I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 160: Spending Time with Ophidia

Chapter 160: Spending Time with Ophidia

[Luna POV]

The next morning I was woken up by Tamamos gravity magic and was told that she would be away for a bit.  Since Atmos was also there, I thought she might want more help, so I wrote a letter to Grey then went to make breakfast.  When I finished cooking, I sent some to Tamamo and Atmos before bringing it out to everyone else.  When I left the kitchen, everyone but Mio was there.

You already made some for us? (Velvet)

I did since I heard all of you coming in here.  Is Mio still asleep? (Luna)

Yes. (Ophidia)

Actually, I just got up nya. (Mio)

Oh.  I like the new look. (Luna)

Nya?  What are you talking about nya? (Mio)

How have you not noticed the second tail? (Luna)

Nya!? (Mio)

She started to turn around in circles while trying to see her tails.  While it was funny to watch, I decided to help her out.  I pulled a mirror out of my inventory and put it in front of her.

Thanks nya. (Mio)

She turned to the side and looked at herself.

Interesting nya.  I guess this is the effect of the blessing nya. (Mio)

Did you get anything else from it? (Soleil)

I can now use sleep magic as well nya. (Mio)

I wonder what that does? (Luna)

I can use today to figure that out nya. (Mio)

Do that later, eat first. (Luna)

Dont mind if I do nya. (Mio)

Mio sat down and we all started to eat.  Once we were done, everyone started to go and do their own thing.

Hey Ophidia. (Luna)

Yes master? (Ophidia)

You have the dance skill, right? (Luna)

Yes. (Ophidia)

Can you help me get it? (Luna)

Sure, but what do you want to get it for? (Ophidia)

Because I need something to do today. (Luna)

Then let us go. (Ophidia)

We went to the back of the mansion and Ophidia started to teach me how to dance.  She first showed me some basic movements that I was then told to copy.  I tried to but messed up a few of the steps.  I tried over and over again until I got it right, then Ophidia showed me some more.  We repeated this process until I got all of the  steps right, then we moved on to putting them all together to a rhythm.

This is more difficult than I thought it would be. (Luna)

Indeed.  Though you are doing much better than I did.  It took me a long time to get this far. (Ophidia)

Thats all thanks to one of my titles.  Now, lets continue, I have some other things I also want to do today. (Luna)

What e;se are you planning on doing master? (Ophidia)

Some woodcarving.  I almost have the skill maxed out and want to do that today as well.  I want to try and make some stuff. (Luna)

Its like youre trying to distract yourself or something. (Ophidia)

Thats exactly what I am trying to do.  Dont get me wrong, I planned to ask you to help me with this today regardless, but now I have even more reason to focus on this. (Luna)

Why are you doing that though? (Ophidia)

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Tamamo is away and might be for some time at that.  I need something to keep my mind occupied. (Luna)

I see.  Then I will teach you everything I know. (Ophidia)

After this small break, we continued to practice until around noon when I finally acquired the dance skill.  Once I got the notification, I stopped what I was doing and sat down.  Ophidia sat next to me and I handed her some water.

Well, that is one thing done. (Luna)

Im curious master, why did you want this skill in the first place? (Ophidia)

If I get proficient enough in it, I can add it on top of my swordsmanship.  Plus, it seems like a skill I should have if I ever decide I want to dance with Tamamo.  I dont want to step on her feet and stuff, you know. (Luna)

Makes sense.  Now, you said you were going to start some woodcarving, right? (Ophidia)

Yeah. (Luna)

Can I watch?  I want to learn a hobby skill like that. (Ophidia)

I dont mind. (Luna)

I pulled out several stacks of wood and several different carving tools.

I brought out some extras so you can try as well. (Luna)

Thank you master. (Ophidia)

Any time. (Luna)

I then set to work trying to level the skill to 10.  During this time, I felt my connection to Tamamo weaken even more than it already was, but not before hearing what sounded like pained screams.

I hope that was just my imagination.

I shook my head to try and get rid of the worry and went back to doing what I was doing.  A few hours later, I finally got the skill to level 10.

