I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 20: Declaration Final

Chapter 20: Declaration Final

Mischas POV

Hotaru poked my shoulder and said.

Are you ready? We are teleporting there! Then she put her hand on my shoulder.

Im ready. I nodded towards her and she returned it.

In an instant, the landscape changed. The place we teleported was not the school that the Director told us about, but a crater. We teleported above the crater around 10 meters, because Hotaru still holding my shoulder, I decided to use my ability to land safely.

After we landed safely, I observe our surroundings. I saw a girl wearing a one-piece dress wearing a mask together with a red-haired man. Immediately I know that the girl is Mugetsu because the emitted pressure from her was intense. Even with my power level bordering SSS rank, I cant judge how much power that she has. This is the first time I have met someone with power high enough that I cant feel it.

I decided to stop her either way because I cant let her spread any more destruction. If Mugetsu was here, then this location was indeed the school. Although we received the report around 4 to 5 minutes ago, for her to annihilate the entire school with a lot of guards makes me sure that she is a monster. But Im not afraid, because if her ability was Telekinesis, then I will definitely win.

Stop right there!! I shouted at Mugetsu.

And if I dont? The voice that came out from Mugetsu seems familiar. I thought I hear that voice before, but there is no way I ever met someone with pressure as suffocating as Mugetsu. Thats not important, right now the most important thing is to stop her.

I will stop you either way because you are a danger! I said, I looked straight at Mugetsu and began preparing to activate my ability at any time.

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I see, then try to stop me! I hope you gave me a little bit of fight. Mugetsu stepped forward.

I activate my ability and shout at her.

I will defeat you here!!


3rd POV

I will defeat you here!!

After Mischa said that, she rushed towards Mugetsu. She took out a gun as she rushed towards Mugetsu.

Mugetsu tried to use her Telekinesis to take Mischas gun, but for some reason, she cant activate her Telekinesis. Its like something was blocking her Telekinesis power to come out from her body. Mugetsu smiled under the mask and use her Adjustment to enchant her body to the limit. Right after she enchanted her body, Mischa fired her gun towards Mugetsu. Because Mugetsus Telekinesis was cut off, her Telekinesis Barrier around her body had disappeared. She didnt take the bullet head-on but dodge it instead.

I see, you can disable or rather seal the ability thats related to emitter type huh. Rekka, you better sat out off this. Said Mugetsu. She had realized Mischas ability because she herself had 2 different types of abilities. Her Telekinesis belongs to the emitter type and Adjustment belongs to the body enchanting type.

Mischa was surprised to see Mugetsu dodging the bullet, she was not expecting Mugetsu to be able to dodge the bullet and know her ability in an instant.

You, how can you move like that!? I already sealed your Telekinesis Ability! Mischa shouted at Mugetsu.

I can say that to you too. How can you drop from 10 meters without a single wound or scratch? Said Mugetsu as she pointed her right hand towards Mischa.

Mischa cant help but shudder as she heard Mugetsu. She thought Could it be she know that I had 2 abilities?

Well, thats not important. Lets continue!! Mugetsu rushed at Mischa and throw a straight punch with her right hand. Mischa was able to defend Mugetsus attack by crossing her arms in front of her chest.

Mischa decided to use her other ability to defends against Mugetsu's attack because her instinct that was honed by training tells her if she didnt use it now she will die.

Mugetsus attack connected and Mischa was blown away and crashed into the craters wall and create a cloud of dust. Fortunately, she was able to activate her 2nd ability to enchant her body and only receive minimum damage from Mugetsus punch.

After recovering from Mugetsus punch, Mischa once again rushed towards Mugetsu and throw a punch. Because of her 2nd Ability to enchant her body, Mischa had arrived at Mugetsus position in a moment. She punched Mugetsu on her face, but Mugetsu was able to evade it. 

Didnt satisfied with the result, Mischa throws a barrage of punches towards Mugetsu. Mugetsu was able to defend and avoid most of Mischa's punches, but she didnt show any sign to attack Mischa.

Why cant I hit you!!! Shouted Mischa.

Their exchange continued for a while until Mugetsu leaped back.

Its getting boring. If you want to stop me, then train yourself further!! Said Mugetsu as she makes a cloud of dust with her feet that covering the whole crater.

Tell your owner!! I will disappear for 2 years. But remember! We, Moon of Akasha will spread the truth to the world!! I, Mugetsu swore on my name!!

After the cloud of dust settled, Mugetsu and the red-haired man, Rekka had gone. Mischas breathing was rough because shes exhausted after throwing a lot of punches at Mugetsu and she deactivates her ability after making sure the situation was safe.

Hotaru, that cant move at all during their exchange approaching Mischa with a frown on her face.

Im sorry, I was useless. After looking at Mugetsu, I cant move my body for some reason. Hotaru bowed her head to Mischa.

Please raise your head Hotaru. You cant move your body was natural. Mugetsu, she emitted a pressure that even made me suffocated for a while.

Mischa gritted her teeth while she said that. She was confident to take Mugetsu down, but she failed to consider that Mugetsu was strong even when her Telekinesis was sealed.

Wait, is she the same as me? thought Mischa. She began assembling the pieces from their exchange. Mischa, even when activating her 2nd ability to enchant her body cant hit Mugetsu even once.

Mugetsu, she has 2 abilities! Muttered Mischa while she felt goosebumps after she had realized the frightening fact about Mugetsu.

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