I will not die a Villainess's death

Chapter 123 123: Fate Is A B*Tch [Pt1]

'Ah, it's going to hurt. I should brace myself for that.'

There was no way the knife was going to miss Elysia at this small range. Her face was bound to be scarred if she tried to dodge but if she did not then she would die for sure.

It was a difficult decision to make but Aurora decided to save her life in exchange for her life's safety. Her face was much less important than her life.

'Besides, maybe my scar will keep Adam and Eve from getting interested in me any further. I should not care that much about it.'

The knife made an impact with something and made a tearing sound but Elysia had somehow lost her balance before it hit her.

Elysia looked behind her, only to find the kid smiling harmlessly at her while also holding his hand in a weird pose.

The person who had attacked Elysia also seemed to have collapsed in front of her. The knife that should have hit Elysia was somehow lodged inside the attacker's hand.

"L-Lord Lexus, please have mercy. I was just following orders and-"

"And you disobeyed me when I gestured for you to step down. I can see just how much you respect me through your actions. I wonder, would you have done the same thing if my brother Noctis was alive and here with us?"

There was the pressure that was emitting from Lexus's body that made even Elysia stand around in surprise. The kid was far too powerful for someone this young.

It reminded Elysia a lot of her situation in the past. But unlike her, this kid seemed to not know the meaning of restraint.

"P-Please forgive me. I did not know that the lady was someone the young master knew personally. I-I will make it up to the lady-"

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"And how will you make it up to her?"

"I-I will-"

The attacker started but Lexus seemed not to be in the mood to hear her. Elysia only realized that she had missed her first window to interfere when she heard the sound of bones breaking.

"You should let her go since I am alright. Besides, isn't this person your guard? He has a right to be worried about you if he sees an unknown person with you."

Elysia was not an idiot and she knew that she was digging a grave for herself by interfering.

But she could not allow the guard to die for something he was supposed to do. Lexus did not seem like a bad kid but he was misled in a bad way.

"Are you telling me what to do? You might have saved me from those kidnappers but you are someone I don't know. And you do bring up a good point. I should take care of you before you become a problem to me."

Lexus's eyes had a different kind of pressure when they were aimed at Elysia. It was difficult to tell that the owner of those red eyes was a seven-year-old child.

Elysia found herself unconsciously taking a step back before she stopped. There was no need for her to be scared and yet she was.

'This kid! Just what kind of monster is he?'

"Are you thinking about what kind of monster I am? Don't give me that look. I did not read your mind. It's just something everyone thinks when they first meet me so I am used to it."

There was a bitter smile on the kid's face that Elysia used to have at one point in her life. It was only after she had things explained by the Head Priest that Elysia understood what she needed to do.

"If you are a monster then I am a monster as well. But that is not a conversation we are close enough to have. I don't care who you are since it's not like we will meet again."

Elysia could not spend a lot of time with this kid. She needed to find a way to get back home.

"W-Why? Are you leaving? Where are you going?"

Suddenly, Lexus looked anxious to stop Elysia from leaving. His eyes were wide and his face was pale.

Elysia was not sure what happened but it seemed as if a switch had been flipped inside Lexus's mind and his power felt unstable.

"You cannot leave. Not after I just found you. Please don't leave me and stay here with me. If not, then you should die to atone for your sins."

In a matter of seconds, the atmosphere had gone from calm to distort. There was a dense cloud of energy surrounding Lexus that was heading toward Elysia.

It was sticky and holding Elysia down. Her senses were dull, almost like she was submerged underwater.

But Elysia was desperate to survive as well. She needed to live and make her way back home. She needed the power to make it all happen.

And as if reacting to her wishes, Elysia's power begins to move again. Her magic was sluggish at first but it seemed to be escaping the hold it was under. The more Elysia struggled against the holding, the more she was able to use her magic.

But that was not the only energy she was feeling brewing inside her body. There was a different energy mixed in with hers.

There was a feeling of a presence beside Elysia but she could not see who it was. Every time she looked around, she found herself to be alone.

"D-Don't go away Brother Noctis. You just came back home and I missed you so much. You do not need to do anything or fear anything. I don't even care that you came back in a different body. I just want you to stay with me."

Those words pierced Elysia's heart and she felt pained to hear them. But at the same time, Elysia could feel that the pain was not her own.

The pain she was feeling had a different owner and a different set of emotions. That was the feeling of the presence Nictis had left behind in her body.

'I see. No wonder the kid felt familiar to me. I guess he must have felt brother Noctis's energy from me.'

It did make sense in a way why the kid had been so quick to trust Elysia despite her questionable origins. It seems like he was related to Noctis.

And that Noctis was the same Noctis Elysia knew from her dreams (memories). This did not seem like a coincidence but it certainly was one.

"Lexus, you need to calm down. I am not Noctis but I did know your brother. You need to listen to me and-"

"You are trying to run away. Why do you always try to leave me behind? I won't allow you to go away this time. You even protected me twice so you care about me as well. Why are you trying to go away?"

The more Elysia tried to calm the kid down, the more he seemed to be getting enraged. This was bad in a lot of ways.

Not only did this put Elysia into trouble but it also increased the chance of them being discovered.

For all she knew, those kidnappers from before might find them and take them away again. This was not a risk Elysia was willing to take.

'Is there nothing I can do? All the magic spells I know are offensive or not appropriate for this situation. And, would my magic even work in this foreign world?'

Just because Elysia could feel her magic did not mean she could perform it well here as well. The absence of any external magic also limited Elysia a lot.

She gestured toward the hurt guard to leave but he seemed reluctant to do so. His eyes were looking at Lexus with concern but there likely was not something he could do about this.

"Lexus, listen to me. You need to calm-epppp"

Elysia was not able to finish her word since she had to use her magic to stop being attacked by Lexus.

As she had guessed, Lexus did have a lot of energy in his small body. The pressure of his abilities was greater than Elysia had expected and it was difficult to stop them under normal circumstances.

But Elysia was not normal as well. She was someone who had a lot of magic and now had this weird energy flowing through her body as well.

She knew she was not going to lose if it came down to exchanging blows. The only thing that made it difficult was the desire to not hurt Lexus.

Elysia was forced purely on the defensive with her magic strengthening her abilities and stopping major injuries from occurring in the first place.

'Ugh, he is not going to listen to me. I will need to knock Lexus out first before explaining things to him. I will ask for his forgiveness later.'

Elysia felt bad for Lexus but she needed to secure her life first. And to do that she had no other choice but to make an offensive move.

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