Great, now to actually start making what I want to make. (Luna)

You know master, you have it so easy.  I thought this earlier as well, but gaining and leveling skills this fast is just unfair. (Ophidia)

I can understand where youre coming from.  I feel the same way about how people like Soleil and previously Velvet had it when it came to leveling up.  If it wasnt as slow as it is for me, I bet I would have at least six or seven tails by now. (Luna)

I forgot that you level up slower.  Honestly, I cant remember how quickly I gained levels since its been so long since I needed to worry about that.  I just remember those being tough times. (Ophidia)

Must have been.  Say, were you already level 100 by the time those ancient people worshipped you? (Luna)

Yes.  That is the reason they revered me so much I think.  Back then and even now, most animals find it difficult to reach level 100.  I was just one of the lucky ones to be able to reach that point without encountering something that would have killed me quickly.  Let me tell you, its no joke how bad it is in the wild like that.  Ever since I can remember, it was always terrifying to even sleep for a full night without having to be vigilant. (Ophidia)

She shuddered a bit when she said that.

I thought you would have been one of the ones that caused that fear, not one of the ones feeling it. (Luna)

There is always something stronger than you out there.  Fear is a necessary instinct that everyone must have.  It has saved my life countless times.  Though you might not find this necessary since almost nothing can really hurt you master. (Ophidia)

Just because thats true, doesnt mean I wont take your advice. (Luna)

We went back to a comfortable silence as I continued to work on my project and Ophidia continued to practice.  The only sound we made was the sound of scraping wood.  After another hour, I heard a snap and Ophidia gasp a little in pain.

Ouch. (Ophidia)

Cut yourself again? (Luna)

*Sigh* Yes. (Ophidia)

I grabbed her hand and healed it.

Thank you master. (Ophidia)

Fufu.  Its no problem. (Luna)

I dont understand what Im doing wrong.  Its not like Im putting too much strength into it, but I keep snapping or cutting completely through. (Ophidia)

In this case, you cut into a really weak part of the wood.  Youll be able to tell where you can cut and not when you get better, so dont give up. (Luna)

I patted her head as I said this resulting in Ophidia smiling and closing her eyes in enjoyment.

Mmm.  I can see why the Goddess and Soleil like it when you do this, it feels so good and comforting. (Ophidia)

Fufufu. (Luna)

We sat like this for a few minutes before again going back to what we were doing.  Ophidia started to finally get the hang of it without hitting bad spots or just cutting the wood in two in general and I was almost done with what I was making.  When I finished, I held my creation up to see if I needed to make any small adjustments or not.

What is that master? (Ophidia)

A flute. (Luna)

Why do I have a bad feeling about this all of a sudden? (Ophidia)

Fufufu.  Dont worry, I wont use this like a snake charmer.  I made it so I could try and teach myself how to play it. (Luna)

GoodI think?  I really dont like the sound of snake charming. (Ophidia)

Again, dont worry.  Ive been there, done that with charm.  I never want anything to do with it again. (Luna)

I then put my newly made flute to my mouth and attempted to play it, but nothing happened.

Well, thats disappointing.  I wonder what I did wrong? (Luna)

Youd have to ask someone else; I have no clue about anything related to that. (Ophidia)

Then I guess I can ask Velvet; she knows most things. (Luna)

Come to think of it, thats true, isnt it?  Why does she know so many things? (Ophidia)

Well, she is the daughter of the leader of what is essentially an information gathering organization, so it would be more surprising if she didnt know a lot of things. (Luna)

Thats true. (Ophidia)

Now just hold on a minute, is that really what you think about me? (Velvet)

Only a small part.  I could name a ton of other, just as important and amazing things about you, but Ill leave that to Soleil since shell be able to do even better than I will. (Luna)

O-oh, I see.  Then its fine. (Velvet)

Anyway, can you tell me if I messed up on making this? I asked as I tossed my flute to Velvet.

She caught it and looked it over.

Luna, this is just a piece of wood carved into the shape of a flute.  You didnt make any of the other things that make a flute a flute. (Velvet)

Well, its not like I knew what I was doing, ok.  I just remembered the shape and though with a high enough level in woodcarving, it would somehow work out. (Luna)

Why not just buy a flute if you were interested in them? (Velvet)

Because I thought it would be fun to make my own.  And it was.  Plus, I got to spend some time with Ophidia which I dont get to do very often. (Luna)


Whats that look for? (Luna)

I just wasnt expecting that answer.  I thought you were going to say that you never thought about it or something. (Velvet)

Oi!  Im not that dumb. (Luna)

I never implied that you were.  Im just used to you giving random, Luna-like answers that a normal answer threw me off. (Velvet)

Oi!  Im not that bad, am I? (Luna)

I looked over to Ophidia, but she refused to meet my eyes.

