I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 86: Escort

Chapter 86: Escort

[Luna POV]

It was the day after Soleils rank-up exam for D-rank and now we were doing our final checks before we went off to the capital to find an escort quest.  Everyone was here to send us off, even Blake.  Me and Velvet were done with everything and Soleil was saying her farewells to her parents.

Have fun Soleil. (Blake)

I expect you to have made progress the next time you come here. (Ana)

I will, and dont worry, Ive almost got her. (Soleil)

So, Velvet is going through the same thing I did. (Blake)

Yep, and it looks like she is falling at the same pace you did if not faster. (Ana)

I nudged Velvet with my elbow and said; Go and say goodbye to your in-laws Velvet.

Theyre not my in-laws yet. (Velvet)

Yet? I asked with a wide grin.

She didnt answer and just looked away.  Soleil then gave Blake and Ana a big hug and walked over to us.  She looked confused at Velvets condition for a second but then smiled and grabbed onto both of us.

Well be back again some time. (Luna)

See you all again. (Ana)

Take care of my daughter, Velvet. (Blake)

Good luck in your endeavors. (Deacon)

Dont tease them too much Luna. (Amagi)

After everyone said their piece, I teleported us away.  We arrived in the usual alley and walked to the guild.  When we entered, we discovered guild master Vince at the reception counter and when he saw us, he beckoned us over.

Hello to you all. (Vince)

Hello, guild master, what can we do for you today? (Luna)

I received a message from the grand master saying that you would be looking for an escort and delivery quest to the Celestia kingdom soon and he recommended you three for an important delivery quest.  In about an hour, someone from Duke Ashes house will arrive with something to be delivered directly to the king of Celestia kingdom.  The quest will count as both delivery and escort and is of utmost importance that it be carried out as swiftly as possible. (Vince)

Well take the quest, though can I ask that the client meet us in a private room.  Once we get all of the details from them, we will head out immediately. (Luna)

Yes, I have to meet with the client as well, so you can discuss whatever you need in my office.  Let me ask you though, are you going to use space magic? (Vince)

Thats the plan, yes. (Luna)

I understand.  Come to my office and Ill handle the acceptance paperwork there. (Vince)

We all headed to the guild masters office and waited for the client to get here.  They arrived earlier than they were expected and I was a bit surprised at who the client was.  The people that entered the office were Shana Ashe and her personal maid Louise.

Good morning guild master Vince. (Shana)

Good morning, Lady Ashe. (Vince)

Is everything ready? (Shana)

Yes, these three will be the ones to get you to the Celestia kingdom. Vince said as he gestured to us.

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Its good to see you again, Lady Ashe. (Luna)

The feelings mutual, Lady Reed. (Shana)

I assume that it will be you and Miss Louise here that we will be escorting? (Luna)

Yes, you will need to get us to the royal castle of the Celestia Kingdom. (Shana)

Then we can be there in an instant.  If there is anything that you need to bring with you, let me carry it with space magic and I can teleport us there. (Luna)

You can use space magic? Shana asked with surprise.

Yes, and I have stayed in the royal castle before as well, so we can be there in an instant. (Luna)

What did you do to stay there? (Shana)

My uncle married Princess Nia and I was able to stay with them while I was over there.  I was given permission to come and go as I please, so it will not cause any problems for us.  I have also sent a message letting the castle know that you will be arriving shortly. (Luna)

Very well.  Louise, pleas take Lady Reed to the carriage and grab our things.  Guild master, can I trouble you to send a message to my father telling him that our schedule is moving up significantly? (Shana)

Its no trouble at all. (Vince)

I left the office with Louise and headed to the carriage that they arrived in.  The travel storage was packed with a lot of stuff.  More than you would use on a journey to the neighboring kingdom.

There is more here than I expected. (Luna)

Will you be able to carry all of it? (Louise)

That wont be a problem, I was just wondering why there is so much if this would be a there-and-back trip. (Luna)

Actually, Lady Shana was recently engaged to Prince Zeke and she is going to the Celestia Kingdom to get to know him better. (Louise)

I see.  I wonder when that happened? (Luna)

The request was sent almost a month ago and we are delivering the reply. (Louise)

Very well.  I have collected everything, so we can head back now. (Luna)

We went back to the guild masters office and found Shana chatting happily with Soleil and Velvet.

So, youre telling me that she almost beat Elf General Lia in an archery contest? (Shana)

Yep.  I didnt see it since I was still asleep, but from what everyone there told me, it came down to the last two targets. (Velvet)

I wish I could have watched. (Soleil)

Were back. (Luna)

Is everything done? (Shana)

Yes, we can leave at any time. (Luna)

The lets go.  Thank you for choosing these three, guild master. (Shana)

You should thank the grand master, he was the one that recommended them. (Vince)

Then I will do that later. (Shana)

If everyone will grab onto my arm, we will be off. (Luna)

Soleil and Velvet grabbed onto my right arm and Shana and Louise my left.  Once I made sure everyone was ready, I teleported away.  We arrived in the drawing room of Nias villa and immediately after we arrived, Shana and Louise were on all fours and looking sick.

