I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Side Chapter 21: Angry Atmos

Side Chapter 21: Angry Atmos

[Atmos POV]

Atmos, what happened?  Why are you so angry? (Grey)

Shut up Grey, not now.  I have work to do. (Atmos)

Not until you tell me whats going on. (Grey)

Grey, thosethings made Tamamo upset enough to cry.  Im going to do everything in my power to end all those responsible. (Atmos)

But what about the rules? (Grey)

Oh please, Im the Goddess of Fate and Mischief, I can end them while still following the rules.  Now, Let.  Me.  Go. (Atmos)

Fine.  Ill let Luna know that youre making a move.  That will probably help her and Tamamo somehow. (Grey)

You go do that. (Atmos)

I transferred myself from my home to my isolation room.  Before I got started, I notified Order and her husband of my plans.  I didnt wait for their reply and locked the door.

Now, lets get to work.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

I looked at the map of the world that was laying on the table in front of me.  When I focused on Himmels, the continent became the only thing on the map, then further focused on the country that sent those slavers.  As I was figuring out all the parties involved, a small ripple spread across the map.

Heh.  Serves you right.  Guess Tamamo giving up on that continent was the last straw for a lot of others as well.

Once my map stopped moving, all the parties involved in this debacle started to glow.

Lets see.  The royal family, most nobles, lots of merchants.  Hmmm.

I looked closer at the people to separate the innocent from the guilty.  After several seconds of deliberation, the innocent people started to glow purple while the guilty ones glowed green.

Tch.  This will be hard to stay in the rules.  Mischief is one thing, but making them fated to fall into it is another thing.  Gah, the one time I wish I was a Fate-Weaver.  Anyway, lets do this here and that there.

I placed some of my more nefarious prank traps in places where their intended target would be almost guaranteed to trigger them.

Now I wait and see how well this works.  If something doesnt, then I just have to try again with something else.

Time passed as the first of my mischiefs was about to go off.  He was a fat man walking down an overly opulent hallway filled with self portraits of him and his family.  As he passed under a door, he tripped a tripwire.  That caused him to fall down.  It just so happened that where he was going was a small staircase.  He bounced down them before coming to a stop.

Oh no, the countries prime minister is in critical condition, I hope someone finds him before the damage becomes irreparable without highest level healing magic.  Oh wait, no one can use that anymore there.

I looked over at a few of the others to see that they have been triggered as well.  One merchant with the most guilt of the lot is now stuck in a coma from getting hit in the face with too many cakes.

I hope he recovers.  Though with how far behind this continent is I doubt they know what to do withwhat was it called again?  Diabitus?  Styabeetees?  Whatever.

I looked at the castle of this country and what I saw made me smile.

Oh, the horror, the king is trapped in a perpetual cycle of slipping.  He cant stand properly anymore.  I hope someone helps him, oh wait, they will join him if they do.  Heh.

I was about to move on to watching and setting up the next thing when I got an idea.  In front of the people that can still actually recover from this, I left a message.

[Hey stupid mongrels, if you want this to stop before it gets worse, then repent for the wrongs you have done.  This is your one and only out.  Have a- you know what, no, dont have a good life. -A]

Hah, good luck figuring out what I mean by that.

I turned my attention back to the next mongrel.

Oooh.  I actually almost feel bad for that one.  I mean, even I hate it when I stub my toes on things.  Though you have it way worse, mister prince.  I mean the pain in multiplied by whatever his Def stat is.

I looked over the others to see if everything went well and they did.

*Sigh*  I guess this is good for now, though I will check back every now and then to see how far these have spread.

I got up and left the isolation room.

Chaos Realm:


Atmos: Don't be like that, I stayed within the bounds of the rules.

I wasn't going to say anything about that.  Good job.

Atmos: That's unexpected.

Order: Not really.  We would have stopped you if we knew you would go too far.

I mean, that is the reason you told us of your plans after all.

Atmos: True.

Notice: I will be back on Monday.  When that time comes, we will be back to our regularly scheduled fluff.

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