I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 50: The Status Returns

Chapter 50: The Status Returns

[Luna POV]

Walking to the training grounds; I consulted with Tamamo about what I was about to do.

How well do you think it will go?

{I dont know, itll probably not be very effective, but you should be able to heal small scratches for a small amount of time.}

Even if I put my all into enchanting?

{Yeah, there is a reason that no one uses healing magic to enchant things.}

And what is that reason?

{It pulls the image of how you know the body works and what it looks like from either your subconscious or the image you think of when healing.  If you enchant an object with a healing spell, it wont have a reference to pull from so it just blankets the target with mana with basic heal.}

I see, but this information also opens up a lot of things for me.

{How so?}

Well, since I have memories from a world where the medical field can be said to be more advanced, I have a general idea about how the body works, at least human ones.  So, with what you just told me about healing magic drawing from your unconscious image of how the body should be, if I use a clear image of how I know the body is, I can even make healing attack magic.

{Attack healing magic?}

Yep.  There is a saying that too much medicine is no better than poison.  Its the same principle, but with healing magic.  Of course, going in that direction, the way things can go with that is quite horrible and extremely painful for someone on the receiving end, and I probably wont use it much, if ever, since Im not really a fan of causing unwarranted suffering.  But it is another option.

{Interesting, so are you still going to try enchanting?}

Yeah, at this point I just want to see what will happen more than actually succeeding.  Here we are.

I walked out the door and onto the training grounds.  There were veterans and trainees alike spread out and doing mock battles.  I looked around for dad and saw him fighting with whats-his-name.  While it hasnt been long since he started training, I could tell he has lost a considerable amount of weight.  Dad swung his training sword and hit the ex-fat wolf in the stomach, winding him.  Dad noticed me and told him to take a break then he walked over to where I was.

Whats up, Luna, come to join in today?

No, I wanted to try enchanting the training grounds with healing magic.

While thats an interesting idea, I dont think its a good one.  We dont want to get soldiers used to constant healing magic and let them get the idea they are invincible.

I never considered that, and Tamamo also said it wouldnt be very effective as well.  Now I just want to try it and see what happens.

Hmm.  Dont do the whole grounds, but you can try the rest area over there.

Ok, thats fine.

I turned to the rest area and was about to walk over there when dad stopped me.

Hey Luna, whats up with your left hand?

You didnt notice earlier?  I gave Tamamo a ring last night.

I held my hand up so I could show off to dad.

Hmm, it suits you. Sorry I didn't notice earlier.

Its fine and thanks.

I walked over to the rest area and was about to start trying the enchanting when whats-his-name came up to me.

Hello, Miss Luna.

I narrowed my eyes a bit but decided to humor him for a minute.


I wont take up your time, I just wanted to apologize to you for my actions at our first meeting.

I was surprised at how much he changed.

Ill accept your apology, but Im surprised at the change in your personality.

Heh.  Thats understandable, but a lot happened.  When someone like me loses their second mind, their perspective changes and now all I feel is regret for my actions.

Well, I cant heal those things, but Ill at least encourage you to keep on improving.

Thanks, Ill leave you to your endeavors then.

He said this then walked back over to dad to continue his training.

{While I think its too late for the arm, you could definitely heal the rest of him.}

I know, but that could lead to the return of the fat wolfs old personality.  And I dont want to visually check there.

{But didnt you have one at one point?}

Yeah, but its been 15 years, so I dont care for it anymore.

{Fair enough.}

It was then that I was struck by an intense headache.  I grabbed onto the sides of my head because of the pain, and I heard others yell out in pain as well.  I looked up to see several trainees on their knees.

{Whats wrong, Luna!?}

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I dont know, I just started having a massive headache, its not as bad as growing another tail, but it still hurts.

<System Update Complete>

<All Users Statuses Updated>


It seems this is the update to the status system.

{I wonder why it hurts?}

Id like to know as well.  Maybe the update is making it so that no one realizes that its different from before?

{Ill ask later.}

Soon enough, the pain subsided, and everyone went back to normal like nothing happened.

{So, how is the change?}

Im checking now.

