I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 214: Luna the Teacher

Chapter 214: Luna the Teacher

[Luna POV]

After laying there reveling in the lingering warmth of Tamamo as well as breathing in her scent, I got up to get ready for the day.  Once I was done, I left the room and went to the usual spot we always gather.  When I got there, Skadi was the only one present.

I was expecting to be the only one awake at this time. (Luna)

I just got up actually. (Skadi)

And Ophidia? (Luna)

Still asleep.  While I do love her to no end, she can get a bit clingy while asleep, so I needed to take this chance if I wanted to move before she woke up. (Skadi)

I see.  Honestly, I never pictured Ophidia to be the type to do that. (Luna)

It started after our alone time. (Skadi)

Ah.  Understandable. (Luna)

Indeed. (Skadi)

We stood in silence as we looked over the city from the window.

Want some coffee? (Luna)

Sure. (Skadi)

I got to work making the two of us coffee.  When I was done, I handed her a cup and we went back to looking out over the city.

Youve been making use of your domains quite a lot.  Im, assuming you and Lady Tamamo were together last night. (Skadi)

Yeah.  We didnt do anything too much since this isnt our own home, but we did spend time together. (Luna)

I see.  On another note, how is it going with the hearing prayers thing? (Skadi)

I got used to tuning them out relatively quickly.  Now its kind of like an almost inaudible whisper. (Luna)

Thats good.  It was a pain to learn how to do that when I was little. (Skadi)

So, you went through the same thing? (Luna)

Yeah.  Perk of being half divine. (Skadi)

Was it hard sometimes?  Like, in the sense of people dying at sea and stuff? (Luna)

Yeah.  When I was in the divine domain, I could hear stuff from all over the world.  It gave me nightmares at first, but over time it got better, though I did resolve myself from ever going to the other continent.  That place is no good.  One country over there used to sacrifice people to the sea since they thought doing that would protect them from monsters and give them a better catch.  After a while it just turned to killing anyone that someone didnt like. (Skadi)

Some things dont change, regardless of world, huh. (Luna)

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Something like that happened in your previous world as well? (Skadi)

Several times.  One notable one was called the witch trials where, due to religious beliefs, anyone though to be practicing witchcraft was given a trail where, for the most part, were only cleared of accusation if you died.  If you survived you would be imprisoned and then executed.  It went the same way.  Another one was in more modern times only instead of witchcraft, it was political ideology.  I know less about that one. (Luna)

Coming from someone that has never lived in a world without magic, that first thing sounds so stupid. (Skadi)

I agree.  But anyway, thats enough about all that. (Luna)

Yeah.  So, what are you going to do to prepare for the festival here? (Skadi)

Im going to use my space magic to look over as much of the forest as I can to find what Im looking for.  Hopefully there is an Erymanthean Boar out there. (Luna)

Hmm. (Skadi)

We descended into another silence as we drank our coffee.  After a bit, I heard someone else enter the room.

Morning Velvet. (Luna)

Hey you two. (Velvet)

Velvet came and stood next to us.

Coffee? (Luna)

Im good, but thanks. (Velvet)

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that Velvet was a bit nervous about something.

If you want to talk about whatever is making you nervous, then speak, well listen and see if we can help. (Luna)

Then can I ask for some advice in the relationship area? (Velvet)

What would you like to know? (Luna)

Well, me and Soleil arent ready to go as far as either of you have yet, but I feel like I want to make some progress.  The most that ever happens is a quick peck on the lips and her letting me drink her blood. (Velvet)

Me and Skadi looked at each other and back to Velvet.

Isnt the second thing already a lot of progress?

Velvet got flustered at our words.

No, I mean yes, but also no? (Velvet)

She crouched down where she was standing while hiding her face in embarrassment.

Well, aside from the whole drinking her blood thing, if you want more from Soleil, just talk to her about it.  If shes anything like Ana, then shes just waiting for you to speak up.  The second you say you want something more than just a quick peck on the lips or cheek or something, shell jump on the opportunity. (Luna)

Indeed.  Just consult with her about what you want and shell do what she can to accommodate.  Thats how it went with Ophidia. (Skadi)

Also, if you want something good, massage her ears.  I can teach you the best method.  Just know that once you do that, you better be prepared to accept whatever happens to you afterward. (Luna)

What do you mean? (Velvet)

Sensitive ears, massaging them feels REALLY nice, but also leads to things getting out of hand really fast depending on how you do it.  Its something were all taught when were little.  Since you and Soleil will get married someday, youll need to learn this. (Luna)

I pulled out a plush fox form me and sat down in a nearby chair.  Velvet and Skadi did the same and watched me intently.

