I will not die a Villainess's death

Chapter 128 128: Collapsing Grounds [Pt2]

When Elysia woke up, she felt like she was hit by an angry beast and then healed using crappy recovery items. Her head was ringing and her torso hurt a lot.

'It's just my luck. I cannot be instantly healed even in this new world. Looks like the fault lies with me rather than the words.'

Elysia had always known that there was something wrong with her. But now she was realizing how right she had been while lying on the hospital bed.

She carefully moved her head to the side to have a look at Lexus's sleeping face. He was lying at her bedside with his arms crossed over her torso. His calm and sweet face made Elysia calm down as well.

But her moments woke him up and Elysia's heart skipped a beat in fright as his red eyes blinked up at her.

"You are finally awake. How are you feeling now? You were in quite a bad shape when we brought you in for treatment but the doctors said that you will recover."

Elysia's whole body hurt but she still held herself upright in front of Lexus. She did not want to be seen as weak in front of the child.

"Your guard certainly did a number on me. I don't know if I should be glad that you have such a reliable guard or afraid for my life. Will there be another attempt on my life soon?"

Elysia tried to lighten the situation by joking around but Lexus's expression said that he did not find these words as funny.

Just as Elysia had gotten a big shock, Lexus had also gotten a terrifying shock. For Elysia to even be joking about her health was something Lexus could not stand for.

"You don't need to worry about that guard again since I fired him. I also fired all those who did nothing as you suffered. You do not need to worry about your security anymore."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Lexus sounded certain of that fact and Elysia should not have felt as reassured as she did by his words. He was just a kid so Lexus should not have been worried safety of a guest like Elysia.

But she was glad that Lexus had come to accept her. Her face did not know how to express her feelings so she only smiled an empty smile at the kid.

"Don't look at me like. I should have done this before you got hurt. I talked with my brother and finally came to terms with him all thanks to you. So don't look at me like I did something unreasonable."

Lexus flared up a little before controlling his expression. He seemed sorry for having lashed out like that.

Elysia was touched by the sincerity in his voice but she also felt a little hollow as soon as she realized that the concern was not purely because of Elysia but due to the influence of the spirit inside her.

It was a saddening fact that Elysia decided not to linger on. She needed to snap out of the despair she was in.

"Lexus, I know you don't want to hear me say this but I need to go back home. Lexus must have told you that I am not from this world. People are waiting for me back home. Oh, but I will leave a little of Noctis's spirit back so that you can have a reminder of him and…"

"Don't pity me like this. I have no intention of ignoring my brother's wish for me to move on so don't even joke about it. If you want to go back home then say it with your whole heart and don't talk about making compromises."

Elysia's thoughts were stuck in her throat as Lexus stared her down. Her nervousness was a given since she had just offended the kid with her words.

She did not know what part of her thought that Lexus would like it if he could be with his brother forever, even if the other party was dead.

'Lexus is much stronger than me mentally. I should not project my insecurities onto him'

Elysia took in a deep breath as she gathered her courage. She needed to ask Lexus to help her out even if it would separate him from the last fragment of his brother's soul. She needed to do it for Adam and Eve and even for Lucas.

"Since it's you who asked me this favor, I can agree to your request. What can you tell me about your world that can help me locate it? I need a starting point."

Lexus's deduction was reasonable. Without a starting point, there was no way to know which world Elysia had come here from. So naturally, there was no world to send her back to.

But Elysia did not have any such thing in her possession that should be exclusive to her world.

"Yeah, about that. Any idea what kind of 'start point' you are looking for?"

Elysia asked, wanting to be useful to her circumstances. She needed to take initiative if she wanted to go back home.

"I don't know what you need but having your energy samples would be a good start. We have a way to detect energy but it might need reworking to detect energy across the world. You will need to be patient until then."

To hear a kid say all this was depressing. Elysia got a glimpse of the kind of childhood Lexus might have lived this far.

"I will be counting on you for the time being. Hopefully, my brother will be looking for me in the meantime as well. If there is one person who can defy any logic, it is Lucas."

That and the world would try to bring Elysia back as well. Her various struggles had told Elysia that the future was planned out already.

So her abrupt exit from her world would send the world's order into chaos and then it would try its best to correct it.

"Nice. In the meantime, why don't you learn some of our local teachings? I am sure that they will be of use to you in the future."

Lexus offered and Elysia had to admit that she was curious about what she could learn here. She had always been a little more inclined to foreign teachings than books and her physical powers were not bad.

"Yeah sure. I will take you up on that offer since I have nothing else to do."


"They all just piss me off even more. Father even forbid me to leave the temple for the time being. I had to sneak away to even come to the castle. You better not waste my time."

Eve was agitated at having to sneak around like this. Everyone and everything was asking for a beating for not cooperating with her.

Not only was the temple deciding to stay out, but even the royal family had also chosen to ignore the situation surrounding Elysia and the Dirac family.

They pretended as if Lord Dirac's warning about leaving did not mean anything. They were not taking him seriously and that was going to come back and bite them in the ass later.

"The situation is similar on my account. Father said not to do anything but mother helped me out. She's the only one on our side for now."

Adam was salty about this fact as well. He had known that Head Priest Yohan had some kind of beef with Elysia but he had never thought that it ran this deep.

The Head Priest would rather see Lucas Dirac leave than help Elysia out and that engaged Adam. The only thing saving Head Priest was the fact that he was needed to keep the temple structure.

"I asked the temple to postpone my installment as the Saintess but they did not agree. I will need to run away at this rate to get my point through their thick skulls."

Not that Eve would not run away on a regular day. But this was too much for even her to handle all the things happening around her.

"I'll see what I can do, but you can only hold on if you ask Lord Dirac for help. I will be going to him before he leaves as well. I need to strike a deal with the Akatsuki kingdom regarding the assets."

Adam had considered what he could do on his end to help Elysia out on their side. And as it stood, more information needed to be researched regarding this issue.

The texts in the royal palace did not have anything regarding this issue and the temple was refusing to open its library to check. Akatsuki kingdom was the only other source of information they had left and Adam wanted to take all of this into the account.

"I need to head back now. Father will start looking for me anytime soon. I need to be present so that no suspicion is drawn toward me."

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