I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 218: Return to the City and a Discussion

Chapter 218: Return to the City and a Discussion

[Luna POV]

It took us two more days, but we did start to see the signs of the city being close.  As we proceeded, the city finally came into view.

Were on the final stretch. (Luna)

I dont know why youre telling us that, we havent really done anything this entire time. (Velvet)

I said it cause it fits the mood. (Luna)

We approached the gate and two guards immediately came up to us.  When they got closer and actually realized the size of the boar that was being dragged behind us, their bottom jaw nearly hit the floor.  It was then that I recognized one of the guards as the one that led us to Lias home on our first day here.

Oh?  Good to see you again, sir guard. (Luna)

This snapped him out of his shock.

Y-yes.  Its good to see you again as well.  Im assuming this is for the festival?

Yep. (Luna)

Hehe.  S-rank adventurers never disappoint.

He turned to his guard friend and told him to snap out of it.  They then moved over to the gate again and started to open the gate completely.  Once that was done, the guard we didnt know ran into the city to report what we brought.  We were asked to stay put for the time being while the streets were cleared and some important people were brought to our location.

Looks like youre getting your spectacle, big sis. (Soleil)

Fufufu.  Its not just my spectacle, its OUR spectacle.  You guys are a part of this as well, even if I did a lot of the work.  I mean, you all helped with tracking it down after all. (Luna)

One of the others was about to say something when they got interrupted by Lia.

Luna, you really went out and did it.  You actually brought back an Erymanthean boar. (Lia)

I said I would, though its a bit bigger than what you said it would be from the story you told us. (Luna)

Thats an understatement.  Its three times bigger than the one from the legend I told you. (Lia)

It was then that one of the other people that came with Lia spoke up.

Hello, Im the organizer of the hunting festival this year.  Im assuming you wish to present this magnificent boar as a festival quarry, is that correct?

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Yes.  We wish to offer this boar as a festival quarry under the Stellaris party. (Luna)

I understand.  While you have most assuredly won the contest this year, we still have to wait out the rest of the time since other contestants are still out there.  Is that fine with all of you?

I think so.  Its trapped in an illusion and wont get out unless I let it out, so it shouldnt be a problem to keep it somewhere until later. (Luna)

Very well.  Please follow me and Ill show you where you can keep it until the contest ends.

We started to follow the festival coordinator.  As we entered the city, I could see tons of people on either side of the road staring in wonder at the boar we brought in.  Several people started to cheer when they saw it.

Lia, when were done bringing this to wherever we are, I need to talk to you and Mimir about something. (Luna)

Lia nodded her head and then a small green bird appeared on her shoulder.  She whispered something to it and it flew off in the direction of the Academy.  After a bit, we arrived at a plaza near the adventurers guild where a stage was set up and a few pins with boars of different sizes were already in.  Once we stopped at a good spot, I undid the chain around the boars legs and replaced it with a rope.  Once that was done, we finished with the formalities of turning in a festival quarry.  Then, we, along with Lia, went to the Academy to have a discussion with Mimir.

I know you guys probably want to check the festival out, but this is something that needs to be taken care of first. (Luna)

Are you going to ask about THAT nya? (Mio)

Yeah. (Luna)

Thats a good idea.  Even I got a weird feeling about that place, so its best if we do this. (Skadi)

What are you talking about? (Lia)

The place we found the boar in the forest.  When we get to Mimirs office, Ill explain everything I know. (Luna)

Fine, but youre making me nervous.  I mean, if something makes several S-rank adventurers get a strange feeling, then it cant be good. (Lia)

Thats understandable. (Velvet)

Then to help get our minds off of it for a bit, what are we going to do with the boar we brought? (Ophidia)

Well, the winning boar is usually killed and then cooked for the winner or winners of the contest, but since what you guys brought in is so big, itll probably be served to as many people as possible, with your permission of course. (Lia)

Im pretty sure none of us mind that.  Though I would like to be the one to kill it so I can at least try and get a level from it.  Things like that normally give me at least one. (Luna)

I doubt anyone will mind that, so once this is done, Ill let the coordinator know. (Lia)

Thanks. (Luna)

We then made it to the gates of the Academy.  When we walked up to them, they opened and the old elf that showed us around last time was waiting for us.  Lia nodded her head his way and he did the same.  We were led to the elevator thing and rode it to Mimirs office floor.  Once we were inside the office, the elf that led us here left.  When the door was shut, I felt a barrier cover the room.

