I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 74: Rank up and a Request from Drome

Chapter 74: Rank up and a Request from Drome

[Luna POV]

When I woke up, I felt extremely refreshed.  I had a wonderful dream of Tamamo spending time with me that almost felt real.  Before I got up, I checked my tails and remembered that I didnt take care of them before I fell asleep.  I pulled out my brush and got to work.

{Good morning, Luna.}

Morning Tamamo.  When did I pull out my mirror?

{It pulled itself out.  I think either of them will do that when we want to use them.}

How intriguing.  Anyway, I had a good dream about you Tamamo.

{Funny, I had the same dream.}

You slept?

{Its not like I cant, I just prefer watching you over sleep if I can help it.  This time though, I felt like something good would happen if I did, and I was right.}

During this conversation, Velvet came into my room.

Oh, youre finally awake Luna.  Feeling better?

Yes.  How long have I been asleep?

Two days.

Anything important happen in that time?

Not really.  The only thing that is going on right now is city-wide preparation for the new year festival.

How long until then?

The festival starts tomorrow.

Then I woke up too early.

What do you mean?

Tomorrow night is a full moon and now I actually need to wait.

Well, now that you are awake, we can go to the guild.

What for?

Were being promoted to B-rank.  Me and Nia went to the guild yesterday and reported our dungeon clear.  Tomoe said that since we did that, me and you can promote.

Guess Ill finish making myself presentable then.

After a while I finished grooming my tails and dressed myself in some casual clothes.  I tried using the quickchange thing I did before and succeeded.

Seriously, why did I never try doing this before?


Well, maybe Ill only do that if I need to change quickly.

I left my room and went to find Velvet again.  It didnt take long since she was in the drawing room.  She was practicing sewing but stopped when I came in.

You ready to go?

Yeah.  Wheres Nia?

Training with the knights.  Shes been gone from her job helping us for a while, so she needs to catch up on some of her work.

She stood up and we headed off to the guild.  On the way there we passed by many people running around preparing for tomorrows festival.

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{How lively.}

What can I say, people love festivals.

{We gods arent any different, were just more subdued about it since if we go to hard, the world may be affected.}

By the way, is there anything I need to prepare for tomorrow night?

{What do you mean by that?}

Well, Ill be meeting several important gods, right?  Is there anything I need to prepare as gifts?

{Not really.  If I had to give you any advice for interacting with them, it would be to get ready to listen to the God of Creation tell long stories.  Hell probably treat you like another grandchild since youll be marrying me.  The God of Time wont say much since he will more than likely be reading a book.  As for Quetz, shell probably greet you then hide from Atmos.}

Did something happen between them?

{She got caught up in one of Atmoss bigger pranks once and shes been wary of her ever since.}

Just what happened?

{This was before I was born so I only know of it from what others have told me, but Atmos pranked someone and as a result the world experienced an eclipse for a month.}

Come to think of it, Ive never asked how you were born.

{I just came to be one day.  That is how a lot of gods are born.  After that I met Atmos who started calling me her sister and I did what I was born to do.  After a long period of time, I started growing multiple tails and more time passed then I met you as Jason Strider and knew we were meant to be together.  You know the rest after that.}

Im going to say something rude, but that makes your life sound so boring.  I figured that someone as wonderful as you would have had more excitement in her life.

{Well, what I told you is just the extremely simplified version.  My life has been anything but boring, especially when Atmos was involved, and its gotten even better since I met you.}

Youll have to tell me more about it sometime.


Me and Tamamo finished our chat as we entered the guild and walked up to Tomoe at the counter.

Its good to see you both again. (Tomoe)

Its good to see you too, Tomoe. (Luna)

Nice to see you again. (Velvet)

I assume youre here to rank up today? (Tomoe)

Yes. (Velvet)

Then hand me your guild cards and Ill take care of the rest. (Tomoe)

Arent we supposed to take a test as well? (Luna)

The grand master told me that it would be in the instructors best interest to not test the two of you, so I believe it wont be necessary. (Tomoe)

Thats for the best, especially if Luna is involved. (Velvet)

Ill have you know that I am perfectly capable of holding back and making it seem like Im at the proper level to meet the requirements of any guild rank. (Luna)

Actually, Miss Luna, right now you give off the feeling of being higher than B-rank. (Tomoe)

Really? (Luna)

Yes.  If my judgement is correct, you give off the feeling of someone who should be at least A-rank closer to S. (Tomoe)

But my restraint skill is already max level. (Luna)

Why try to hide it in the first place? (Velvet)

No idea.  The whole reason I got the restraint skill in the first place was because I was afraid Id accidentally kill someone just by bumping into them.  I guess my in my mind I thought restraint skill equals keep my power secret from all but a few. (Luna)

I guess that makes some sense.  I think? (Velvet)

I just wont worry about that anymore I guess. (Luna)

Worry about it a little.  Part of being an adventurer is keeping some things about yourself secret until you absolutely have to. (Tomoe)

Well, at least we know that youll probably rank up faster than most people would.  With your strength, Luna, any quest we take will be done easily. (Velvet)

Youre in the same boat, Miss Velvet.  Its not as much as Miss Luna, but you also give off the feeling of someone in A-rank. (Tomoe)

Eh? (Velvet)

You never realized? (Tomoe)

No, I didnt. (Velvet)

Velvet, I know I shouldnt be the one saying this, but you know you should never compare things, especially when it comes to strength, with me, right? (Luna)

Exactly, if you compare yourself with Miss Luna, then everyone currently in the guild but the grand master is weak. (Tomoe)

I guess my perspective is skewed then. (Velvet)

We handed Tomoe our guild cards as we were having this chat and when we got them back, they were shinier.  Noticing my reaction, Tomoe gave an explanation.

