I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 144: Mio the Curious

Chapter 144: Mio the Curious

[Luna POV]

After leaving the city gates and walking for a while, I decided to ask Mio a question.

Hey Mio, what is the significance of being eternal friends? (Luna)

For my people, its basically declaring someone as part of your family. (Mio)

Oh.  Then are you sure you want to make me your eternal friend just because I offered you food?  Dont get me wrong, Im happy that you think that positively of me, but this seems to be something really important that you cant just decide on due to food. (Luna)

I have no problem with it at all.  Out of all the people that come and go from the guild, practically no one but Ibuki and the employees ever talk or even come near me.  Not to mention that I find you and everyone else here interesting.  So much more so than anyone Ive ever met aside from Skadi.  Honestly, the food is just a bonus for me nya. (Mio)

Then Ill gladly accept being your eternal friend. I said as I offered my hand for her to shake.

She grabbed my hand with both of hers and shook.

Nyahaha.  Were going to have so much fun. (Mio)

True.  Now, lets stop here for a minute and discuss something important. (Luna)

We all stopped and everyone looked at me.

Do you all want to travel faster or at a normal pace? (Luna)

You mean folding space? (Velvet)

Yep. (Luna)

Lets do it then. (Velvet)

Im fine with it. (Soleil)

Do you want me to become small again? (Ophidia)

That would be helpful. (Luna)

Ok. (Ophidia)

What are you talking about? (Mio)

A way for us to travel a week faster. (Luna)

Ooooh.  Sounds interesting.  Is it anything like teleporting? (Mio)

Its something like it, yes.  Just less disorienting, though thats just my opinion. (Luna)

Then Ill agree with it as well nya. (Mio)

Since it was unanimous I prepared to fold space.  Ophidia transformed into her small snake form and I picked her up.  She slithered up my arm and wrapped herself loosely around my neck.

Nyaa!  Ophidia isnt human!? (Mio)

No, Im a serpent with a human form. (Ophidia)

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Are you not good with snakes? (Soleil)

They dont bother me nya.  I was just surprised. (Mio)

Anyway grab onto my arm, just make sure to not touch my tail. (Luna)

Ok, but is there a reason for that? (Mio)

Its better for your mental health.  Since were considered family now, Ill fill you in on it later, so hold back any curiosity you have for now. (Luna)

Got it nya. (Mio)

{You accepted the eternal friend thing fast.}

No use in dwelling on it for longer than necessary.  Its not like I hate Mio, so I dont mind thinking of her as family.  The more the merrier and all that.

{Fair enough.  If she decides to stay with all of you, Ill consider making her my third Apostle.}

Ok.  When were done with this dungeon, Ill ask if she wants to stick around with us.


Everyone ready? (Luna)


I started folding the space in front of us and took a step.

Wwwoooaaahhh nnnyyyaaa.  Amazing. (Mio)

Fufufufufu. (Luna)

We continued on our way until sunset.  When we stopped, we were on top of a smallish hill with a large tree on it.

Lunya.  This is amazing, we came so far in only one day nya.  If it keeps going like this, Ill never want to leave your side nya.  And how are you not tired?  Doesnt doing that take a lot of manya? (Mio)

I dont get tired easily and it doesnt really take much, just slightly more than teleporting.  Id regenerate it as fast as I spend it. (Luna)

Nyahahahahahahahaha.  Then shall we set up camp nya? (Mio)

Lets do it. (Velvet)

We set up three tents and started a small fire for cooking which I started doing.  I brought out one of the birds and started preparing it.  After a while, I could feel Mio staring at me.

Calm down, Mio.  Its almost done. (Luna)

Nya!  Howd you knyow it was me? (Mio)

Because I can see you. (Luna)

How nya?  Do you have eyes in the back of your head nya? (Mio)

Space magic.  I can see everything around me. (Luna)

Nyahaha.  Is there anything you cant do nya? (Mio)

Ummm?  I cant do blacksmithing.  Soleil can though. (Luna)

Nyahahaha.  Its funny that you had to think about it nya. (Mio)

Hey Mio, can you help me with this? (Ophidia)

Duty calls, Ill be back nya. (Mio)

She then went to help Ophidia fix her tent.

{Shes a curious person.}

I agree, but its not a bad thing as long as she doesnt get us in trouble in the dungeon.


I finished cooking everything while talking with Tamamo then called everyone over.  We all sat on some logs I pulled out of my inventory and dug in.  I looked over to Mio to see her reaction and saw tears running down her cheeks like rivers.

Nyaa.  Sho good nya. (Mio)

At least swallow your food before talking. (Luna)

Mm-hmm. (Mio)

Fufufu. (Luna)

When Mio finished her food, she stared at me with shining eyes.

Lunya, this was the best thing Ive ever eaten in my life nya. (Mio)

Glad you liked it. (Luna)

How can any of you stand to eat normal food after eating this? (Mio)

Because this isnt even Lunas best. (Velvet)

Nya!  Really? (Mio)

Yep.  I could do so much more. (Luna)

Wouldnt you need a proper kitchen for that nya or do you actually have one in your inventory nya? (Mio)

I looked away while scratching my cheek.

Wait really nya!?  You actually have one! (Mio)

Yeah, but its a pain to set everything up so I just didnt take it all out.  Ill treat you to something even better when I do actually pull it out though. (Luna)

Ill look forward to it nya.  So, whos going to take first watch? (Mio)

I will. (Luna)

No.  Youve done too much today nya.  You did all the work I getting us here then you cooked everything. (Mio)

But- (Luna)

No, those are for sitting nya.  I said youre resting for the night and thats final. (Mio)

{Let her have her way, Luna.  She wont stop until you agree.}

Fine.  Ill rest for the night. (Luna)

Good.  Ophidia, will you join me on night watch? (Mio)

Sure. (Ophidia)

Good.  Velvet, Soleil, will you take up the watch after midnight nya. (Mio)


Then thats settled nya.  Luna, you go to sleep, well take care of everything here. (Mio)

Ok, see you all in the morning. I said as I jumped into the tree.

Why? (Mio)

We only set up three tents.  One for you, one for Ophidia, one for Velvet and Soleil. (Luna)

Why dont you share with Ophidia nya? (Mio)

Same reason I told you not to touch my tail earlier, its bad for peoples mental health if they do. (Luna)

Fine nya, but you better go to sleep nya. (Mio)

Night then. I said as I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep.

Chaos Realm:

Crate: Hello Payto, it's nice to see you again.

Hello Crate, it's rare for you to come here.

Crate: Hohohohoho.  I won't be here for long, I just came to visit and see how everyone that comes here is.

Atmos: Hello Old Man Crate.  How've you been doing?

Crate: Very well, little Atmos, very well indeed.

Atmos: That's good.  What about Gear?

Crate: Still the same as ever.  I wish he would put his books down and relax every once in a while though.  It's not good for him to just slouch over like that all the time.

Atmos: Maybe he'll do it if I bake him a cake.

Crate: Oooh. A splendid idea, he likes blueberries quite a lot, so I'll give you some to use.

Atmos: Thanks.  While I'm at it, do you want one as well?

Crate: I'd love to try one.

Atmos: Then follow me.  Payto, can you allow him in the isolation room for a while?

*Snap* It's done, just remind me to fix it back later.

Atmos: Got it and thanks.

Crate: Thank you Payto, my old friend.  I'll try to visit more often in the future.

You are welcome here any time, Crate.  The same goes for your brother.

Crate: Hohohohohoho.  I'll let him know you said that.

*Crate and Atmos then enter the isolation room*

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