I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 60: Plans for the Near Future

Chapter 60: Plans for the Near Future

[Luna POV]

After a few hours of chatting with Nia I remembered that I havent sent Grey the list of things I wanted from those two.

Hey Nia, do you have any paper and something to write with?

I can ask Bas to get some real quick.

She rang a small bell that was on a small table next to where we were sitting and Bas was here in seconds.

How may I serve you?

Luna needs some paper and something to write with.

I will bring it right away.

He disappeared after that then reappeared after a second with a piece of paper and a fountain pen.

Thank you, Mister Bas.

Mt pleasure, Lady Luna.

He disappeared again after saying that.

So, he can use space magic?

Yes, he is one of the few people in the country that can.  Its one of the things that makes him a great butler, though it also leads to him spooking people sometimes, especially people who meet him for the first time.

I nodded my head in understanding and started to write the letter to Grey.  I specified that I wanted all seven of their self portraits and the three large pieces of orichalcum.  When I was done, I pulled out my letter box and sent it over to Grey.

I understand why you want the orichalcum, but why the self portraits?

I can use them as target practice.  Ive been neglecting my archery skill, so I thought I could use them as practice targets to finish leveling it.

What level is it at right now?

Level eight, I want to max it out before I meet the Elf general.

Still want to challenge her in archery?

Of course.

It was then that my letter box glowed a bit signifying a letter arriving.  I opened it up and took the letter out.

[You can pick up the items you wanted tomorrow after accepting the nominated quest.  I think I know what you want those painting for, so I pulled some strings and got a special enchantment put on them, look forward to what it does.]

I literally just sent that letter to him; how did he do that?

{Hes a god Luna, he can get things like that done really quickly if he so wished to.}

Guess Ill need to learn how to do that one day.

{Ill teach you some day.}

Im looking forward to Tamamo, teacher form.


That reminds me Luna.  When the generals get here, there will be an official noble party held.  Would you like to join me there?

I dont mind, but Ive never been to a noble party before.

Then Ill teach you about the etiquette for one later, just please dont cripple anyone who tries to court you.

Hopefully the people there will be observant enough to see that Im already taken. I said as I showed off the ring in my finger.

Most will leave you alone then.  By the way, when did you and the Goddess exchange rings?

The full moon before the Vanquishing Festival.

I see.  It suits you.


While we were discussing more things about this party, Uncle Rex showed up.

Im back Nia. (Rex)

Evening Rex, how was your day? (Nia)

Hello Uncle Rex, its been a while. (Luna)

It was fine and hello Luna, its nice to see you again after so long. (Rex)

He came and sat down next to Nia and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

I feel extremely jealous right now.

{I feel the same.}

Rex, not right now, Luna is giving you a death glare. (Nia)

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Sorry Luna, its a force of habit. (Rex)

Its fine, youre just showing your wife some affection, I totally understand, and am not at all jealous that you can do that everyday. I said in a monotonous tone.

After saying that, the atmosphere in the room became a bit awkward.  After a bit, Uncle Rex broke the silence.

So, what were the two of you discussing earlier? (Rex)

We were discussing Lunas attendance to the noble party that the generals are going to be at this year. (Nia)

Oh, youre going to attend? (Rex)

I was planning on it, Ive never been to a noble party and I thought it might be interesting to go to one at least once. (Luna)

Yeah, Deacon never really liked going to those, so Im not surprised youve never been to one before.  By the way the crown prince and the first princess will also be there. (Rex)

Thats the first Im hearing of this.  Why are they going to be there? (Nia)

Your brother wants them to try and get some connections to people from other countries.  Luna, do you have anything to prove you are engaged? (Rex)

I do. I said as I showed him my ring.  Why?

