I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 182: Ninja Luna

Chapter 182: Ninja Luna

[Luna POV]

We waited about three hours before Mio and I decided to really start our mission.  All of us moved up to just below the surface and the two of us started to silently climb the ship we hid under the entire time.

Remember to call out to us if it turns into an all-out fight. (Velvet)

I nodded my head in response and continued the climb up.  When the two of us go on the deck of the ship, we activated our stealth skills and began our slaughter.  I had all of my knives and my short sword on my belt and started to make my way towards two pirates that were standing on the deck.  They were facing away from us and talking about something.  I silently rushed up to their backs and stabbed them both in the throat.  They died quickly and I hid the bodies in my inventory.  I saw another one die in the same way out of the corner of my eye, then moved on.

I made my way to one of the spots to the lower deck of the ship and descended.  I could almost see the fumes of alcohol floating around not to mention the smell.  There were a lot of pirates laying in hammocks asleep.  I created several illusory clones of myself and we simultaneously killed all of the pirates in their sleep.  I then moved further into the ship to look for anymore.  Once I cleared the entire below decks, I climbed back up then went to the captains cabin to see if anyone was in there.  It was empty, so I moved on.

When I got off of the first ship, I found several dead bodies littered around.  They made a rough line towards one of the other ships that was docked nearby.  I decided to move to the largest of the three ships.  When I climbed onto its deck, there were several pirates laying asleep on tables, bottles strewn everywhere.  I did the same as I did on the first ship and made illusions to help kill all the pirates at the same time before moving below deck.  The hammocks were mostly empty here since a lot of pirates were asleep on deck.  After clearing several rooms, I heard some talking around a corner.

Hey, how long do you think the captain will leave that thing alive?

What, that mermaid thing?

Yeah, that.

Think she said that she has to wait for the full moon or something.

Think the captainll share some of it with us?

Hope so.  I like the idea of livin forever after all.

Same.  Just imagine all the riches well be able to pile up over the years.  Well be so rich we can buy all the countries on the mainland.

Livin like kings like we should, eh?  I like the sound of that.

After hearing all of this, I snuck up to the two that were talking, looked into their eyes, and trapped them in an illusion.

Where is this mermaid being held? (Luna)

In the captains residences dungeon.

Go island-side, youll be able to see it there.

After extracting the information from them, I cut their throats and stored their bodies.  I continued clearing the ship and when I was done, moved to the captains cabin again.  Inside there was one person that was looking over a map and charting.  I moved up to them and killed them before they noticed the door open.  After that was done, I moved off the ship and found Mio waiting on the dock next to it.

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Hows it going nya? (Mio)

(Good.  Just finished clearing this one, now we can move on to the dock area.  Also, got some information about a captured mermaid.  Its being held in the captains residence somewhere on the island. (Luna)

Should we tell the others nya? (Mio)

They can hear our conversation.  They should be here shortly.  In the meantime, lets continue.  We still have a ways to go I believe. (Luna)

Alright nya. (Mio)

We moved away from the ships along the dock and found even more pirates.  These pirates were awake and partying away, blissfully unaware of the end of their lives that were swiftly approaching.

Lunya, can you do something to distract them nya?  Im confident in our stealth abilities, but even then, well get spotted eventually with this much light around nya. (Mio)

I nodded my head and looked over towards the pirates.  To a third party, my eyes would seem to glow brighter than usual as I trapped all of the pirates in an illusion.

Lets go.  They wont notice anything as we pick them off. (Luna)

Mio nodded and we began the slaughter once again.  Once everyone else made it to where we were, all the I was stabbing the last pirate in the throat.  I turned towards them, pulled my mask down and smiled.

Bout time you showed up, you missed all the fun. (Luna)

Luna, you look terrifying like that. (Velvet)

Thanks. (Luna)

So, do we move onto the island proper now? (Ophidia)

I think we can, but we should perform one final sweep here first.  Just to be sure we got everyone. (Luna)

Ill handle that nya.  Be right back nya. (Mio)

Mio then disappeared into the shadows before coming back a few minutes later.