See, even Ophidia agrees with me. (Velvet)


So, Velvet, where is Soleil? (Ophidia)

Shes painting the tree.  Shes been there all day. (Velvet)

I see.  And what have you been doing? (Ophidia)

A little bit of training, writing some letters to home, reading some books.  Just relaxing in general. (Velvet)

Do you know what Mio has been doing? (Ophidia)

Last I saw her, she was practicing her new sleep magic. (Velvet)

You two really are just going to act like Im not here anymore, huh. (Luna)

I wonder what sleep magic actually does. (Ophidia)

I have no idea.  The only thing I can think of is that it might help put people to sleep.  As for anything else, well just have to ask Mio. (Velvet)

Will you two please stop ignoring me now? (Luna)

Is there anything you need Luna? (Velvet)

*Sigh*What do the two of you want to eat tonight? (Luna)

Can we have some of those birds and some of that meat that we hunted in the dungeon? (Ophidia)

Stymphalian bird and buffalo thing meat, got it. (Luna)

I then got up and started making my way inside.

Ill start cooking then, can the two of you go and get the others? (Luna)

Leave it to us. (Velvet)

The two of them left to get Soleil and Mio as I went and started cooking.  While I was busy, I heard them arrive.  Soleil came into the kitchen and showed me her painting which looked amazing.  It was almost camera quality in detail.

You really are talented, Soleil. (Luna)

Hehe.  Thanks big sis.  Ill go and find a place to hang this up, then Ill come and help you. (Soleil)

Alright. (Luna)

She then left the kitchen and came back about 15 minutes later.  We started working to get everything done while chatting about our day.  When we finished and placed the food on the table, I could see everyone almost drooling.

Lets eat. (Luna)

We all dug in like this was our first meal in ages and soon everything was gone.  Once we were done cleaning up, we moved over to the main living room.

Hey Mio, come sit next to me and Ill let you brush one of my tails for as long as its safe to. (Luna)

Yay nya.  Ive been wanting to try this for a while nya. (Mio)

She sat down next to me and I handed her my brush.  She started brushing and actually managed to last a few minutes before she started to lose it a bit.

Nyehehe.  This is wonderful nya.  Its pulling me in nya.  Its so comfortable nya. (Mio)

And this is where you stop. (Luna)

I teleported Mio away from me and onto a chair in the room.  She was still dazed, so we were about to knock her out when she snapped out of it.

Ugh nya.  My head feels al fuzzy nya. (Mio)

Im surprised you snapped out of it.  Normally, we have to knock someone out to snap them out of it. (Luna)

You couldnt even if you tried nya.  The only person that can put me to sleep or knock me out now is myself of Tonya nya.  Thats part of the blessing nya. (Mio)

So you are immune to sleep effects unless they are self-inflicted? (Velvet)

I think so nya. (Mio)

Thats interesting. (Soleil)

I knyow, right. (Mio)

Speaking of sleep, Im heading to bed now, so Ill see you all tomorrow. (Luna)

Thats not like you, big sis.  Whats up? (Soleil)

Tamamo isnt here right now, so Im trying to either stay occupied so I dont notice it or sleep so I cant think about it. (Luna)

Do you want me to use magic to put you to sleep nya? (Mio)

Wont work on me, I have status effect immunity.  The only way to get around that is some divine level magic, and even then, it will probably only work once if at all. (Luna)

Oh nya. (Mio)

I appreciate the thought, now good night, everyone. I said as I left the room to go to my own.

As I made my way there, I passed by Soleils newest painting.  It was hung up in the hallway next to her other ones.  I smiled when I saw it.  I then got to my room, changed, and got into bed.  I slowly started to fall into the sea of dreams as I thought about how my day went.

Chaos Realm:

Atmos: What kind of time shenanigans is this?

You know, some timey-whimey, wibbly-wobbly stuff.

Atmos: I don't get it?

Next time you take a break from anime, I'll show you.

Atmos: Ok.

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