 134: A Quick Meeting with General Damon

[Luna POV]

Once inside, we were led to an ornate lounge room.

I will go and tell my lord that you are here. (Seb)

He then left the room.  I then started looking around.  Most of the furniture here had a gold or silver trim and it all looked extremely expensive.

Im glad I was never raised to act like nobility.  It seems really tiresome. (Luna)

Velvet looked around like I did.

I agree.  I think its dumb that high-position nobles have to have stuff like this just to show off. (Velvet)

The good thing is that General Damon isnt the haughty type of noble.  At least according to dad. (Luna)

Havent you met him before, big sis? (Soleil)

I have, but I never talked to him more than just greeting him briefly.  Honestly, I dont even know how he knew I was here in Onigashima. (Luna)

Maybe the person that was staring at you earlier has some relation to the person were meeting. (Ophidia)

Maybe so. (Luna)

Whats that about? (Velvet)

While me and Ophidia were eating our breakfast, someone was staring at me enough for me to not ignore it, thats all. (Luna)

As we were discussing what happened this morning, the door to the room opened again.  We all stood up as a tall, muscular demon entered the room followed by a slightly shorter demon.

Hello there. (Damon)

General Damon. (Luna)

Before we continue this conversation, let me first say welcome to Onigashima. (Damon)

After saying that, we all sat down.

Do you know how long you will be here? (Damon)

Until next month, then Ill have to head home for the second princes wedding.  After that, Ill be back for an indefinite period.  Well mostly be doing quests and diving in dungeons. (Luna)

I see. (Damon)

After that, the topic of my father came up and General Damon started acting like an old man reminiscing on the past.  The whole time this was happening, the other person that came with him was staring at me and Ophidia.

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While I am interested in hearing more about my fathers and your past exploits, you havent introduced the other person you came here with. (Luna)

Ah, forgive me.  This is my second son, Morax. (Damon)

Yes, my name is Morax.  Its a pleasure to meet you. (Morax)

He bowed his head slightly in greeting.

I am curious about one thing. (Luna)

Yes? (Damon)

How did you find out I was in this city? (Luna)

That would be because of me. Morax said.  I saw you and your companion in the city while I was on my morning walk.  When I describe you to my father, he recognized you and sent Seb to invite you here to greet you.

So, it was you that was staring at me so long earlier. (Luna)

You knew about that? (Morax)

Due to certain circumstances, I am acutely aware of it when people stare at me.  Usually I ignore it, but when someone does that for extended periods of time, I cant. (Luna)

Then allow me to apologize for that.  I couldnt help myself since Ive never seen someone as beautiful as you. (Morax)

While I will thank you for the compliment, I must inform you that I am engaged, so please refrain from going any further. I said, trying to be as polite as possible while hinting at moving on from this subject.

I have heard as much from my father, and I assure you that all I meant from that is to compliment you. (Morax)

Very well then. (Luna)

On that subject though, may I ask if your companion here is in a relationship? He asked while looking toward Ophidia.

I regret to inform you, but I am currently in a relationship with the adventurer Skadi. (Ophidia)

Hearing that, Moraxs shoulders slumped.  Damon reached over and patted his son on the back.

Better luck next time, Morax.  Youll find someone someday. (Damon)

I dont know why, but I feel kind of bad for him.

{I wouldnt, he is still young and his specific race live for thousands of years.  Hell find at least one person eventually.}

I feel a lot less bad now.


With that out of the way, I should get back to what I was doing.  Thank all of you for taking time out of your day to come here. (Damon)

Thank you for inviting us here.  We all stood up.  If you ever need my help while Im here, just ask through the guild or look for us at the Temple of Night. (Luna)

Ill remember that.  Do you need a ride back to the guild? (Damon)

We can manage on our own.  Thank you for the offer though. (Luna)

Everyone grabbed on to me and we teleported out of the room.

Hehehe.  I wonder what their reactions are to that.

{Probably not as amusing as you think.}

Tamamos words caused me to pout a bit.

You could at least let me imagine they were shocked.

{But if I did that, I wouldnt get to see you make a cute face like that.}

Her words caused me to blush a bit.




Whats wrong, big sis? (Soleil)

Atmoss yelling. (Luna)

Ooohhh. (Soleil)


Uh-oh.  H-hey Tamamo, sorry about that. (Atmos)

{I would forgive you if it was just me, but you were so loud it even hurt Lunas ears, so I think I need to lecture you for a bit.}

L-Luna, if you can hear me, please help! (Atmos)


Please reconsider. (Atmos)

These are the only times I can hear Tamamo like this, so why would I?

You would let me suffer through a lecture just for that?  Im shocked.

Why?  You know exactly what Im like when it comes to Tamamo, so I hardly find this surprising.

Come to think of it, youre right.

{Enough Atmos, get over here.}

Youll never catch me!

I quickly imagined Tamamos home and tried opening a Gate.  I felt it work and then I launched a chain in what I assumed to be Atmoss direction.


I heard the sound of Atmos falling over.

{Was that you, Luna?}

Yep.  I thought I would try to help you out and it worked surprisingly well.

{Does this mean you can come here whenever you want then?}

I highly doubt it.  Im already struggling to keep that Gate open in the first place.

{I see.  Thanks for the assist.}

Any time.

Im going to punish Grey for giving these to you Luna.


Chaos Realm:

Atmos: *Sniff*  They're so mean.

You kind of brought that on yourself though.  How many times has Tamamo asked you not to yell loudly when you go and see her?

Atmos: Too many times to count.

Then why do you keep doing it?

Atmos: I really don't know.

Skadi: Oh, it's been a while since I was last here.  Hello.

Hey Skadi.

Atmos: Hi. *Sniff*

Skadi: What's up with her?

Tamamo lectured her after Luna caught her with one of her chains.

Skadi: She can do that!?

Just barely, but yes.

Skadi: Authority over space is crazy.

By the way, Ophidia has almost fulfilled the conditions to become Luna's Apostle.  Once she becomes one, she'll be able to show up here.

Skadi: That's great, I can't wait for that to happen.

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