Were good nya. (Mio)

That was fast. (Soleil)

Of course it was nya.  Dark magic like that is my specialty after all nya.  How do you think I kept up with Lunya nya? (Mio)

I was wondering about that. (Luna)

Focus guys, were not done yet. (Skadi)

Right.  Lets get to it and finish this. (Luna)

We looked around and found the entrance to the cavern where the docks were.  We followed it until we came out in a jungle-like place with tall trees, vines, and dense undergrowth.  We followed a barely visible path for a while until a large building came into view.

My mansion feels less special now.  I mean really, how many islands have fancy mansions on them? (Luna)

Maybe a lot of them do, but which floating islands can you say have mansions on them? (Velvet)

Celestia Kingdoms castle is on one. (Luna)

Oh yeah. (Velvet)

Anyway, Ill check for any patrolling pirates. (Luna)

I used my space magic to look over the entire area.  There were several pirates in places surrounding the mansion, but they would be easily dealt with.  I relayed their positions to Mio and she quickly melted into the shadows and took care of them.  Once she was back, we moved to the mansion.

Ill go in and deal with the ones inside, can you guys look for the dungeon and rescue the mermaid? (Luna)

The others nodded and I quietly opened a window.  We slipped inside and I went to the door of the room we were in.  I stuck my head out into the hallway and looked around.  I didnt see anyone, so I snuck into the hallway and turned left.  I walked for a minute then looked around the corner to see it also empty.  I started walking down that hall when I started hearing voiced from above me.  I looked around for a few minutes to find the stairs and ended up killing some pirates on the way.  When I found the stairs and started walking up them, I noticed that the voices I heard earlier were coming towards me.  Once the pirates came next to the edge of the stairs, I blinked behind them and killed them.

I then started systematically killing my way through this floor before moving onto the third.  When I got up there, I could hear sounds of snoring coming from everywhere.  I used my space magic to look into every room on the floor and then made illusions that killed all the sleeping pirates at once.  That left one room.  It had an ornate door and I could see light coming from underneath.  I crouched down and looked through the keyhole to see inside the room.  Sitting behind a desk was a considerably good looking woman with feathers.  She was looking at something while holding a class if wine in one hand.  I opened a Gate behind her chair and shot a spear through it and her, killing her instantly.  I then opened the door, walked in, and stored the body.  I then sat in the chair and put on the hat that was close by.

I hope the others have taken care of the rest since Ill be out of commission. (Luna)

{Luna?  Whats up, where are you?}

Oh, welcome back Tamamo.  Currently were clearing a pirate hideout and I just killed the captain.  Now I hit level 60 and am about to get my sixth tail.  The others should be taking care of any pirates left and trying to rescue a mermaid that was captured.

{I see.  Youve been busy in the day I havent been here.}

Eh, we get things done when I dont have you to talk toI could have worded that better.

{If youre getting your sixth tail, Im surprised you havent keeled over in pain yet.}

Oh, Im in pain and am about to pass out, but I wanted to fill you in on things first.  Now if you excuse me.

My vision went completely black as I fell forward onto the desk.

Chaos Realm:

Order: That looks super painful.

From what both Luna and Tamamo have said, that's an understatement.

Order: I'm glad I don't have to experience something like that.


Atmos: Oh, is it time for the sixth tail already?

When did you come back?

Atmos: Just now.

Ah.  And yes, Luna is getting her sixth tail now.

Atmos: I see.  Did they get there in time?

Yep.  The mermaid was rescued.

Atmos: Good.

Order: Was something bad going to happen if that mermaid was killed?

Just a war between the surface and the mermaids that would have led to the extinction of mermaids.

Order: How much of this was planned for by the two of you?

Atmos: None of it.  It was just a possible fate, there were many other ways this could have gone, but the way it did was one of the better ones.

Indeed.  The second best one would cause it's own problems.

Atmos: Yeah, none of us want that S-rank to save that mermaid.

Order: Do I even want to know?

I won't allow it.  You're to precious to me to allow you to lay eyes in such filth.

Order: *Blushes*

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