Because youre the crown princes type and he will definitely try to court you. (Rex)

I have many problems with that.  For one thing, I dont like men in that way and even if I did, isnt my social status too low?  Plus, and this is even more important than that, Im already taken and no one will break us up. (Luna)

Well, on the topic of social status, youre from the third most important family of the Beast Kingdom just under the ducal and royal families, so that is no issue.  But thats not important, Ill let the king know tomorrow that youll be attending this party with Nia so he can warn the crown prince to leave you alone. (Rex)

Please do, I would like to keep my promise of not crippling people. (Luna)

It was at this point in time that the crown prince felt a chill go down his spine.

Even if you did, youd heal the injury, right? (Rex)

Depends, last time something like that happened, the persons arm was unrecoverable, even with high-level healing magic, not that I tried to heal them. (Luna)

Then Ill send a letter in a bit and also tell the king in person tomorrow. (Rex)

The three of us spent some more time chatting about how our lives have been going until Bas came and told us that dinner was ready.  We went to the dining room and ate.  I was getting worried that Velvet hadnt come back yet, but Tamamo reassured me that she was fine.

Luna, do you have anything planned for tomorrow? (Rex)

I have some things to take care of at the guild, then Ill probably teleport back home for a bit to get Blakes help with something.  After that, Im not sure, but all of those things will probably take a while to finish.  Why, did you need me for something? (Luna)

I was going to send a quest to the guild for a mage to help with some things and was wondering if you would take it. (Rex)

What do you need help with that you need to ask the guild? (Nia)

A new mage joined us and he has an affinity for space magic.  The thing is, he is quite young and isnt used to teleporting nor does he have enough mana to do it repeatedly.  I was going to request someone from the guild with space magic to help him out a bit since none of the other space magic users are available at the moment. (Rex)

Its weird that there are never any space mages available when you need them, right?  I had the same problem, though I got through it with help from Tamamo and my past memories giving me some ideas on space magic. (Luna)

Well, what can I say, space is a rare affinity, those that have it are very sought after. (Rex)

Im surprised that you dont have people breathing down your neck trying to solicit you, Luna. (Nia)

I dont show my space magic off to people Im not close to.  The only random people that know about it are the people who work back home and the guild master of Savannas guild.  But it makes me wonder, why is space magic so rare?  I mean, its the rarest of all known magic attributes, even gravity magic is more prevalent. (Luna)

{Thats because no god has the Authority of Space yet, though it wont stay that way much longer.}

So, occurrence of magic affinities are tied to if a god has that Authority or not?

{Yep.  The reason for this is because the spirits that manage the concept as placeholders arent strong enough to manage any problems that occur when a specific user of that magic cause problems.  For example, if someone lost control of gravity magic, since I hold the Authority over it, Ill send spirits to take care of the problem before it starts affecting the world.  Since there is no god to watch over the concept of Space yet, the spirits that manage it cant waste power stopping problems that occur with space magic users, so people rarely get the affinity for it.}

From the way you said it earlier, Im guessing Ill get the Authority over Space?

{At this point its practically a guarantee.  That along with Fluff are the two Authorities that I know youll have.  You still have one more that I dont know, but I know youll have three.}

Thats good, that means I can still have the one I really want, or more like make it.  I wonder how I go about doing that?

{You already did it once, so I know you can do it again.}

I did?

{Yeah, there was no Authority of Fluff until you made it.}

Thats surprising, does that mean there are Fluff spirits now?

{Yeah, there have been a lot floating around you ever since you created the Authority.  There are almost enough to form a great spirit, its only a matter of time now.}

Hearing Tamamos words, I activated my Spirit Vision skill and my eyes widened at what I saw.  There were thousands of small fluffy looking balls floating around me.  There were so many I couldnt see anything else.

Well, this is interesting. (Luna)

Whats up, Luna? (Rex)

Uncle Rex, use your spirit vision skill and youll understand. (Luna)

He did as I said and saw what I was seeing.