Sorry, I should have warned you about that.  Teleporting isnt a fun experience for the first several times. I said as I casted some soothing healing magic.

At that moment, Nia came into the room.

Its good to see you again so soon, Luna.  Its also nice to meet you again, Lady Ashe. (Nia)

Its-ugh-good to meet you again as well, Princess Nia. (Shana)

First time teleporting? (Nia)

Yes. (Shana)

Sit down for a little bit and let Luna keep using healing magic on you, Drome and Zeke can wait for a bit. (Nia)

Thank you. Shana said as she and Louise sat down.

Its been a while Soleil, how have things been? (Nia)

Good.  Im happy to see you again. (Soleil)

How is it being an adventurer? (Nia)

Fun.  I made it to D-rank yesterday and when were done with this quest, Ill only have to complete several normal quests to get to C-rank. (Soleil)

Why are you speeding through the ranks? (Nia)

Ask big sis about it later. (Soleil)

Got it. (Nia)

I spent the next several minutes helping the two feel better while everyone else chatted.  Once the color returned to their faces, I stopped my magic.

Thank you. (Shana)

No problem, its my fault the two of you felt like that in the first place. (Luna)

Are the two of you ready then? (Nia)

Yes, but before we go.  Lady Reed, take this, its the quest completion form. (Shana)

Thank you.  When you learn what place in the castle youre staying in, let me know and Ill bring you your things. (Luna)

With this, Nia left with Shana and Louise.  I turned to Velvet and Soleil and asked if they wanted to head to the guild now.

Might as well. (Velvet)

Lets go, I cant wait to see how this city looks. (Soleil)

We left the villa and started on our way to the guild.  Soleil was mesmerized by all of the sights that could be seen from the castle island.

I can see the whole city from here. (Soleil)

Its a wonderful sight, isnt it? (Velvet)

It is, but it pales in comparison to you, Velvet. (Soleil)


The two of you can flirt later, lets go. (Luna)

I dont want to hear that from you.

{Ooh.  Theyre in sync now.}

Indeed.  Though they didnt need to call me out like that.

{But we do have a track record.}

So, I cant help it if talking to you becomes more important than what Im currently doing.

{I understand that, talking with you is my favorite part of the day.}

So, basically every part of every day?

{Yep.  Though its better on nights with the full moon.}

Ill agree with that.

Velvet, I think we started something we shouldnt have. (Soleil)

I think youre right. (Velvet)

You know that Im still paying attention to the two of you as well, right? (Luna)

Lets go.

Fufufufufu. (Luna)

We made our way into the city and after a while the guild.  We immediately found Tomoe and turned in our quest completion papers.  Before we left to go and look for regular quests, I asked Tomoe if she knew where I could go to find information on floating islands in the Demon Empire and she gave me a referral to the library here in the capital.  After that, we went to the quest board and had Soleil pick out some quests that she could complete quickly.

From now until you hit C-rank, I want you and Velvet to go and do these quests. (Luna)

Are you going to go and look for information? (Velvet)

Thats part of it. (Luna)

Dont worry, big sis, Ill get what needs to be done, done before the week is over. (Soleil)

We still have three weeks, so you dont need to push yourself, Soleil. (Luna)

I understand. (Soleil)

We accepted the quests that we found and started to complete them.  They were finished by the end of the day and we made our way back to the castle.  When we arrived, the first thing I did was find out where Shana was staying and delivered her things.  Like this, our first day back in the Celestia kingdom came to an end.

Author's Note:

Luna: I can already tell Shana is going to be the leading one in the relationship.

Tamamo: I agree.  Prince what's-his-face is going to be a whipped husband.

Luna: I wish them good fortune anyway.

Tamamo: Same.  By the way, why don't you just ask Grey about the floating island?  Out of everyone you know, aside from Atmos, he probably knows it's exact location.

Luna: If I did that, it would take all of the fun out of it.  No point in an adventure if you know where all the things you want are and how to easily get them.  I can't really do anything about getting them easily since I'm so strong, but I won't take the easy way of finding them unless absolutely necessary.

Tamamo: At least you're enjoying yourself.

Luna: Only because you're here with me.  If you weren't, then I would probably be going all out with leveling so I could reach you faster.

Tamamo: Luna you charmer.

Luna: I thought I was done with that skill?

Tamamo: You know that's not what I meant.

Luna: Yeah, I know, I just wanted to make a joke, but it fell flat.

Tamamo: Oh well, not every joke you make will be good.

I missed my chance to talk this time, they're too busy with each other now.

Atmos: We're in the same boat then.

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