I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 270: Appraising Sky Materials

Chapter 270: Appraising Sky Materials

[Luna POV]

Once the city was in view, it didnt take long to find a place to dock the ship.  Once everything was settled, I checked to see if Skadi and Ophidia were ready for me to pick them up, but there was nothing.  I then turned to Velvet and Soleil and spoke.

First things first, lets head to the guild branch that I was told close to here.  I want to get the guilds opinion on sky creature materials.  If they cant tell us anything here though, Ill go to the Main Office later and do it. (Luna)

Alright. (Soleil)

Sounds good to me.  But what will we say if they ask where we got them from? (Velvet)

Well think of that when we get to it. (Luna)

Why would I expect anything else? (Velvet)

I went below deck and placed all the materials in my inventory.

{Luna, why didnt you just keep them in there in the first place?}

I took them out when those inspectors were boarding.  It would be pretty suspicious if a ship wasnt carrying something in the hold after all.  And we both know that S-rank status isnt a get out of jail free card.

{I thought we agreed to wipe that thing from our memories.}

We did, but it needed to be brought up in this particular situation as an example.

Once I was done picking everything up, I rejoined Velvet and Soleil on deck and we then disembarked from the ship.  I then stored it in my inventory which caused me to get several surprised looks from other people.

Fufufu.  Those surprised faces are nice in a way. (Luna)

Luna, just how bored are you right now? (Velvet)

My boredom has accumulated a bit, but itll be alleviated when we go around this and other dwarven cities. (Luna)

Soleil. (Velvet)

I know.  Ill keep her in check. (Soleil)

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Tamamo, how do I respond to that? (Luna)

{I dont think youre supposed to.}

Lets go. (Luna)

I then started walking in a direction and my two companions quickly followed behind me.  After some time of moving around a somewhat crowded dock, we managed to find the guild branch and headed to it.

Ugh.  I hate crowds, especially with my particular constitution. (Luna)

I agree.  Though Im also impressed you managed to avoid touching anyone with your tail.  I didnt think youd manage for a minute or two. (Velvet)

It was way harder than you think since my other tails are only hidden, so I was basically waving all seven of them around frantically avoiding people. (Luna)

Is it bad that I kind of want to see that? (Soleil)

No, I feel the same.  It would be a funny sight. (Velvet)

I ignored their comments and just walked into the guild branch.  Inside was the usual clich kind of guild branch.  A quest bored on the wall, bar on the side, reception counter along the back wall.  The only thing that made this one unique was that the bar was busier than the rest of the guild.  We walked up to the reception counter and spoke to the dwarven receptionist.  He was a dwarf as expected and his beard grew to just below his belt.  It was braded with some kind of metallic thread that reflected in different colors depending on where the light hit it.

What can I do for you three ladies today?

I placed my card on the desk and asked for a private room and someone that handles appraising materials.

Right away, maam.  Please follow me.

The reception dwarf was actually pretty calm when he saw my card and he led us into the back of the guild to a large room.

Ill go get the appraiser.

He quickly left the room and about five minutes later he returned with a tall demon man.  He had leathery looking wings, eyes that were purely crimson, and wore one of those things that people wear when they inspect jewels.  He also wore a black and red suit.  All in all, the air he gave off was like he was about to ask for a contract where Id use my soul as payment.

Madam Luna, I am this guild branchs appraiser.  Pleased to make your acquaintance.  (Appraiser)

Nice to meet you, as well.  As you know, I am Luna, and these are two of my party members, Velvet and Soleil. (Luna)

The two nodded in the appraisers direction and he moved to sit in front of us.  The receptionist then bowed to all of us and left the room.

Now, may I see the materials you need appraised? (Appraiser)

I pulled out a few of the sky creature materials and placed them on the table in front of us.

I have the appraisal skill, so I know the information about the materials themselves, but I dont have a clue what theyd be worth if sold or what they would be useful for. (Luna)

Hmmm.  Ive never seen materials like these. He picked up what looked like a scale from that sky alligator.  Extremely light, and it feels durable.  Might be useful in making armor and shields.  Can you tell me where you got these and also if there are any more and of different types?

Thats a difficult thing to answer.  There are more types from different things, and we do have a lot of the stuff.  The difficult part is where we got them.  Its not that I cant tell you, but more like nobody else will be able to acquire these for a long while. (Luna)

Hmm.  That is a bit of a conundrum.  How about this, you give us as much of this stuff as you can and the guild can pass them around to trusted crafters.  They try to make things from these materials and depending on what they figure out, we price them according to that.  As for the place you got these from, it would probably be better to say, even if a more reliable way to get them from more people is still a long ways off, itll be better for the guild to know so when that time comes, well be prepared. (Appraiser)

I glanced at Velvet to get her opinion and she subtly nodded her head.

Alright.  The place these materials come from is the sky.  More specifically, in and about a mile under the clouds. (Luna)

Eh?  But how is that possible?  How were you able to travel at that altitude and withstand the pressure up there? (Appraiser)

Theres pressure up there? (Luna)

Of course, theres pressure up there.  And at the altitude youre talking about, it should be so much that youd pop like a bubble. (Appraiser)

Hmm.  Well, thats a whole other thing thats even more difficult to explain. (Luna)

The room stayed silent for several minutes while all of us tried to figure out what to say.  The first one to speak was the appraiser.

*Sigh*  This is all above me in what I can do.  I feel like this inquiry needs to be taken up with the Grand Guild Master.  While I will still hold to the offer of letting craftsmen here look to see what they can do with these materials and pay you accordingly, Im afraid I dont have the knowledge or experience to deal with secrets even S-rank adventurers cant part with.  In my personal opinion, only the Grand Guild Master and those in central can deal with advising you in this regard as they are the ones that manage all S-rank adventurers in the truest sense. (Appraiser)

I looked at Velvet and Soleil to get their opinions on the matter and they gave me their opinions telepathically.  I then turned back to the appraiser.

I think itll be best if we take this up at the Main Office.  Thank you for your time and I apologize we couldnt give you all the information you probably wanted. (Luna)

Worry not, Madam Luna.  These things happen.  If you ever change your mind or have more materials you arent sure of and are in the area, please feel free to ask for my assistance again. (Appraiser)

We all stood up and shook hands.  The appraiser then left and I turned to the others.

Well, now that this is done, shall we go and explore the city while we wait for Skadi and Ophidia? (Luna)

Might as well. (Velvet)

I wonder if they have any specialties here.  Food or trinket wise. (Soleil)

If youre hungry, just say so. (Luna)

Im hungry. (Soleil)

Fufufu.  Then lets go and find something to eat. (Luna)

We left the guild and entered into the main part of the city in search of food.

Chaos Realm:

Grey: OI!  Don't foist that responsibility on me.  I don't know what to do with that stuff either.

Calm down, Grey.

Order: You'll figure something out.

Atmos: I believe in you.

Grey: Atmos, where did you get a cheerleading outfit?

Atmos: Crisis.

Grey:...Do I thank her, or ask her why she gave that to you in the first place?

Atmos: I don't know.

Anyway, now they know why flying races don't fly that high or know about sky creatures.

Order: Is it due to Luna's ship being divine artifact that they can survive the pressure?

Well, Luna would probably be able to survive it normally, but for the most part yes.  That's why the first generation of flying ships are going to be forced to fly lower.

Grey: Well that's to be expected.  I give the mortals around 300 years before they figure out a way to survive the pressure of where Luna likes to sail.

Atmos: How generous.  I give them 700 years.

I'll throw in my own opinion and say 900.

Order: I put my money on 500.

Grey: Guess we wait and see now.


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