I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 199: Talk of Spirits

Chapter 199: Talk of Spirits

[Luna POV]

Well, I say its decided, but let me get what Lia wants done first.  It shouldnt take too long I think. (Luna)

Mind if I sit in on this as well?  I want to know more about spirits as well. (Skadi)

Fine by me. (Luna)

Skadi and I stood up from our seats and went to Lias office.  When we got there, I knocked on the door and we were let in.  We sat down and Lia moved over to sit in front of us.

Before we start, can I ask what is up with this world and paperwork?  I mean really.  The only person of importance that I know that hardly ever does any is dad.  Heck, even mom is swamped with it. (Luna)

Trust me, I wish I was as brazen as your father with pushing all of this off on someone else.  Though Im glad Im not the queen.  This is nothing compared to what she has to go through.  Id explain what it is, but state secrets and all that. (Lia)

Understandable, I just felt like I needed to comment on it. (Luna)

And this is why Im an adventurer instead of a politician or military leader somewhere. (Skadi)

I thought that was because you were immortal. (Luna)

There are plenty of immortal people out there, Luna.  Or should it be eternal?  They can be killed quite easily unlike us who are significantly harder to kill. (Skadi)

Anyway, to start our actual discussion, what can you tell me about spirits, Luna. (Lia)

Ummm.  I know some stuff, but I dont know if Im allowed to say it.  But we can ask Tamamo since she know what can and cant be shared. (Luna)

I pulled my mirror out and Tamamo appeared in it.

{Oh?  Its been a while since we used these.  Could you not wait any longer to see me, Luna?}

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I wont deny that, but we actually have some business we need to discuss with you, Tamamo.  Well, I say we, but I mostly mean Lia.  Me and Skadi are just here to learn. (Luna)

Hello, Lady Tamamo. (Skadi)

{Just call me Tamamo, Skadi.  No need for you to be all formal with me anymore.}

Alright. (Skadi)

My mirror then faced Lia.

{Now, miss elf general, what do you want to know?}

Several things, but first and foremost, can spirits and mortals be together? (Lia)

{I need you to clarify that.  Be together is too vague.  I mean, youre technically already together with spirits if you have a contract with them.}

I meant in a romantic relationship. (Lia)

Lia started to blush when she said that making me realize that she didnt have much experience in relationships of the romantic variety.

{I see.  Before I answer that, which one is it?  Cres or Dia?}

Dia. (Lia)

{Hmm.  Luna, I think we messed up.}

What do you mean? (Luna)

{That spirit has been roaming around your island ever since you first created her, right?}

Yea-oh.  I completely forgot that.  And since she has a connection to stars, she can show up in any domain I make since she has a constellation there.  Wait, does that mean (Luna)

{Most likely.  Dia has probably been influenced by me, you, or both of us when we are being completely ourselves.  Well, nothing we can do about that.  And to answer your question, miss elf, yes and no.  Yes in the meaning that you can have a romantic relationship with a spirit, but no in the sense that you cant if youre a mortal.}

I see.  Guess Dia will be disappointed then. (Lia)

Lias ears seemed to droop a little.

{Have some hope.  If Dia really wants this, then once she is strong enough, she will offer you a choice.  Become a demispirit and youll be able to be with her.}

Is there a difference between a spirit apostle and a demispirit? (Lia)

{Yes.  You could say that a demispirit is the next step after spirit apostle.  Its just that most people die before they reach that point.  And besides, even if they lived long enough, the other requirement is even more difficult to achieve.}

What is the requirement? (Skadi)

{Be offered the choice by a spirit king.  Thats why I said it was up to Dia when she is strong enough.  But dont worry too much, at the rate Dia is growing, shell be able to reach spirit king status in a few decades.}

I see. Lia said before whispering quietly. If all I have to do is wait a few decades, then Im good.

I smirked at her words.

Ill ask this of you again, Lia.  Take care of my precious stellar spirit. (Luna)

Naturally. (Lia)

{If thats all you need, then Ill be off.}

Thank you, Goddess. (Lia)


Tamamos face disappeared from my mirror.  Me and Skadi stood up and started to leave when I quickly turned around.

Before I forget, the introduction letter. (Luna)

Right. (Lia)

She moved over to her desk and pulled out a green envelope that had a wax seal on the back.

Show that to any important looking person at the Academy and they will lead you right to Headmaster Mimir.  After that, youll probably get full access to anything you want in the Academy. (Lia)

Thanks. (Luna)

We left the room and made our way back to everyone else.

Something tells me that there is more to that explanation from earlier. (Skadi)

{There is, but she cant know that yet or itll throw things out of balance.}

Can we know it? (Luna)

{Once you ascend, you can, but Skadi cant.  Its like the things with dungeons.  If Skadi ever takes over for her mother though, then shell probably learn.  Unless of course you want to have to live the rest of your life in the divine domain.}

Maybe in a few thousand years.  I still have things I want to do here with Ophidia. (Skadi)

Just tell me when and Ill help in bringing your island to the divine domain. (Luna)

Thanks. (Skadi)

We finally got back to where everyone else was when I felt something on my tail.  I turned my head to try and see what was going on.  What I saw was a tiny person hugging my tail like a koala.  I though she was asleep but her twin tails were moving, so I knew she was awake.

Hello Tonya.  Where did you come from and how are you even here? (Luna)

Lunyafluffy nya. (Tonya)

*Sigh*  Guess were postponing our guild visit. (Luna)

Chaos Realm:

*Whisper yelling* Order!  Why is there a person sleeping in our bed!?

Order: That's In-chan's daughter.  We're taking care of her while she and Mordred are on their honeymoon.

Ok.  Um.  Do we wake her up and introduce ourselves or just let her sleep?

Order: Let her sleep.  We can introduce ourselves when she wakes up.


Order: *Inner monologue* He's so cute when he's flustered.

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