What kind of spirits are those, Ive never seen them before? (Rex)

What do you mean, Rex? (Nia)

Right now, Luna is surrounded by thousands of an unknown kind of spirit.  Can you even see through all of them, Luna? (Rex)

Nope, but you dont have to worry about it.  Tamamo said that theyll go away when a great spirit is born, we just have to wait. (Luna)

{Tell him that he should stop asking anything else before he asks about something that he doesnt need to know.}

Dont ask anything else, Uncle Rex.  Tamamos orders. (Luna)

Got it. (Rex)

I stopped my spirit vision skill and I could see my surroundings again.

Luna, do you still want to challenge the Elf general to an archery contest? (Rex)

I do. (Luna)

Then you should tell her that if she accepts your challenge, she can contract with a new kind of spirit.  Do that, and shell accept in a heartbeat. (Rex)

Oh, thats a good idea Rex. She always said that she wanted to contract with every known spirit. (Nia)

We started to discuss this topic in more detail when Velvet walked through the door.  She looked tired and her face was a little red.

Welcome back, Velvet. (Luna)

Who is that? (Rex)

Shes Lunas party member, Velvet Belmont. (Nia)

A Belmont, eh. (Rex)

Are you good Velvet? (Luna)

She looked over to me and just stared for a minute.

Hey, Luna. *hic*  Sorry Im back so late. (Velvet)

Are you drunk? (Luna)

*hic* Nope.  This happens every time I go too long without blood. *hic*  I should be fine tomorrow. (Velvet)

Thats good to know. (Luna)

Hey Luna. *hic*  Please help me get a girlfriend. *hic* (Velvet)

Ok, I think we should get you to bed.  Can you help me out, Nia? (Luna)

Sure thing.  You grab her and follow me. (Nia)

*hic*  Hello, Princess Nia.  Are you going to *hic* help me too? (Velvet)

Dont worry Velvet, I have someone in mind for you, you just need to wait for a while. (Luna)

Tha-*hic*-nks, if its someone you know, Luna, then *hic* they cant be bad. (Velvet)

But you know them too.  Remember Soleil? (Luna)

I do, but *hic* I dont know if I can get *hic* her to *hic* fall for me. (Velvet)

Isnt Soleil obsessed with you, Luna?  Are you sure shell go for it? (Nia)

Shes gotten better since I left.  Most of her obsession was due to the charm skill which is gone now.  And Velvet, you can do it, youll just need to go for it when the time comes. (Luna)

Im glad shes gotten better. (Nia)

Thats good *hic* to know.  If all itll *hic* take is time, then I have *hic* as much as I want.  Hehehehe *hic* hehehehehe. (Velvet)

Nia led me to a guest room that was prepared earlier while I help Velvet in my arms.  After she started laughing, she fell asleep.  I laid her on the bed in the room and covered her with a blanket.

At times like this, Im glad I wont get drunk if I drink.  Shes going to be extremely embarrassed if she remembers what she said.

I envy you, Luna.  I can still remember the times Ive been drunk, and the memories still sometimes haunt me when I try to go to sleep.

{Youre not safe, Luna.  I cashed in one of my favors with the Goddess of Alcohol and shes working on something thatll let you get drunk.  Though Im going to make sure Im the only one who sees you in that state.}

Sounds interesting.

We left Velvets room and I asked Nia where mine was.

You ready to go to bed?

Yeah, I have stuff to do tomorrow, after all.  Dont want to oversleep.

But dont you have sleep resistance?

Yeah, but Tamamo has told me I should enjoy the need for sleep while I have it.

I see.  I just hope the Goddess goes easy on you, then. Nia said with a smirk.

It took me a second to realize what she meant.  As my face turned red, I asked Tamamo if she meant it that way.

{Youll find out.}

My face turned even more red when I heard her reply.

Thank you Goddess for letting me see Luna like this.  Shes too cute when shes embarrassed.


And that is how my second day in the Celestia Kingdom ended.

Luna's Note:

Hello people watching my life, I used my ninja potential and space magic to pull this from the author's head, don't tell him.  I'll try to pop up here sometimes, so look forward to it.  I gotta go now or I'll be caught.

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