I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 293: Experiencing some Dwarven Music

Chapter 293: Experiencing some Dwarven Music

[Luna POV]

Something must have been going on soon since most of the inns in the large plaza were completely booked.  We did ask around about what exactly it was when we were turned away, but all the people would say was that it was a big event.  On our seventh try, we finally managed to get some rooms at a very expensive, for normal people, inn.  It was one of the tallest buildings in the plaza and made mostly of obsidian.  This included a lot of the furniture inside the building.  It was interesting to say the least.  The sleek black color of most of the things inside contrasted with most of the extra things like paintings, carpets, and cushions.  Most employees that we saw wore pure white suits or similar clothing.  The rooms were roughly the same, though the things inside the rooms were more muted colors that werent a pain on the eyes.

While I like the aesthetic of this place, they could do better than white on black in most places.  I mean, it kinda strains the eyes.

{I agree.  Also, dont all these sharp corners seem like a hazard?  I mean, you and the others will be fine, and even if one of you does get injured, you can just heal them, but anyway, I dont think obsidian is a very good material to use to make a building.}

So, I wasnt the only one that thought that.  Actually, maybe thats the reason its so expensive here.  They need some way to pay any medical and legal fees that they get from employees and tenants when they injure themselves.

{Possibly.  Though I feel like this place would have been closed down by this point if that were the case.}

Maybe the owner is some bigshot of the country.

{Well whatever, its getting late on the surface, are you going to bed now?}

Not yet.  Since were paying such a high price to stay here, were going to take complete advantage of that and eat something and then check out whatever that event is.

{You say this like youre complaining about the place taking all your money.}

Oh please, like wed ever run out of money.  Im just acting like Im complaining for the sake of it.

I then left the room and ran into the others that were standing in the hallway.  The only one that wasnt here yet was, surprisingly, Velvet.

Is something wrong with Velvet? (Luna)

Blood drunk. (Soleil)

Ah.  Come to think of it, there really werent many times for her to drink any in a while.  Though I thought she had blood potions on her for cases like that. (Luna)

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She gave her last ones to her father and hasnt had the chance to get more.  Now if you all excuse me, Im going to take care of her, so please continue with the original plan. (Soleil)

Soleil then walked back into the room she and Velvet were sharing and shut the door.  The rest of us walked down to the dining area of the inn.  Inside there were a few people dresses in gaudy clothes that looked like what stereotypical nobles would wear.  We sat down at a table that was far away from all other people and discussed what we should eat.  Once all of that was decided, we called over to order.  While we waited, we chatted about whatever the even was going to be.  Skadi and Mios opinion was that it was going to be some sort of play while Ophidia thought it would be something like a large party.  Considering some of the things that weve heard and seen since coming to this country, I put my bet on a concert.

Oh?  What makes you think that, Luna? (Skadi)

Well, this is just a hunch, but I feel like the dwarves are very musically focused aside from the other, more famous things.  I mean, when we were in the abandoned city, the second largest building that I found was a concert hall, and it had a stage similar to the one in the plaza, just on a much bigger scale. (Luna)

It was then that the food we ordered arrived.  It was noting special, but thats only because were all used to what I cook.  If I had to rate it, it would be about a five on a scale of ten.  We quickly finished eating and stood up to leave.  As we were walking outside of the inn, I was hit by a wave of vertigo.

Ugh. (Luna)

Master? (Ophidia)

Ophidia grabbed me by the shoulders before I fell over.  We moved over to a bench, and I sat down and placed my head in my hands.

Lunya, are you alright nya? (Mio)

Yeah.  Just got really dizzy for a second there. (Luna)

Any idea why? (Skadi)

Tamamo told me that the system would be getting a small update that would change some things related to my level demerit, so I think that was what it was. (Luna)

What kind of changes nya? (Mio)

Its been reduced from 4x to 2x. (Luna)

Oh, so youll be leveling a bit faster now, eh?  Good for you. (Skadi)

I sat on the bench for a few more minutes until the feeling of vertigo went away.  Once I was feeling completely better, I got up again and we went over to the center of the plaza.  We could see that the stage now had several well dressed dwarves standing on it preparing instruments.