Name: Luna

Race: Kitsune(Two-tailed)

Sex: Female

Level: 21

Class: Quad-mage

HP: 100%-S

MP: 100%- SS

Vit: B+

Def: B+

Res: A

Str: A

Int: S

Agi: S

Dex: A+

Skills: Presence detection, Trap detection, Trap disarming, Trap creation, Dagger LV. 9, Short sword LV. 10, Archery LV.8, Poison crafting, Appraisal LV.10, Mana Regeneration LV.10, Stealth LV.9, Cooking LV.8, Sewing LV.7, Sleep Resistance LV.10, Restraint LV.9, Brushing Technique LV.10, Telepathy LV.7, Intimidation LV.3, Parallel Processing

Magic Skills: Ice Magic LV.10, Lightning Magic LV.10, Healing Magic LV.10, Space Magic LV.10

Race Skills: Illusion Magic LV.10, Spirit Vision, Fox Fire, Fox Transformation, Enhanced Senses, Night Vision, Enhanced Physical Strength

Unique Skills: Status Effect Immunity, Ice Mist, Language Comprehension, Infinite Inventory, Divine Fluff Technique

Blessings, Divine Protection, and Titles:

Divine Protection of the Moon Goddess, Reincarnated, Fated One of the Moon Goddess, Abyssal Fluff, Master of Ice, Master of Lightning, Master of Illusions, Short sword Master, Magic Swordsman, Master Healer, Master of Space, Sage

Depth:[email protected]#%^#%

Not very different from before.  The only change I can see is that the numbers are changed to a letter system like the guild ranks.  I wonder what depth means?

I appraised the depth section of my status.

Depth: Degree to which one has been submerged into the Abyss of Fluff.  Avoid 100% submersion.  If unavoidable, submerge in 10% intervals over a number of years to avoid loss of sanity.

[Hello Miss Abyss Fluff, this is the God of Statuses, I thought to add this to statuses as an apology for putting you through any trouble with the charm skill.  If you appraise the people close to you, you can help them safely submerge in the Abyss while avoiding the loss of their sanity.  Also, take good care of Tamamo, all of us gods and goddesses are indebted to her for one thing or another so please make her happy.]

Dont worry, Ill make her the happiest person in all of the worlds.

{Ill do the same for you.}

I just smiled.

Now, with that out of the way, lets get this experiment started.

I spread my mana out over the area I was going to enchant and added my healing magic to it.  After about five minutes of doing this, I stopped imbuing the magic.

What do you think, Tamamo?

{Its like I said earlier, the most this will do is heal small scratches and bruises.  It also seems like itll only last about an hour.}

Good enough.

{What are you going to do the rest of the day?}

Ill go and talk with Blake, after that, Im not sure; maybe get Mom and Ana submerged a bit.

{Sounds good.  While you go do that, I have some business to take care of on my end.  And, as a heads up, I have a feeling Atmos is going to show up sometime soon, so be ready for her to bombard us with questions.}

Isnt she the type to ignore peoples privacy to get entertainment?

{For everyone else but us.  She knows well get her back if she does something.}

Have you figured out a way to strip her of her sense of touch?

{Not yet, but Im working on it.}

Good. Saying this, I let an evil looking smile spread across my face.

Any of the trainees that saw it started getting cold sweats and they all agreed to never get on my bad side.

Dad also saw this and thought, She takes after Amagi when she does something like that.  I pity the one that is making her smile like that.

At the same time in the divine domain:

Why do I feel chills going down my spine?

Hmm.  The only people that make you feel that are the God of Time and Tamamo.  Have you recently done anything to either of them?

I havent.  I even made sure to not look into Tamamos place last night while she was on her date.

Did you do anything before that?

Uuuummmm.  There was the one time I interrupted Tamamos first kiss attempt, but they shouldnt still be mad about that, right?

Maybe not, but that wont stop her from preparing for you to do so again in the future.  I know I would.

Et tu Grey?  Arent you supposed to be on my side as my husband?

I normally would be, but there are some people I dont want to be angry at me.

It sucks that I cant deny that, especially when it comes to Tamamo and Luna.  Speaking of her, youll get to meet her soon.

Does that mean we can finally unseal those two to face judgement?


I can finally open up space in my vault again.

Dont you ever get tired of collecting stuff?

Nope, you never know when it will be useful.

I dont think Ill ever understand that mindset of you otherworlders.

Author's Note:

Here is the new chapter.  I will take some time to explain to you all how I'm going to update Luna's status from now on.  Her stats will all be updated to S over time, when they reach that, they will stop until she gets a new tail.  After that I will upgrade one stat to S+, SS, SS+, and SSS.  After she gets her fifth tail, some stats might reach EX, but that is far off for now and subject to change.  I hope this makes sense to you all.  To those who don't like this change, sorry, but it's what I decided after a lot of thought and I won't rework it again unless absolutely necessary.  I'm explaining this all right here because I think it will be better than making up a random excuse and throwing off the story with a big info dump so I hope you all understand.  I don't plan on making another Author's Note this big again so sorry for taking up your time with technical stuff.  Thanks for reading.

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