I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 290: Full Moon Fluff Time

Chapter 290: Full Moon Fluff Time

[Luna POV]

We spent the next several days on the floating island.  Most of that time was spent getting Cerberus used to everyone.  Aside from me, she seemed to like Mio and Skadi most out of everyone.  We also discovered that her giant form was just something she used in order to try and intimidate people.  The way we found this out was when she shrunk down to the size of a normal Malamute a few hours after we arrived at the island.  I also set up a domain and had Tamamo come over the first night so Cerberus could meet her as well and they both got along well.  Today was going like the previous few where I was playing with Cerberus outside near my Lunar Sakura while I waited for night to fall.

Cerberus, for the millionth time, you need to drop the ball if you want me to throw it again.

Cerberuss two other heads that didnt have a ball in their mouths just barked at my words and looked at me expectantly while the third head chewed on a ball.  Her tail was wagging at an extreme speed that would have made a windstorm if she was in her giant form.  As I reached to take the ball from her again, she got even more excited and then started running around in circles.


Fufufufu.  Im so happy I decided to make Cerberus my pet.  The only downside is that shell interrupt our alone time sometimes, but we can manage that.

{Im not sure about that.  She seems like a smart creature so I think shell be able to read the room in a sense.}

True.  She is perceptive in weird ways like that.  Though she also acts like a normal dog a lot of the time as well.

{It seems that, depending on which head is the lead for the day, her personality and actions change.  The right head is the lazy kind, the middle is the smart one, and the left is the playful one.}

I thought the same thing.  Do you think its tough to live like that?

{No idea.  Though I think I would hate it if I had two other heads with different personalities.}

Hmm.  Yeah, I wouldnt like that either.  I feel like the other two would get jealous when I kissed the third one.

{Ufufufu.  I like how that is the first thing you thought of when you imagine me with three heads.}

What can I say, I like kissing you.

{I feel the same.}

I chuckled a little and then looked up at the sky.  It was starting to turn orange as the sun was setting.

Guess its time for me to head back to the mansion.  I have to get ready for tonight after all.

{Ill do the same.  See you in a bit.}

Cerberus!  Time to go back!

Cerberus let out a bark of acknowledgment and we headed back to the mansion.  When we got there, I saw Soleil and Velvet in the front.  They were both sitting on one of the steps with a sword sitting next to each of them.  They looked up when I approached.

Training in swordsmanship? (Luna)

Velvet is teaching me how to use whip-swords.  Though we havent gotten to the whip part yet. (Soleil)

Thatll take a few years.  The way I was taught, I had to get the swordsmanship skill to level five first before I was taught anything about using whips.  And even then it took a while before I was actually allowed to use both skillsets in tandem in actual battle. (Velvet)

All Im hearing is that I get to take more of your time just for me. (Soleil)

Dont I give you practically all of my time already? (Velvet)

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What can I say, Im a greedy girl. (Soleil)

Well, Ill leave you two to your flirting. (Luna)

Have a good night, big sis.  And Cerberus, you be good.  Goddess Tamamo is very nice, so I know youll love living with her, so dont do anything that will make her mad at you. (Soleil)

Cerberus barked in understanding.

{Dont worry, Soleil, if Cerberus did something to make me mad at her, I wouldnt do much.  Just deny her treats for a few days or something.}

Cerberus whimpered at Tamamos words.

Fufufu. (Luna)

Youll be fine, you big puppy. Velvet said as she started scratching Cerberus behind the ears on the left head.

Cerberus perked up at that and then started licking Velvets hand.

Hahahaha.  That tickles. (Velvet)

Note to self, Velvet is ticklish when licked. (Soleil)

I shook my head at the antics of the three before I headed inside.  When I passed by one of the side lounges, I saw Mio sitting on one of the big chairs.  She was surprisingly awake but lost in her own little world while muttering something every so often.

Must be talking to Fenrir. (Luna)

{Seems like it.}

Since I didnt want to interrupt them, I left the doorway to the lounge.  I looked around for a few minutes for Skadi and Ophidia and found them napping on a couch in another lounge.  I smiled at how close they were before dropping a blanket from my inventory on them.  When I finally made it to my room and looked out the window, I saw that the sun was just about to dip below the horizon.  I jumped onto my bed and waited and before I knew it I was in Tamamos place.

{Welcome home.}

Its good to be home.

I gave Tamamo a quick hug and kiss.

Now, before we do anything else, lets take care of business.

I turned and opened a Gate on the ground.  After several seconds of waiting Cerberus walked through it and shook like she was wet.  She looked around at the scenery before looking at me and Tamamo.  She let out a bark from the middle head and walked over to Tamamos Lunar Sakura where she laid down and went to sleep.

I expected her to run around a bit like when we got to the floating island.

{Shell probably do that later.}

I nodded my head at her words and we walked away from the tree.  It seems that Tamamo changed the scenery of the place to a large, sprawling field that reminded me of the way it looked like when I first met Tamamo.