You want to know as well, Skadi? (Luna)

Might as well.  I have nothing else to do. (Skadi)

So, there are multiple meanings to the way you massage ears? (Velvet)

Yes.  One way basically means that you are ready for night activities, another way means that you care deeply for the other person, there is even one way that signifies that you want children, not that either of you will do that one. (Luna)

So, which one are you going to teach me? (Velvet)

Ill start with deep affection.  We dont want you to rile up Soleil by mistake after all.  Oh, also once you start, do not stop until she tells you to.  That is very important. (Luna)

I then started to demonstrate on the plush me.  Velvet was staring intently at everything I was doing so that she could commit it to memory.  Once I stopped, I handed the plush to Velvet so she could try.  I watched her hands to make sure she did it correctly.

This is difficult.  I dont know if Im doing it right or if Im not. (Velvet)

Sorry, Id let you practice on me, but (Luna)

I get it.  I just dont know if Im using enough pressure in my fingers or not. (Velvet)

Oh, that depends on the person.  The second you start this and Soleil figures out what youre doing, shell tell you how much pressure, so just focus on what youre doing. (Luna)

Are all beastkin this complicated? (Skadi)

I cant say anything about any but kitsune, but probably.  Though I do know that cat beastkin like to mark their partners by rubbing against them, so Fenrir is going to have fun with that. (Luna)

As the early morning transitioned to normal morning, Velvet kept practicing while I gave her pointers on what to do when she did something wrong.

Velvet, youve got it down now.  When the two of you are ready to go all the way, Ill teach you that method. (Luna)

Ok. (Velvet)

Her face turned crimson.  Just as that happened, Soleil came into the room.  Since I think Velvet wanted to keep this as a surprise, I put the plush she was holding into my inventory before Soleil could see it.

Hey everyone. (Soleil)

Morning.  Sleep well? (Luna)

Yes.  Can anyone tell me why Velvet is so adorably embarrassed? (Soleil)

She said some embarrassing things about her past while half asleep. (Skadi)

Oh, do tell. (Soleil)

Nah, Ill let her tell you later. (Luna)

Aww. (Soleil)

Anyway, all we need now is Ophidia and Mio and we can set off to find our quarry for the festival. (Luna)

Alright. (Soleil)

Soleil sat next to Velvet and leaned her head on her shoulder.  Velvet started to eye Soleils ears and a fire of determination burned in her eyes.

L-Luna, mind if me and Soleil sit out of todays search? (Velvet)

Eh? (Soleil)

Not at all.  You go and have fun with each other. (Luna)

Big sis, what did you teach my Velvet? (Soleil)

Nothing bad.  Just wait and find out. (Luna)

Like this, we bantered about until the two heaviest sleepers of the party joined us.  Once they were here, we split into two groups.  My group went into the forest to start searching for the boar while Velvet and Soleil went to progress their relationship.

Chaos Realm:

Atmos: In all these years, how have I never know anything about the ear massage meanings?

Tamamo: I don't know.

Fenrir: Heheheh.

Atmos: Fenrir, you good?

Fenrir: Sleeping Mio is cute.

Tamamo: Understandable, a sleeping Luna is also adorable, not that I get to see it that often anymore.

Atmos: I wish Grey was cute when he sleeps.  All he does is snore.  But back on topic, which kind of ear massage did you and Luna do last night?

Tamamo: What?

Atmos: Oh um, y-you see.  Fenrir, help me out here.


Atmos: She's gone.

Tamamo: Now, are you going to answer?

Atmos: Fenrirwasleftalonehereanddidn'tknowhowtostopwatchingLunaanditgottothepointwherethetwoofyouwereinyourownlittleworldandsoshekeptwatchingandtakingnotesonhowtodosomethingsimilarwithMio.IonlycameinattheveryendofeverythingsoIdidn'tseemuch.

Tamamo:...I see.  Then Fenrir better not share those with anyone else.  And once she is done with them, I will personally dispose of them.

Fenrir: I'm fine with that.  And don't worry, I have no intention to share these with anyone.

Atmos: Oh, so you're back now?

Fenrir: Yep.

Atmos: Shameless.

Fenrir: Only with my friends.

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