Lets not waste any time and get to the point.  What is it that you wanted to discuss with me and General Lia, Lady Luna? (Mimir)

We brought in an Erymanthean boar for the festival, but something gave all of us a weird feeling in the part of the forest that we found it in. (Luna)

Both Lia and Mimir got a serious look on their faces.

What do you mean, weird? (Lia)

The part of the forest we were in was pretty much being taken over by fungus, and the deeper in we went, the more there was. (Skadi)

Fungus?  You mean mushrooms and the like? (Lia)

Yeah.  Mushrooms of several sizes with some of the large ones being bigger than this room nya. (Mio)

And, in some of the deep parts, ones that glowed blue and white.  Aside from boars, there were hardly any other animals or monsters there.  As for the animals that were there aside from the boars, they were dead and being puppeted around by the fungus.  They arent undead since purifying fox fire doesnt work, but normal fire or fox fire does. (Luna)


Grr. (Mimir)

So, going by your reactions, this isnt normal. (Luna)

Not at all, Lady Luna.  The things you described are part of a monster.  Its a giant thing that takes over patches of forest until it sucks it dry of any vitality. (Mimir)

Dont take this the wrong way, but shouldnt there be people patrolling that far into the forest for things like that? (Velvet)

There should have been.  The reports from the deep-forest patrol squad have been all clear for the past several years.  It seems like I need to reeducate my people. (Lia)

How do we handle this? (Soleil)

Lady Luna, this is presumptuous of me, but do you have anything, magic or skill related, that can take care of it in one fell swoop? (Mimir)

I can think of a few ways that me or some of my party members can do to take care of it with my assistance, but it will leave that part of the forest uninhabitable or completely destroyed, or, in the worst case, both. (Luna)

At this time, my mirror floated out of my inventory.

{Luna, what if you covered the entire area with a domain?  Wont that negate the collateral damage?}

Oh, hello Goddess Tamamo. (Mimir)

{Hello Mimir.}

Hmmm.  I dont know.  The fungus is one giant organism and most of it is probably underground.  I dont know how deep it goes or how far it spreads.  If I can find that out, Im pretty sure a domain can take care of the collateral damage. (Luna)

I can try and get all the spirit mage soldiers that are contracted to earth and nature spirits to find out.  Can I ask that you help take care of it after we get that information? (Lia)

Of course.  I would try and do something to help anyway since it seems interesting.  Plus, killing it might give me levels that I need. (Luna)

A good enough reason as any, I say. (Mimir)

Then Ill go and get my people ready.  Im sorry about this since I bet you were looking forward to enjoying the festival, but this has to take priority. (Lia)

Dont be sorry nya.  A festival is a festival nya, we can always enjoy the next one nya. (Mio)

What Mio said, this isnt the last festival here, so, if I dont ascend before the next time, we will definitely be here for the next one. (Luna)

Now, Mimir, for this fungus monster, is it weak to something other than fire? (Luna)

Fire is one weakness, but so is extreme cold.  Just make sure you get as many of the spores as possible as well. (Mimir)

Velvet, Soleil, looks like the two of us will be the big contributors this time. (Luna)

Looking forward to it. (Soleil)

Yeah. (Velvet)

Then its time I go and get my people ready.  Luna and everyone else, itll take a few days to get there for us, so please enjoy the festival some, Ill send my contracted wind spirit to get you when we get the information you need. (Lia)

Alright, well be waiting. (Luna)

We all stood up and left Mimirs office.  After leaving the Academy, Lia went to gather her people and we went to try and enjoy some of the festival.

Chaos Realm:

Luna: Oh, it's been a while.

Atmos: LUNA!!!

Luna: Gah!

Order: Ugh.

Tamamo: Gah!

...Atmos, I pray for your soul.

Atmos: Wait, I get why they are glaring at me, but why are you?

Order is my wife, why would I not be mad at someone that caused her pain?


Luna: Nope. *Sounds of chains shooting out of Gates*

Atmos: Noooooooooooo!

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