How nostalgic.

{Yes.  While I like the mountains, I felt it was time for a change.}

So, what do you feel like doing tonight?

{Hmmm.  How about we have a quiet tea date?}

Sounds fine to me.

Tamamo then snapped her fingers and a table with two chairs appeared next to us.  There was already a full tea set placed and one of those stacked tray things with several pastries placed on it.  We sat down and the tea cups moved themselves in front of us before the teapot did the same and poured.

Its been a while since Ive seen something so fairytale like.

I picked up one of the small pastries and ate it.  It tasted amazing and went well with the tea.

{Do you like it?}

I do.

{Yay.  I had Atmos show me some of her baking and I tried to imitate it.}

Well, you did an amazing job.

We enjoyed our tea as we chatted for a while.  Once we ran out of things to eat and drink, the table and chairs vanished and were replaced by a large couch.  Tamamo sat down first, and I sat down and curled up next to her.  We sat there for several minuets before Tamamo spoke up.

{Luna, before we do anything else, there are two things I want to talk to you about.  Its nothing serious, so you dont need to be on guard or anything.}

Whats up?

{Well, first things first, I called a meeting before the whole Cerberus thing happened.  In that meeting you leveling progress was discussed.}

Im trying my best, ok.  That group of orcs notwithstanding, I dont think Ive done any permanent ecological damage.

{Ufufufu.  Thats not the part that was discussed.  What was discussed was how you basically cant level up at a reasonable pace without doing that.  To skip straight to the final decision, Stadia, the God of Statuses is going to perform a small system update that will reduce your level demerit from 4x to 2x.  It should be done by tomorrow or the next day.}

Two things.  One: Thank you for this.  Two: The God of Statuses name is Stadia?  I never knew that.

{Youre welcome.  Though Im a bit surprised that you arent a bit mad at me for doing that without talking with you about it.}

Of course Im not mad.  I was actually going to ask if you could talk to Crate about making something that could help me with my leveling since I really dont want to cause problems for the world itself.  Though if I was told I could just go wild on Himmels, I wouldnt mind.

{It wouldnt be worth it.  Youd just put yourself through unneeded stress going there.  But enough about that place.  The other thing I wanted to talk about is one of those other kitsune goddesses.}

Did they do something again?

{No, at least, not that Ive heard of yet, but anyway, Im thinking of changing my opinion on one of them.}

Which one?

{The one that said she had a shedding problem.}


{I kind of pity her, so instead of punishing her, I think we should help her instead.}

Im fine with that.  Naturally it has to wait, but still.

{Then thats decided.}

Yep.  Now, I have a question for you.

{And that is?}

Should I add some small shrines to the floating island?  They would be temporary, but I feel like if I put some there, then Skadi and Ophidia could meet with Skadis mother, and having one for you would let Mio and Fenrir be able to meet up more without me having to set up a domain.

{Its your island, so you can add whatever you want to it.  I mean, Id still have to give it a minor blessing if you want it so Mio can use it to come here, but that isnt really that big of a deal for me to do.}

Then Ill do that later.

With all of these discussions out of the way, I cuddled closer to Tamamo and watched as we used our tails to do something like thumb wrestling.  When we got bored of doing that we started to chat about nothing for a bit when I remembered something.

By the way, did we ever finish those movies?

{Those things that you made with illusions?  I dont think we did.  We kind of got distracted back then.}

That sounds like us.  Anyway, feel like starting them over?  We still have time to watch at least two of them.

{Alright.  From the parts that I remember, it was an interesting story.}


I snapped my fingers and a large illusory screen appeared in front of us.  For the rest of the night, Tamamo and I cuddled together as we watched the movie.

Chaos Realm:

Fenrir: Yes Luna, do that and let me see Mio more!

Atmos: Calm down, Fenrir.

Fenrir: Who are you and what did you do with Atmos?

Atmos: I'm me!

Fenrir: Lies!  Atmos doesn't ask people to calm down.

Atmos: Oi!  I'm just tired today, alright.

Fenrir: Did something happen?

Atmos: No, I just had a fun few days with Grey.

Fenrir: Ah.  Rest well, Grey.

Atmos: He'll be fine, we didn't do it that much.  I did, however, get Tonya to give me some stuff to make him fall asleep for a while.

Fenrir: Why?

Atmos: The S-ranks returned from the fiendlands and he's been dealing with their shenanigans.

Fenrir: They can't be that bad, can they?

Atmos: No, it's just that they always bring him a lot of paperwork when they group up like this.  Plus that one that's always asking to fight him so that they can become the next Grand Master of the guild.

Fenrir: They do know that's not how that system works, right?

Atmos: They probably don't care.  But then again, they only want the position since they look up to Grey.

Fenrir: I don't get that way of thinking.

Atmos: Me neither, but then again, we don't really always get how mortals think in the first place.

Fenrir: True.

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