Fufu.  Since B-rank is a high rank in the guild, the guild cards are made to reflect that.  After this, theyll be a gold color for A-rank and black for S-rank. (Tomoe)

Interesting. (Luna)

I can understand gold, but why black? (Velvet)

You would have to ask the grand master, only he knows the reason for that.  By the way, Miss Luna, you have a nominated quest from King Drome. (Tomoe)

Whats it about? (Luna)

Its the same as the one from the grand master. (Tomoe)

I see.  Ill take it then. It shouldnt take too long to finish, and I was looking for a way to kill some time. (Luna)

Would you like any help with it? (Velvet)

Depends on how many I need to make and the location Im working at. (Luna)

I had Tomoe process my acceptance of the quest and Velvet and I went back to the castle.  Upon arriving, I went up to a guard that was patrolling and explained that I took a quest from the king.  He led me and Velvet to the kings office and let Drome know we were here.  We were promptly let in and found Drome, Pneuma, and Zeke in the room.  When he saw me, Zeke tensed up, while the other two greeted us normally.

Thank you for taking up this quest, Lady Luna. (Drome)

Its no problem.  You could have just asked me to do this through Nia and I would have done it. (Luna)

I did ask her about it, and she told me to go through the guild with the request. (Drome)

The only difference is I get paid for it, so it doesnt bother me either way.  How many do you need me to make? (Luna)

Enough for the head of each territory-owning noble house to have one that goes directly to me. (Drome)

Then Ill be done by tomorrow afternoon.  Do you have all the materials I need, or do I need to go get them? (Luna)

Ill have someone bring them to the next room in an item bag. (Drome)

Any specific requests for them like house crests or the like? (Luna)

Ill leave that to your discretion. (Drome)

Then when the materials get here, Ill start working.  If there is a book of all current noble house crests, can I ask you to bring it here? (Luna)

Zeke, go and get what Lady Luna requested. (Drome)

Yes sir, but before I do that, Lady Luna, I apologize for my rude actions on the day we first met. (Zeke)

Apology accepted. (Luna)

Zeke thanked me and went off to get what I requested.  Once the door shut, the serious atmosphere of the room relaxed a little.

Thank you again for doing this, Lady Luna, it will help immensely. (Drome)

Its no problem, if anything, I should be thanking you for giving me something to do the rest of today and most of tomorrow. (Luna)

Are you not going to go around and enjoy the New Years festival? (Pneuma)

I might if I finish early, but my fun will start tomorrow night. (Luna)

Something to do with the Goddess? (Pneuma)

I get to go see her every full moon, though tomorrow night will be a bit different than normal. (Luna)

Who are you going to meet? (Velvet)

The gods of time and creation as well as the goddess of the sun.  Atmos and Grey will also be there. (Luna)

Anyway, I see you have a tag on you necklace now, does that mean you got another tail? (Pneuma)

Yep, thats the reason Ive been asleep for the past two days. (Luna)

Why would getting another tail put you to sleep? (Drome)

Because its extremely painful and it takes a lot out of you to endure that and stay conscious. (Luna)

At that time, Zeke returned with a thick book in his hands.

Ive brought the book.  Ive marked the pages that have the in-use house crests. (Zeke)

Thank you, Zeke.  If youll excuse us, well get to work. (Luna)

Velvet and I went to the next room and found the item bag with the materials in it.  I sat down and was about to start carving the house crest into it.

Velvet, can I ask you to hand me the next thing when Im done carving and to turn the page in the book when I need it?

Sure thing.

We spent the rest of the day doing this and by the time we reached a stopping point I was covered in wood shavings, and I could see crest designs when I closed my eyes.

Lets turn in for the night and continue tomorrow.

Are you not going to enchant them?

Ill do that all at once when Im done carving the designs into them.

Ok.  Lets go back to the villa then.

We got up and went to Nias villa and then to sleep once we got there.  When we woke up the next day, we left early and started again.  By the time I finished all of the carving and enchanting, the sun was about to start setting.

Can I leave handing these over to Drome to you Velvet?

Yeah.  Have fun tonight.

I will.

I left Velvet and teleported to my room and jumped onto the bed.

Im on my way Tamamo.

Author's Note:

Atmos: Hey Luna, why don't you start a business to sell those letter boxes and hire some space magicians to do the enchanting and woodworkers for box making?

Luna: I might in the future since if I don't teach someone to do this the art of it will be lost when I ascend.  Though that make me worry if all of these will turn into divine artifacts once that happens.

Atmos: They won't.  The reason your mirrors did is because of the materials they are made of.  Things made of orichalcum or other similar metals, wood from special trees that are found in areas dense with spirits, crystals made of extremely dense mana on the verge of becoming dungeon cores, and a few other extremely rare things will turn into divine artifacts if made into something by extremely skilled individuals like Blake or you.

Luna: I can understand Blake, but me?

Atmos: You have the woodcarving skill.  If you max that out and carve something from say, a mystic ash tree, it will become a divine artifact.

Luna: Why does that feel like foreshadowing?

Atmos: Who knows?

Luna: You do.

Atmos: You're damn right I do.

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