Fufu.  I was right. (Luna)

Seems like it. (Skadi)

Lets find a seat before it gets too crowded nya. (Mio)

We should find one up top.  Dont want to accidentally block people or turn them into fluff obsessed zombies. (Luna)

Oh yeah nya, thats a thing that can happen nya. (Mio)

We moved to the seats at the top of the amphitheater and sat down.  As we waited for the event to start, tons of dwarves started to show up.  After about 30 minutes, the entire amphitheater was filled and even more people stayed standing.

Must be a famous band. (Luna)

Seems like it nya. (Mio)

It was then that the dwarves standing on stage called attention to them.  The entire plaza went silent and soon, the sounds of music could be heard.  It was a slow, calming sound that I recognized from my past life.

I knew the dwarves were the ones that made jazz in this world, but I didnt think they also made smooth jazz.  Though it is fitting now that I am actually experiencing it.

{It is indeed quite pleasant to the ear.  It makes me want to sit down, grab a cup of coffee and a good book, and relax.}

Add in the sound of rain and you have the perfect mood for prime relaxation.

{Definitely.  Actually, I think Ill do that.  Just change this around here, place this there, add some windows here and there we go.}

I wish I knew what you were doing right now.

{Ill teach you when you ascend.  Personal spaces in the divine domain can be a bit tricky when you first start trying to change things around.  The first time I tried, I somehow reversed gravity for the place so I ended up walking upside down for a while.}

Fufufufu.  That seems like it could have been both fun and annoying.

{It was.  But enough of this, pay attention to the music.}

I returned my attention back to the music being played.  While it matched the smooth jazz from my past life, it also had some differences that only instruments from this world could produce.  The concert lasted about two hours and by the time it was over, I had a newfound interest in the music of this world that went past my flute playing.  As we walked back to the inn, the four of us discussed our opinions of the concert.

It was nice, but I feel that it could have been more exciting.  I prefer music that can get your blood pumping. (Skadi)

I liked it a lot nya.  That was perfect napping music nya. (Mio)

Im with Mio on this one. (Ophidia)

I can go either way.  It just depends on my mood at the time. (Luna)

Once we made it back to the inn, we all went to our rooms to sleep for the rest of the night.  I did check on Velvet and Soleil before going to bed.  Soleil answered the door and told me that Velvet went to sleep a while ago and she was just about to come and see if we were back.  One we chatted for a minute or two, I went to my own room.

Chaos Realm:

Atmos: Oh, I remember that time well.  When I first went over to Tamamo's place after that incident, I had no idea what way was up or down.  You could drop something and it would fall up or sideways and sometimes even just orbit around you or something else.

Order: It must have been a pain.

Tamamo: Trust me, it was.  The worst part was when you would try to drink something and it just floated out of the cup before suddenly being flung away.

Atmos: Hehehehehehe.  I remember that Crate also visited you at that time and when he tried to take a sit of tea, it floated out of the cup and then flew off before hitting me in the face.  Ahh, so many memories.

Tamamo: By the way, where is Payto and Astraea?

Order: He's asleep and Astraea is over at Evelyn's place for the day.  Or well, the small place that Payto set up so that the two could play together while not being in the regular divine domain.  In-chan and Mordred kind of commandeered the place as their home.

Atmos: Is that really a good thing?  She is the Goddess of Insanity, so who knows what she might teach Astraea.

Order: It's actually Mordred who is watching them today.  In-chan is off taking care of whatever business she has.  Oh, and Tamamo, can you please help Fenrir out?  Tonya has kind of places her in a never ending loop of using her tail as a pillow and stuff.

Tamamo: Where are they?

Order: Over there.  They've been here for the past few days and I'm getting a bit worried about Fenrir.

Tamamo: Tonya, take a nap in my tails for now and leave Fenrir alone.

Tonya: Nya nya nya. *Jumps into Tamamo's tails and falls back asleep*

Order: Thank you.

Tamamo: No problem.

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